Dallas Cowboys’ Kelvin Joseph is a person of interest in Dallas murder investigation

Maybe one was the driver and one the shooter and that's why they were charged accordingly. Did they say how many were confirmed in the vehicle?
Can't post the article here but it says both were shooters.

Jones initiated the fight.

They confessed.

English's bond was 350K, Jones 250K despite the fact he has priors and wasn't suppose to be carrying

Leads me to believe that English was the one who hit the victim.
Can't post the article here but it says both were shooters.

Jones initiated the fight.

They confessed.

English's bond was 350K, Jones 250K despite the fact he has priors and wasn't suppose to be carrying

Leads me to believe that English was the one who hit the victim.

So KJ possibly didnt even start the fight.

"Throw him away forever" crowd must be frustrated right now.
Who cares whose friends they were or how he knew them? That doesn't absolve him from being an accomplice to murder. The only way he gets out of this is if the other guys in the car agree in separate statements that KJ was just hitching a ride and had no idea what was happening...... or he cuts a deal to rat out the shooter......... which will probably kill his rap career.
Or if Bossman Fat had memory loss for a month. Mammary loss is devastating.
Its pretty sad that the simulation would rather fight tooth and nail by talking around reasonable than to engage with folks/bots/posters trying to be reasonable. Must be a psychology game going on.

Americas Cowboy you are coming off as unreasonable.

Many posts have been made that are reasonable situations and scenarios that KJ could have been in that would/could still make him innocent even while being in the vehicle

1) You hang on to the "he didnt speak for a month", "accomplice", etc etc

There are two very reasonable scenarios where KJ could be innocent that have been mentioned here but you refuse to engage with those reasonable suggestions and revert right back to basically "throw the guy in jail as soon as possible" talk instead of agreeing that those suggestions are reasonable.

A) You would probably think twice about snitching on actual murders. People that could come after you or your family if they find out. You just absolutely refuse to believe this could be a dilemma an innocent person riding in a car could find themselves in if others in the car did a drive by and killed someone.

B) We dont know that KJ didnt tell Cowboys or Authorities after the situation sunk in and he had a lot to lose. You ever watch any of these cop shows? They will have testimony but will wait f or the suspect to slip up first so they dont have to reveal the person that came forward. Its very possible for KJ's safety that all this stuff in the media and waiting a month was strategic in getting these guys rounded up while protecting KJ.

2) You have repeatedly said that since he was in the fight he is guilty to the driveby...or something similar to that. Thats unreasonable. Have you ever been with a group of people when you were young and one of them randomly slashes a tire? Should you be guilty of that?

So...I get it that you are coded to be unreasonable and dance around reasonable...but what is your end game as far as KJ is concerned?

If hes guilty...he would probably be arrested by now.

You really think this guy, if innocent of never intending to or wanting to kill anyone, should be sent to jail? because he got in a fist fight? Because you have something to hold onto in the "accomplice" argument by him supposedly not talking for a month? You dont care if he was scared for his or his families safety? Its unreasonable for him to be scared in the situation? Or...hes not allowed to be scared because he raps about that lifestyle?

You want him in jail and without a job...even if the above scenarios were factual?

Or is it reasonable to keep calling for this kids head with conviction?
1. He didn't report it for a month. That's a fact.
A. If he is an innocent bystander then he has nothing to worry about as far as conviction by coming forward to the police to help solve a crime. If he knows that the shooters are the type of people to hunt him down if he goes to the police then why is he hanging out with them? Again KJ's poor decision making.

B. It was reported early and often that the Cowboys were "blindsided" by this. My interpretation of blindsided is no prior knowledge of the events.

2. He was in the car when the shots were fired and the shots that were fired killed someone. If he somehow squeaks by legally there is a moral responsibility of being in the altercation that was a catalyst to the shooting. But going back to point #1, if he was an innocent bystander then he would have came forward earlier as opposed to being named as a POI. Also he hasn't been arrested YET. That still may happen as more facts come into play.

I could care less if he is in jail without a job. Again these are decisions KJ made. I hope he gets convicted if it can be proven that he contributed more to the murder. Again, KJ made poor decisions that put him in the situation.

Personally I don't want him on the team because his lifestyle is making him unavailable for games. He will be suspended by the league. The only question about that is for how long. I don't care how good of a player he is, if he can't play because of his decision making then he is worthless to us. How many "wake up calls" does this kid need. He had a bumpy road in college that dropped him in the draft causing him to lose millions of dollars. A reasonable person would have realized I need to make changes cuz I just lost out on millions. Now he's in the situation he's in. If he doesn't realize he desperately needs to change his lifestyle then football is not even a concern. I'm concerned about him living past 25. So far he hasn't shown he's getting the hint that this lifestyle is not paying off. Hopefully, and I'm praying, that he changes but I'm not optimistic at this point.
1. He didn't report it for a month. That's a fact.

There is suspicion that he knew of the death of the victim due to social media likes.

Both the "not reporting" and hitting the likes button are going to be hard for him to explain based on when he approached the authorities.

If there was a time delay in coming forward, and there is suspicion he was aware of a homicide - I'm not a lawyer from Texas, but it doesn't look good to me.
There is suspicion that he knew of the death of the victim due to social media likes.

Both the "not reporting" and hitting the likes button are going to be hard for him to explain based on when he approached the authorities.

If there was a time delay in coming forward, and there is suspicion he was aware of a homicide - I'm not a lawyer from Texas, but it doesn't look good to me.

I have briefly read posters talk about a "like" on social media but no one seemed to focus on it in conversation here. If you know more details and are willing to share...im interested.

I just dont think youre that awful of a person because you didnt squeal. There is a lot at stake...friendships, freedom, your hood turning on you for being a snitch...its a terrible situation to be in IF you were an innocent person in that vehicle.

I just dont know what the punishment should be for not coming forward IF innocent of pulling a trigger or egging things on.
There is suspicion that he knew of the death of the victim due to social media likes.

Both the "not reporting" and hitting the likes button are going to be hard for him to explain based on when he approached the authorities.

If there was a time delay in coming forward, and there is suspicion he was aware of a homicide - I'm not a lawyer from Texas, but it doesn't look good to me.
Not sure that matters based upon the deal they struck when he identified the shooters.
There is suspicion that he knew of the death of the victim due to social media likes.

Both the "not reporting" and hitting the likes button are going to be hard for him to explain based on when he approached the authorities.

If there was a time delay in coming forward, and there is suspicion he was aware of a homicide - I'm not a lawyer from Texas, but it doesn't look good to me.
O wow, I didn't know that. I said this earlier in this thread or maybe another one but if I was his friend or agent I would tell him to get off social media ASAP.
Not sure that matters based upon the deal they struck when he identified the shooters.
Either way social media is not helping him and he needs to get off if it quickly. I hope he takes a month or so off of social media.
Not sure that matters based upon the deal they struck when he identified the shooters.
Either way social media is not helping him and he needs to get off if it quickly. I hope he takes a month or so off of social media.
So KJ possibly didnt even start the fight.

"Throw him away forever" crowd must be frustrated right now.

Someone was saying I was stupid for "thinking Joseph didn't know what the mission was."

I happen to write about police investigations for a living, so I know how these things go. If the cops thought it was all about a gang-style drive-by hit on someone, they'd have said so. This was an instance of passersby getting into it and then retaliating rather than letting a scuffle settle.

And, you can also sense that Kelvin Joseph is just being sucked into this crowd of people. Go look at his draft tape. All those people are standing around cheering when he was drafted, but he looked unpleasant to be there at all. Like, he was surrounded by people with their hands out.

That's because he is surrounded by those kinds of people.

It's a common thing for athletes. One of my best friends is a MLB pitcher, one of the best set up men in history of the game, and when he was drafted, that's one of the first things he did: he had to go attend a class about how people leach on to your fame and fortune.

He's loaded now, and I've never once hit him up for a penny. But people do that to him, from all angles and all walks of life, because he's obviously rich. And people confuse athletes for being dumb and gullible. For some, they just don't know any better.
Actually if he has killed someone then I expect justice. Having said that police have not arrested him but have arrested the other 2 men. I would say I hope this serves as a lesson that the company you keep can come back and bite you. I have no desire to see Joseph cut if he did not do anything, except for being in the wrong place


That's why I wanted to change my answer in the other thread.

Good to see you around, old buddy. Hope all is well on you end.
He contributed to the murder of an innocent 20 year old, but that doesn't matter to some of you.

How did he contribute, by just being in the car?

He didn't have a crystal ball with him, not one that told him the future, at least.

The cops did their job well in this case. That's not always the case. But it is here.
Someone was saying I was stupid for "thinking Joseph didn't know what the mission was."

I happen to write about police investigations for a living, so I know how these things go. If the cops thought it was all about a gang-style drive-by hit on someone, they'd have said so. This was an instance of passersby getting into it and then retaliating rather than letting a scuffle settle.

And, you can also sense that Kelvin Joseph is just being sucked into this crowd of people. Go look at his draft tape. All those people are standing around cheering when he was drafted, but he looked unpleasant to be there at all. Like, he was surrounded by people with their hands out.

That's because he is surrounded by those kinds of people.

It's a common thing for athletes. One of my best friends is a MLB pitcher, one of the best set up men in history of the game, and when he was drafted, that's one of the first things he did: he had to go attend a class about how people leach on to your fame and fortune.

He's loaded now, and I've never once hit him up for a penny. But people do that to him, from all angles and all walks of life, because he's obviously rich. And people confuse athletes for being dumb and gullible. For some, they just don't know any better.
One vibe I get from him, no pun intended with the word vibe, is that he is socially anxious. A lot of times when people suffer from social anxiety they mumble. Also his body language displays an uncomfortable feeling. In all the interviews I've seen he looks nervous and anxious. Social anxiety would make someone vulnerable to the wrong people.
Because they want the shooter and he’s small fry for their purposes.


The police have discretion to apply laws. It's simply not a just law, and it's unconstitutional in the end, to think that he has to be punished because he was simply in the car.

It's legitimate to think that he didn't know what was about to happen.

And the cops don't to apply laws on every situation, especially when someone there helps them with the investigation that really matters, i.e., the murder investigation.
One vibe I get from him, no pun intended with the word vibe, is that he is socially anxious. A lot of times when people suffer from social anxiety they mumble. Also his body language displays an uncomfortable feeling. In all the interviews I've seen he looks nervous and anxious. Social anxiety would make someone vulnerable to the wrong people.

You are onto something I believe.

I think he has an anxiety issue.

He's a smart kid. I can see it in there. For someone with his background. He's not educated. He's not book smart, per se. But he has a high comprehension level. He understands more than you'd think by talking to him, and you can hear that in his music, if you're listen objectively.

He's a kid, essentially, young adult, whatever. But I agree... and I think that's why music is his preferred mode of communication. He bought a studio when he was signed. That's actually cool. Now he has something to do when he goes home that hopefully, theoretically, keeps him out of trouble.

On top of what you mention, I think he probably also has some PTSD issues.. from his brother's death.

I'm not ready to just give up on this dude. Not only is he a good player. It's morally wrong not to get him the help he needs on a few things.

Let's not turn this into another Kevin Randle.
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What did the Cowboys see in this guy after interviewing him and seeing how he sounds? KJ sounds like a hood gangsta. What was Jerry thinking?

Jerry was looking at his game tape.

He might be from the hood, but he's a baller.

Stop with the high horse nonsense.

Really? Nothing is worse than murder. Goodell has until August to punish both players. You should expect both players to make a pilgrimage to N.Y.

If it were up to some, the NFL would build its own prison, just to satisfy the blood lust of its fans.

Screw big hits.. someone has to be punished, industrial prison complex-style!
Plot twist...

It was the videographers friends all along. KJ didnt know those guys

He knew at least one of the guys who was arrested. He's the clown you constantly see hamming it up in his music videos.

Very common in rap for there to be some super-thug, wanna be leaching onto the main rapper's talent.

If you're into hip hop, KJ isn't totally without talent. But he is very raw.

im sure it was enough but outwardly he needs to know getting suspensions and losing game checks are also on the table.i believe in second chances but some NFL discipline is necessary IMO. Zeke didnt do squat and got 6 games..

But Zeke actually did something.

In this case, Kelvin Joseph didn't really do anything wrong.

He was just there, unfortunately.

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