This kid is coachable, though.
Like I said, you can see he pays attention and has a decent head on his shoulders. People mistake his background for being dumb. The dude isn't dumb...He's just from poverty and lived in the segregated parts of friggin' Louisiana.. It's rough there. You can punish him, and show him the whole consequences. But I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt and assuming he understand actions have consequences. He just happened to be in the wrong place.. sure, some of that was his fault for choosing to hang around the wrong people.. but this doesn't look like he premediated anything.. it was heat of the moment, impulsive move on the driver and person who shot.
Again, kid isn't a killer. He's just caught up with thugs who don't care about his future.. only how much they can leach from him.
I can appreciate your sentiments here, wanting to teach him something for his own good. But it's not like there's only one way to do that, and punishment of some sort is the way.. you can also reach out and show him some support other ways. And Jerry certainly has the means to do that.
I know we aren't baby sitters. But that's not the situation here anyway. We have a duty to help this guy get on the right track in life if we want him to be our best football player. We can mentor him.. We've failed with other players. But Joseph strikes me as the kind of player who would respond well to a little support from the team. He's our player. Let's back him. He's an asset.