Dallas Cowboys’ Kelvin Joseph is a person of interest in Dallas murder investigation

That’s probably part of it. But some of it is just pure idiocy. Even if he didn’t pull the trigger, he’s in deep **** no matter what. Assuming somebody from his group did. The chances that him and his friends got into a fight w this guy and somebody else killed him are not high at all. So let’s not play stupid here.
How is anyone in deep sh$&t with no evidence that he shot anyone. Do you know what person of interest means? He appears to be a witness to an altercation that might have led to the young man’s murder. The police can’t bring speculation to the DA’s office. They need real evidence. A defense attorney would roast them in court re: Ray Lewis trial.
From Fish Report. Whew! Glad that’s over…

“The Cowboys have not made a public comment about the incident or pending investigation. Media reports indicate that Joseph has admitted to the team about being on the scene that night, but not being involved whatsoever in the drive-by shooting.”

the thing is Ray, the guy shot was from out of town, so who else would do a drive by shooting on him??
Lookit, I was not a fan of the draft pick when it was made, and wanted no part of him before the draft took place. That being said, I think we would all be advised to let the process play itself out before drawing any conclusions as to his innocence or guilt. Other than him saying that he was at the scene, there's really nothing else there that anyone can say with any degree of certainty that Kelvin Joseph was involved in a murder. I would hope that he wasn't stupid enough to risk his career over something like this, but absent any other information, I don't think that anyone can draw a conclusion from this.

Except that person who knows the real story - him - is busy trying to scrub his online account in order to hide something….
I want to just throw around some hind sight/ ya Collins was a person of interest and look how that turned out.
As we stand here today we have no evidence on this murder case but he has a gangster side to him. He has red flags. I’ve had doubts before we drafted Fat Head. If its not this one which one
Collins was no where near his ex girlfriend at the time either. The problem is the police always look at past relationships when someone is murdered. Joseph is the only person at the club that police could identify because of his chain. No matter what he did fighting or innocent bystander, the police would want to talk to him.
How did they know that a homicide took place?
Technically it wasn't a homicide until the kid died in the hospital. At the time of the shots it was an attempted murder or aggravated assault with a deadly weapon but those law vary state to state.
How is anyone in deep sh$&t with no evidence that he shot anyone. Do you know what person of interest means? He appears to be a witness to an altercation that might have led to the young man’s murder. The police can’t bring speculation to the DA’s office. They need real evidence. A defense attorney would roast them in court re: Ray Lewis trial.
Not coming forward to turn his friend in would probably get him tossed from the league.
Sam Williams will probably be our second round pick if he is there.
Jerry: "Do you promise to never again sexual assault a woman? Cross your heart, hope to die, stick a needle in your eye?"
Williams: "I do."
Jerry: "Great! You're our guy."
With the 56 pick in the second round, the Cowboys select ...
Texas doesn't have accessory charges. You're either guilty or you are not. If he wasn't the shooter than he's not guilty, unless he directed the shooting.
Criminal law is intended to prevent and punish conduct that society wants to eradicate. Aiding and abetting laws in Texas extend the law by recognizing that when an individual assists another in the commission or concealment of a crime, he or she should be punished. Even though the individual might not have been involved in committing the criminal act, he or she may face possible jail time.


Aiding and abetting another party’s commission of a crime might include:

  • Failure to make a reasonable effort to prevent another person from committing a criminal act
  • Failure to report the commission of a crime under “mandatory reporter status” (or alert law enforcement to a potential commission of a crime)
  • Agreeing to purchase a firearm for another party to use in the commission of a crime
  • Providing aid to another person who desires to engage in the commission of a crime
  • Aiding another party in the commission of a crime
  • Attempting to help another person in the commission of a crime
  • Directing another party to commit a crime
  • Encouraging another person to commit a crime
  • Soliciting another party to commit a criminal act
How is anyone in deep sh$&t with no evidence that he shot anyone. Do you know what person of interest means? He appears to be a witness to an altercation that might have led to the young man’s murder. The police can’t bring speculation to the DA’s office. They need real evidence. A defense attorney would roast them in court re: Ray Lewis trial.

The Ray Lewis trial was a weird one though. The only thing it turned out any of them were guilty of was destroying evidence as even after Ray Lewis agreed to testify about what happened (against the other two) the other 2 still got off entirely because of self defense. The fact that self defense could be established is why none of the 3 went to jail.

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