Dallas Cowboys’ Kelvin Joseph is a person of interest in Dallas murder investigation

You don't know what I am, have no right to call me that. You're on the ignore list, kiss my rear...
you got to overlook him, he's probably drunk and looking at his high school yearbook while wearing his class ring.

he's okay when he's not an emotional wreck.
All fine sentiments & everyone should not pass any final judgements at this point but you gotta admit that the majority of the time things are the way the circumstances indicated.

What do the circumstances indicate? That he was there with the group that got into the altercation with the other group and that shots were fired from an SUV, killing a member of the second group. Those things do not indicate that Joseph was either the shooter or even in the vehicle. They don't rule it out, but there are a lot of unknowns here at this time. That the police consider him a person of interest indicates that they believe there is a correlation between the group that got into the fight and the SUV, which the police pretty much has said.

Since Joseph was in the group, they'll want him to tell them who else was part of the group so they can round them up to question them. He'll also have to give his account of the encounter and what happened afterward, including where he went, with whom, etc. He can't be ruled out as a suspect since he was with that group until the information that he provides is investigated. They don't want to call him a suspect, either, though because they have no proof of his involvement beyond the fact that he was with that group of people.

It would have probably been best not to say anything about him being a person of interest because it causes suspicion like we've seen in this thread. But it's hard to keep media from finding out these things.
Not coming forward to turn his friend in would probably get him tossed from the league.
Who in the league has been suspended for not snitching? The league won’t touch this unless Joseph gets charged with murder.
Meh. We drafted a guy in Collins who would have been a top 10 pick but dropped all the way out because of a situation like this. He ended up having nothing to do with it.
you got to overlook him, he's probably drunk and looking at his high school yearbook while wearing his class ring.

he's okay when he's not an emotional wreck.

Well something set him off with that rant against me. Hopefully it's a temporary thing, wouldn't like to think he's filled with anger all the time.

Prayers for him....
Who in the league has been suspended for not snitching? The league won’t touch this unless Joseph gets charged with murder.
The NFL is going to touch this because Kelvin Joseph is already involved since he's on video showing attacking the innocent victim, plus being with the group at a club/bar who have been 100% identified as the culprits who shot the innocent man.
Collins went undrafted. But the gist is still the same

Right. That is why I said dropped all the way out of the draft.

Being a person of interest does not mean you were directly involved. Or did the actual murder. People jump to conclusions way too often. It means they want to ask him some questions because they think he has info. Now it might end up he does have involvement beyond it but we have to see.
So you’re smarter than every nfl Gm? Because a home run draft is getting 2 starters. Lol. But sure friend.

Most are smarter than ours. No one with half a brain drafts Taco over TJ Watt because he did not fit our scheme lol. No one drafts Jaylon with a high 2nd round pick like we did and then double down and give him a big extension. Their blunders outweigh their hits and that is why we are spinning our wheels.

You are under the assumption you have to be smart to be a sports GM.
1) Par for the course for the Dallas Cowboys. I want to be surprised, but yeah.....................

2) What happened to just throwing fists and walking away from it? I remember in high school we would get in fights, and a lot of the times, you would become friends with them later in the year. One of my good friends, to this day, started off on the wrong foot in school. So this dood got his ego hurt so bad in the fight that he had to go do a drive-by on the guy? Pathetic. Enjoy prison.

*I'm referring to whoever pulled the trigger. Whether it was Joseph or not.

We used to fight and return to being friends the next day.
A fat guy named Keith challenged me to a fight after school because I slapped him on the head (along with a bunch of other guys). It was all in fun (think Three Stooges slapstick), but he singled me out because I was the smallest.
We were going to fight when we got home, but the bus arrived late, so Keith wanted to get it on outside school as we waited for the bus.
I don't know what happened next, but I always had a knack for flipping people (In several fights, I would judo flip people. Don't ask me where I got that from because I didn't do karate then). My mind went blank and next thing I know, Keith is on his hands and knees spitting because he thinks his lip is busted, and I'm standing over him puzzled (Should I hit him?).
The cards he had in his front shirt pocket are strewn all over the street (we gambled on the bus ride back to our neighborhood). Keith said we're going to finish when we get home. But when his stop came, he got off the bus. And that was that. Since my stop was last, if a person wanted to fight you, either you got off at his stop or he'd get off at your stop. I really didn't want to fight Keith so I didn't get off at his stop. He, obviously, didn't want to fight me anymore because he didn't stay on the bus to get off at my stop.
The next day, word circulated I beat Keith. The girl I had just broken up with look at me with admiration. And Keith said I beat him fair and square.
Even at our 20th class reunion, he still talked about how I beat him. :laugh:
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Just for all of those interested, If he witnessed it and didn't report it, he can face a fine and up to a year in prison. So it's a very big deal to establish if he was in the vehicle or not.


Most likely in that case, they would not pursue charges if he cooperates. They are more interest in catching the shooter than those who may have been with him. If he witnessed it, hopefully he's smart enough to fess up.

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