Dallas Cowboys’ Kelvin Joseph is a person of interest in Dallas murder investigation

People need to stop jumping to conclusions. Innocent until proven....
He will not get off on Goodell justice. He calls that conduct detrimental to the NFL and will throw that book at him. At the very least I see a 6wk suspension coming. I still say that if he was in the SUV when the
deadly shots were fired and he failed to report it, he should be charged with accessory to murder and face a year in jail sentence.
I have lived through a similar situation.

My first wife's brother came to our house needing a place to sleep. Because him and his girlfriend had gotten into a fight. He swear he was done with her and about to get his own place. He asked me to drive him to a guy's house who owed him money. When leaving this guy's house my ex-brother-in-law shot at the guy, because the guy said he owed him nothing. So I drive off and go back home. I kicked his butt out my house then called the cops. When the detective showed up, he told me the victim was dead. I then asked the detective...So what do I get accessory to murder? The detective told me...We don't have accessory to murder in Texas. I was let go scott free. I slept in my own bed that night.

So you do you think has the best information on this subject? The guy who lived through it first hand or the guy who's reading about it on the internet?

Take a nap dude, we're done here.

Your screen name suggest your from California. California and Texas have different laws, JFYI.

Cool story bro.

What you described doesn’t fall into the category of accessory to felony/Law of Parties

I provided you a link to the Reuters article. The actual court documents are available online too.

You’re a arguing about the term rather than the legal concept.
If I was waving pom poms, it would take a while for me to spin a narrative where he wasnt involved somehow given that information. The big questions are will his involvement be limited to where he can avoid jail by giving testimony? And if he can, do the Jones take the moral approach, or do they view it as losing an asset. A guy they were counting on being their #2 CB?
If he can make a deal to avoid jail time, do the Joneses go the Arnette/Gladney route? Or do they hold on to him.

What do you think they should do?

I amend my previous point; I cannot fathom being in the car with a drive-by shooter who murdered the guy you just beat up and only getting a 2-4 game ban. This is absolutely premeditated by the killer if they’re going back to someone they met earlier. You’re hanging out with a guy while he’s planning first degree murder? If he doesn’t get a year or indefinite ban, that would be really surprising. A man is dead.

But Jerry I think will still hold on to him Gregory-style and say something like “kicking him to the street is the worst thing we could do for him right now. He needs support and we’re the best place for that”
I amend my previous point; I cannot fathom being in the car with a drive by shooter who murdered the guy you just beat up and only getting a 2-4 game ban. If he doesn’t get a year or indefinite ban, that would be really surprising. A man is dead.

But Jerry I think will still hold on to him Gregory-style and say something like “kicking him to the street is the worst thing we could do for him right now”
My guess is he starts the season on the exempt list. Then get suspended in 2023. Brent got 10 games for his responsibility in Jerry Browns death in 2013

I have a feeling you are right about Jerry
If this is true, then the NFL should ban him for life. Is this not textbook conduct detrimental? What kind of person does this? What kind of lowlife can live with that for a month?

Goodell should not leave anything up to this owner, his moral compass spins too easily.
That, is an empty argument to the court. No one cares whether he wants to be a snitch or not. If he hinders the investigation, he will most likely be charged.

And it is still unknown the level of his involvement. But he did not have to stay in that vehicle and go hunting. He chose to put himself at risk and the Cowboys better not ignore that.

Just going out partying with your boys should not be automatically interpreted as "put himself at risk." He could very well not have known anybody had a gun until there were shots fired at which point self preservation might dictate that you "play it cool" until you can get the hell out of there. That might mean sitting quietly in the car until you got dropped off somewhere. Make too much noise about what just happened and you end up laying on the pavement in a yellow outline too because any idiot stupid enough to open fire on a kid walking to his car is certainly stupid enough to shoot his "friend" if he protests too much.

It's unfortunate that this has happened to this young man no matter how it went down. A young person lost his life over some pointless bullcrap and eventually several lives will be ruined as a result. This sucks well beyond anything that has to do with football.
Here what I see without knowing anything specific:

A. Kelvin is with 5-ish guys. They beat up a dude talking smack. We know that happened.

B. Later, some collection of the guys who beat him up come back and shoot the man dead.

C. Kelvin is not the shooter, and his defense is he had no knowledge they were coming back to do that.

This means that…

D. This is first degree murder. First degree means it was premeditated, it’s not a result of impulse in the moment. They went somewhere, then came back to search for the specific person to kill. So even if Kelvin really had no knowledge this was about to happen, he was hanging out with a dude or dudes who were In the middle of planning to kill someone.

I personally cannot fathom how you could be with a group prepping to do that and be entirely oblivious to it. Why did he think they were going back to the nightclub? The shooter needed to brandish the weapon and have it loaded before they rolled up, how does Kelvin not see this if he’s in the front seat? What effort did he make to stop the shooter?

Such a crazy scenario, I wonder how this will play out
I amend my previous point; I cannot fathom being in the car with a drive-by shooter who murdered the guy you just beat up and only getting a 2-4 game ban. This is absolutely premeditated by the killer if they’re going back to someone they met earlier. You’re hanging out with a guy while he’s planning first degree murder? If he doesn’t get a year or indefinite ban, that would be really surprising. A man is dead.

But Jerry I think will still hold on to him Gregory-style and say something like “kicking him to the street is the worst thing we could do for him right now. He needs support and we’re the best place for that”
Not the same thing. Gregory is not a thug lowlife, he was just a stoner. He would hold onto him thinking he might play.
Here what I see without knowing anything specific:

A. Kelvin is with 5-ish guys. They beat up a dude talking smack. We know that happened.

B. Later, some collection of the guys who beat him up come back and shoot the man dead.

C. Kelvin is not the shooter, and his defense is he had no knowledge they were coming back to do that.

This means that…

D. This is first degree murder. First degree means it was premeditated, it’s not a result of impulse in the moment. They went somewhere, then came back to search for the specific person to kill. So even if Kelvin really had no knowledge this was about to happen, he was hanging out with a dude or dudes who were In the middle of planning to kill someone.

I personally cannot fathom how you could be with a group prepping to do that and be entirely oblivious to it. Why did he think they were going back to the nightclub? The shooter needed to brandish the weapon and have it loaded before they rolled up, how does Kelvin not see this if he’s in the front seat? What effort did he make to stop the shooter?

Such a crazy scenario, I wonder how this will play out


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