Dallas Cowboys’ Kelvin Joseph is a person of interest in Dallas murder investigation

Not the same thing. Gregory is not a thug lowlife, he was just a stoner. He would hold onto him thinking he might play.

No I agree, but if Kelvin is found innocent in court a la Ray Lewis, and he really just needs to pick better friends, Jerry could see him as an asset in need of redemption
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I can easily see Joseph getting out of this with a good lawyer and if he cops a plea/deal. That said, I think at minimum he’s going to be suspended and the Cowboys may even choose to cut bait with him just for the optics.
Just going out partying with your boys should not be automatically interpreted as "put himself at risk." He could very well not have known anybody had a gun until there were shots fired at which point self preservation might dictate that you "play it cool" until you can get the hell out of there. That might mean sitting quietly in the car until you got dropped off somewhere. Make too much noise about what just happened and you end up laying on the pavement in a yellow outline too because any idiot stupid enough to open fire on a kid walking to his car is certainly stupid enough to shoot his "friend" if he protests too much.

It's unfortunate that this has happened to this young man no matter how it went down. A young person lost his life over some pointless bullcrap and eventually several lives will be ruined as a result. This sucks well beyond anything that has to do with football.
Ronnie, do you really think he doesn't know about these guys he's with? He chose the company he was keeping and when they are all identified, this is going to look much worse for him. Think the shooter has no record?
He done…
I’m sure he will argue he had no idea but there’s no way I’ll ever believe that.
Maybe he gets off for testifying but that could mean time away from football until that’s over and then there’s Goodell who loves to squash a cowboy for anything.
I’ll be shocked if he plays for us again.
No I agree, but if Kelvin is found innocent in court a la Ray Lewis, and he really just needs to pick better friends, Jerry could see him as an asset in need of redemption

Unless it comes out and that he proves that he pleaded with his friends to not shoot and did everything he could to stop them, it's over. He's at best an accessory to murder.
Here what I see without knowing anything specific:

A. Kelvin is with 5-ish guys. They beat up a dude talking smack. We know that happened.

B. Later, some collection of the guys who beat him up come back and shoot the man dead.

C. Kelvin is not the shooter, and his defense is he had no knowledge they were coming back to do that.

This means that…

D. This is first degree murder. First degree means it was premeditated, it’s not a result of impulse in the moment. They went somewhere, then came back to search for the specific person to kill. So even if Kelvin really had no knowledge this was about to happen, he was hanging out with a dude or dudes who were In the middle of planning to kill someone.

I personally cannot fathom how you could be with a group prepping to do that and be entirely oblivious to it. Why did he think they were going back to the nightclub? The shooter needed to brandish the weapon and have it loaded before they rolled up, how does Kelvin not see this if he’s in the front seat? What effort did he make to stop the shooter?

Such a crazy scenario, I wonder how this will play out

Whoa there slow down there fella.. You wanted Joseph to wrestle with a dude who was holding a loaded gun inside of a car? On what planet does that end well? And the moron who did the shooting might have told everybody in the car he just wanted to go back and scare the guy.. to which they all would have laughed and thought they were just doing some stupid post-adolescent "punking" of the guy. There is no guarantee nor evidence that the shooter announced his intention to commit murder to all those witnesses.. I have never had any friends I was THAT tight with.
I can easily see Joseph getting out of this with a good lawyer and if he cops a plea/deal. That said, I think at minimum he’s going to be suspended and the Cowboys may even choose to cut bait with him just for the optics.
Does he think he is above the optics of this?

If he doesn't cut bait, what an off season. The Dalrymple stuff, the daughter situation and now this.
If he was in the car and wasn’t the shooter, he certainly knows the shooter. Dallas should be giving him an ultimatum - Give up the shooter or you contract is terminated.
Not to mention he should have gone straight to the police that very night. He is at least an accomplice.
I can easily see Joseph getting out of this with a good lawyer and if he cops a plea/deal. That said, I think at minimum he’s going to be suspended and the Cowboys may even choose to cut bait with him just for the optics.
This might have been true if he had immediately gone to the police to tell his side of the incident. But he only came forward after being identified in the video almost a month later.. He's toast now.
Here's my problem with this.......horrible judgment/decision to get in a vehicle with the shooter AFTER A FIGHT. The fight should have been enough to pack it in......go home. In other words, put some distance between you and your associates, immediately.

passenger in a vehicle involved in a drive-by shooting that killed a 20-year-old. But the attorney, Barry Sorrels, said Joseph was unarmed.

Cameron Ray died March 18 from gunshots fired from a back SUV following a fight earlier in the night outside a nightclub.
I can easily see Joseph getting out of this with a good lawyer and if he cops a plea/deal. That said, I think at minimum he’s going to be suspended and the Cowboys may even choose to cut bait with him just for the optics.
For reference Brent got 10 games for Jerry Browns death. Not the same, but its a start. I think the exempt list is also likely so it could be almost two years before he plays again

Cutting bait is hard to predict with this franchise. They probably should, given that it's hard to sell thag he wasnt involved when he has placed himself in the vehicle. However, I can him being a Jones rehab special too
Unless it comes out and that he proves that he pleaded with his friends to not shoot and did everything he could to stop them, it's over. He's at best an accessory to murder.

Right right, I’m only speaking in the scenario where he’s not charged with anything
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Whoa there slow down there fella.. You wanted Joseph to wrestle with a dude who was holding a loaded gun inside of a car? On what planet does that end well? And the moron who did the shooting might have told everybody in the car he just wanted to go back and scare the guy.. to which they all would have laughed and thought they were just doing some stupid post-adolescent "punking" of the guy. There is no guarantee nor evidence that the shooter announced his intention to commit murder to all those witnesses.. I have never had any friends I was THAT tight with.

If they’re friends, he can talk to him. If not, is it a “I feared for my life” scenario? It could be, the bottom paragraph I wrote without the ABCD is just speculation
There is a lot we do not know yet. He is only 22 which for some players is still a kid. Before we toss him to the curb we need to get all the facts. It looks bad but was he in the wrong place at the wrong time and this is a teaching moment? or was he a leader of the pack? Some players have to go through something to learn how to avoid trouble and grow up. If he was the shooter then there is no other choice than to cut him immediately. If he was in the car and unaware someone was going to fire the gun then it may be a very different story. If he truly was an unwitting accomplice I do believe the DA will cut him a deal if he testifies against the shooter. He could walk away with just probation. Then the league will step in and deal with him.

I just wish these kids would know better than to risk everything just to hang with a posse. It is so stupid.
Unless it comes out and that he proves that he pleaded with his friends to not shoot and did everything he could to stop them, it's over. He's at best an accessory to murder.
If that were true, why remain silent about this until he was identified? He has no case for not reporting this and the boy's family has been pleading for help.

He will be considered complicit and culpable by public opinion and the NFL/Goodell responds to public opinion as we saw in the Ray Rice situation.

If this had just happened, he might have some wiggle room but this guy has been walking around with this knowledge for weeks just hoping not to get identified. At best, it is a sin of omission. He's not getting out of this.
Ronnie, do you really think he doesn't know about these guys he's with? He chose the company he was keeping and when they are all identified, this is going to look much worse for him. Think the shooter has no record?

He probably does but so what. I have a dozen childhood buds who also have a record.. but none of them has ever shot anybody to my knowledge. My guess is that none of these guys had ever done so either.. which is why he could have screamed it out loud throughout the club and nobody would have taken him seriously. Including the guys he was hanging with. Drunk/high people say stupid crap all the time. "I'm gonna kill you!" probably gets spoken in nightclubs and bars almost as much as "Would you like come home with me, baby!" Neither gets much farther than talk in 99.99% of cases.

I couldn't pick Kelvin Joseph out of a lineup so I honestly could care less about him. My main thoughts are about the kid who got killed and this continued pattern of people killing each other over this sort of nonsense in our society. But I will say I'm not in favor of jumping to the conclusion that Joseph must somehow take the fall for whatever happened. Unless he pulled the trigger or refuses to cooperate with the investigation he has done nothing wrong other than having some idiot friends. Unfortunately a lot of guys his age are idiots... so he's hardly alone in that regard.
Here's an case where a guy was sentenced to death in Texas for accessory to murder as the getaway driver.
He knew the crime was about to take place and was a party to that crime. If someone is killed during the commission of a felony the death sentence comes into play. The news article describes it as accessory but that not how the judicial system looks at cases like this. The driver was indicted for murder not accessory to murder.

If you chase someone out into the street and they get killed by an unexpecting driver. The person who chased him will get charged with murder. The driver will go that day.

If you and your buddy were chasing a guy down and you run him into the street. And he gets accidentally hit and killed by the car your buddy was driving, you and him will be charged with murder.

There's a big difference in knowing about the crime and not knowing about it. If you know about it then you'll be charged.

If you stand guard while your buddy goes in the house and rapes his ex-girlfriend (she stole money from him during the breakup). You will be charged with rape. Just like there is no such thing as accessory to rape there is no such thing as accessory to murder. The media may say you were an accessory to a rape, but in all actuality there is no such thing.

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