Dallas Cowboys’ Kelvin Joseph is a person of interest in Dallas murder investigation

So I guess Joseph cant blame society for this one. It was his decision to get in the car with gang banging thugs.

What the hell are you talking about. Who did he blame ? He said he was in the vehicle, he didn't blame anybody
I walked away and I'm not a sommelier. My grandfather was, but I don't have his nose.
Your low-key shiznit is kind of awesome and also not appreciated at the same time.

Life is life and we all go through it all of its journeys until it ends.
And then it ends.
If anyone is in law can you answer this question? If he admitted he was in the car and didn’t say anything for a month then shouldn’t he be arrested right now? Makes me feel like there’s more to the story and we’re missing something.

If anyone is in law can you answer this question? If he admitted he was in the car and didn’t say anything for a month then shouldn’t he be arrested right now? Makes me feel like there’s more to the story and we’re missing something.

He's probably talking to the police right now. He could be arrested this evening for all we know.
If anyone is in law can you answer this question? If he admitted he was in the car and didn’t say anything for a month then shouldn’t he be arrested right now? Makes me feel like there’s more to the story and we’re missing something.

Posted by someone who doesn't get the Law.
They need more bubba.
Joseph likely will not be playing in this league anytime soon.... The fact he covered it up by keeping quiet, was in the car he's probably cooked. Wrong state to be involved... His only hope is his buddies state Joseph did no wrong.

Aiding and abetting under Texas law
Under the Penal Code Title 2 Chapter 7, not only are are you liable for any crime you directly commit, but you also can be found criminally responsible for crimes conducted by another if:

  • You cause or assist an innocent or nonresponsible person to engage in any type of conduct that’s prohibited by the offense.
  • You intentionally promote or assist in the offense by soliciting, encouraging, directing, aiding or attempting to aid another individual in committing the crime.
  • You hold a legal duty to prevent crime and fail to make a reasonable effort to stop it from being committed.
In the state of Texas, aiding and abetting laws also apply if, while being involved in a criminal conspiracy, another felony is committed, and you will be charged as if you actually did the crime. Even if you enter into the conspiracy with no intent to commit it or cause harm to another person or their property and a crime occurs, you will be held responsible and charged under Texas state criminal law.
exactly he will explain his actions soon enough, yet this place has him buried in guilt already,,media frenzy court of public opinion has spoken ugghhh these people know what happened and has him guilty they were all there..
So how do you feel about the young man who was shot and killed? does that register to you at all? How about his family? What do you think they think of KJ now?
Are you going to condemn them if they say KJ should do time? Or if they talk poorly of him?

The law will do the judging, and he may get off lightly if he testifys for immunity, but cowboys should release him,
as he is obviously a slime ball who has no remorse over what happened.
If you cant see that I dont know what to say.
No need. You're a friend of mine and that's not changing anytime soon.
That's cool bro. With your interactions with @Captain-Crash and what you disclosed about your past I have a lot of respect for you. Trying to do the right thing in the wrong environment is highly valued by me. I'm a therapist and I work with all types of clients. I do sports therapy, trauma therapy and I donate my time to see a couple clients for free. The clients I see for free are usually teenagers with no insurance and trying to break out of bad environments. I'm all about people breaking out of bad circumstances and hearing about an adult that did it is encouraging.
Joseph likely will not be playing in this league anytime soon.... The fact he covered it up by keeping quiet, was in the car he's probably cooked. Wrong state to be involved... His only hope is his buddies state Joseph did no wrong.

Aiding and abetting under Texas law
Under the Penal Code Title 2 Chapter 7, not only are are you liable for any crime you directly commit, but you also can be found criminally responsible for crimes conducted by another if:

  • You cause or assist an innocent or nonresponsible person to engage in any type of conduct that’s prohibited by the offense.
  • You intentionally promote or assist in the offense by soliciting, encouraging, directing, aiding or attempting to aid another individual in committing the crime.
  • You hold a legal duty to prevent crime and fail to make a reasonable effort to stop it from being committed.
In the state of Texas, aiding and abetting laws also apply if, while being involved in a criminal conspiracy, another felony is committed, and you will be charged as if you actually did the crime. Even if you enter into the conspiracy with no intent to commit it or cause harm to another person or their property and a crime occurs, you will be held responsible and charged under Texas state criminal law.
They "can" charge that doesn't mean they "will" charge. They actually need him as a witness since they don't know anything about what happened (and who did it).
That's cool bro. With your interactions with @Captain-Crash and what you disclosed about your past, I have a lot of respect for you. Trying to do the right thing in the wrong environment is highly valued by me. I'm a therapist and I work with all types of clients. I do sports therapy, and trauma therapy and I donate my time to see a couple of clients for free. The clients I see for free are usually teenagers with no insurance and trying to break out of bad environments. I'm all about people breaking out of bad circumstances and hearing about an adult that did it is encouraging.
that sounds awesome. keep up the great work. I have nothing but respect for you.

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