Dallas Cowboys’ Kelvin Joseph is a person of interest in Dallas murder investigation

So how do you feel about the young man who was shot and killed? does that register to you at all? How about his family? What do you think they think of KJ now?
Are you going to condemn them if they say KJ should do time? Or if they talk poorly of him?

The law will do the judging, and he may get off lightly if he testifys for immunity, but cowboys should release him,
as he is obviously a slime ball who has no remorse over what happened.
If you cant see that I dont know what to say.

What makes you think he has no remorse?
I am speculating like most of us have been doing since ****NOT-AN-OFFICIAL-SOURCE*** did a whole show on this last night.:laugh:I think he lawyered up and made those statements to the media and the victim’s family because he is going to tell the police what happened. It won’t come out until they arrest someone but believe me the police can’t get anyone without Joseph‘s testimony.
they can use testimony of anyone in the car, to find them KJ might give them their names, or they can just look at all his friends.
If someone else comes forward they wont need KJ.
Who even cares anymore really. I havent been this disgusted with this team in a long time. Nothing about this offseason makes any sense,......this is just one more terd stacked on top of that whole damn pile.
They "can" charge that doesn't mean they "will" charge. They actually need him as a witness since they don't know anything about what happened (and who did it).

Everyone is innocent until proven guilty, but this looks very bad for him.... CB is now a need too as we can't rely on that scumbag.
That's cool bro. With your interactions with @Captain-Crash and what you disclosed about your past I have a lot of respect for you. Trying to do the right thing in the wrong environment is highly valued by me. I'm a therapist and I work with all types of clients. I do sports therapy, trauma therapy and I donate my time to see a couple clients for free. The clients I see for free are usually teenagers with no insurance and trying to break out of bad environments. I'm all about people breaking out of bad circumstances and hearing about an adult that did it is encouraging.
I'm just glad I got to move away and it's all behind me.
They can arrest him simply for not reporting it at the time. That's a class A misdemeanor with possible jail time of up to a year. Why aren't they arresting him? My guess is that they don't think he's the trigger-man and want him to testify in return for not arresting and charging him.
yes I said before he could get immunity if he agrees to testify against the shooter.
usually the first one to come in gets that deal.
I think if he told who all was in car, they will talk to all of them and get more details.

The police mainly want the shooter, but may later then also go after the others on lesser charge.
I know I would want to talk to all of them to get as much info as possible.
That's cool bro. With your interactions with @Captain-Crash and what you disclosed about your past I have a lot of respect for you. Trying to do the right thing in the wrong environment is highly valued by me. I'm a therapist and I work with all types of clients. I do sports therapy, trauma therapy and I donate my time to see a couple clients for free. The clients I see for free are usually teenagers with no insurance and trying to break out of bad environments. I'm all about people breaking out of bad circumstances and hearing about an adult that did it is encouraging.

Very commendable. Love to hear it, thank you for caring.

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