Dallas Cowboys’ Kelvin Joseph is a person of interest in Dallas murder investigation

It’s not my cup of tea but auto tune rap seems to be the wave. I hear his music and hear others music of guys who are top 40 and Bossman doesn’t seem to far off lol.

Mostly auto tune sucks. There's a few songs that have it that add to the song, but mostly it's awful. I'm not a huge fan of rap but like some of the older stuff. There are some absolutely beautiful rap songs however and many have fantastic messages. I don't imagine that I'd like a single rap song with auto tune. People who think all rap is garbage or all "gangster" haven't listened to enough. Some are very anti-"gangster" or have very relevant lyrics pointing out societal problems.

Bone Thugs-n-Harmony "The Crossroads" has such gorgeous harmonies and doesn't use auto tune.
You prove the Backwards State theory, stout lad.:oops:
People also go to Cali, Florida, Illinois, Colorado, ad infinitum, in droves. What of it?
Sorry, 1st Amendment opponent. I write and say what I want.

You do know that Texas was stolen from Mexico, don't you?
Or don't you, as per Texas Texas history curriculumn?;)
You do know Mexico stole Nueva España from Spain? Never paid them a single centavo for it to this day. At least, we let Mexico keep half of their stolen territory,, AND we paid them for the upper half. Spain stole and took this land from the Native American tribes, so what's your point other than to show at least the USA paid for what they took and continues to financially support the native tribes, unlike the others.

So who is the backwards, uneducated, twisted historical spewing varmint? Pinche coyote.
Mostly auto tune sucks. There's a few songs that have it that add to the song, but mostly it's awful. I'm not a huge fan of rap but like some of the older stuff. There are some absolutely beautiful rap songs however and many have fantastic messages. I don't imagine that I'd like a single rap song with auto tune. People who think all rap is garbage or all "gangster" haven't listened to enough. Some are very anti-"gangster" or have very relevant lyrics pointing out societal problems.

Bone Thugs-n-Harmony "The Crossroads" has such gorgeous harmonies and doesn't use auto tune.
It’s some great music for sure out there. I can’t get behind that drill and autotune stuff. Just not for me.
Mostly auto tune sucks. There's a few songs that have it that add to the song, but mostly it's awful. I'm not a huge fan of rap but like some of the older stuff. There are some absolutely beautiful rap songs however and many have fantastic messages. I don't imagine that I'd like a single rap song with auto tune. People who think all rap is garbage or all "gangster" haven't listened to enough. Some are very anti-"gangster" or have very relevant lyrics pointing out societal problems.

Bone Thugs-n-Harmony "The Crossroads" has such gorgeous harmonies and doesn't use auto tune.

That reminds me. I miss my Uncle Charles.
I’ve been offline today so I haven’t caught the latest updates. Just saw an article that says his attorneys say he was a passenger in the car but not the shooter. Doesn’t that mean he’s done with football then? They’re admitting he was in the car so he was an accomplice. And I don’t believe he flipped on who the shooter was. So I don’t see how he’s still in the NFL in a few days if his own lawyers are admitting to that.
You do know Mexico stole Nueva España from Spain? Never paid them a single centavo for it to this day. At least, we let Mexico keep half of their stolen territory,, AND we paid them for the upper half. Spain stole and took this land from the Native American tribes, so what's your point other than to show at least the USA paid for what they took and continues to financially support the native tribes, unlike the others.

So who is the backwards, uneducated, twisted historical spewing varmint? Pinche coyote.

Got ya, ruffian.
Mexico is 85% native American.
And yes, Mexico retook her lands from Spain and later from the French.

Thus, faux historian, Mexico re-took land originally de Mexico or Mechico/metztli.

The good news is Laredo community college has free history classes.
Avail yourself, chap!o_O
Better not, or he might hope something happens to you.
I'm adding an wireless electric fence to the property.
Probably won't help, but you never know of all them fetish characters out there.

Maybe I should invest in something... LOL!
I'm just typing...
See ya tommorow
I'm adding an wireless electric fence to the property.
Probably won't help, but you never know of all them fetish characters out there.

Maybe I should invest in something... LOL!
I'm just typing...
See ya tommorow

As you know from your experience with me, no-contact orders don't work.
Got ya, ruffian.
Mexico is 85% native American.
And yes, Mexico retook her lands from Spain and later from the French.

Thus, faux historian, Mexico re-took land originally de Mexico or Mechico/metztli.

The good news is Laredo community college has free history classes.
Avail yourself, chap!o_O
Ha! Let's see how well you truly know history...

You say Mexico is 85% native? Describe native because I bet you don't even realize much of those natives were invaders themselves who conquered the real ancient natives of the Mexico region. Don't be lifting up your collar for what you truly don't know or understand, Wile E. Coyote.
Ha! Let's see how well you truly know history...

You say Mexico is 85% native? Describe native because I bet you don't even realize much of those natives were invaders themselves who conquered the real ancient natives of the Mexico region. Don't be lifting up your collar for what you truly don't know or understand, Wile E. Coyote.

Certainly 16,600 before your Bulgarian fam got here, old boy!

Well, Mexico native as in 17,000 years in the Americas.

But for the record, exactly what invaders quelled the original indigenous people?
Is there a millennium missed by scholars?

Oh, you are just spouting off again.
Avail yourself of historical inquiry.

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