Dallas Cowboys’ Kelvin Joseph is a person of interest in Dallas murder investigation

Man oh, man...

If Jerry doesnt cut this kid I will be frustrated with him.

The kid deserves a second chance if he truly is not a thug anymore but those were his long time friends and he did nothing at all...but its got to be with a different team.

Bossman is not a very smart character at all. This incident proves that. Just cut your loss. This kid needs to think about what hes doing in life for a year or two. Killing over nothing? For...cred? Beyond mentally ********.

Small time Gangsta things are very very ******** to me. Most of it has nothing to do with gaining significant money or power. Throwing your freedom away for cred...lol.

Winning against...Cameron Ray...was so important that guns had to be used? And it was worth it? My goodness Bossman and the people he runs with are not bright. Maybe they woke now.
They'd have to convince a jury that he didn't know someone died. And just knowing someone was shot by his friend who was in a car with him, whether the person died or not, by law, he should have come forward.

There's going to have to be some extreme extenuating circumstances for him to be allowed to stay in the NFL, regardless of his legal standing.
Should have and required to come forward are very different.
I mean you are right. All these singers with so much talent and money get hooked on drugs or assault women and children. Maybe their issues are their gifts.:huh:
There's a saying "your gifts will take you where your character can't keep you."

Talents are separate from character. Everyone has something they excel at. But character defines what you do with your talents.

The singers who succumb to the pressure either don't have a moral constitution that stops them from making certain decisions or weren't trained in such a way that their training overcomes the peer pressure.

I say this because some people, despite their backgrounds, rise above their circumstances. Others, however, do so because they received training to resist certain temptations.
I’m not sure what took more of a hit - his football career or his rap career.

Ok so he's staying put in Dallas.

Great news. He's going to be one of the best in the league. Another incident like this and he is toast.
I'm his lawyer:

Sir did the vehicle you were in when shots were fired stop? No
Sir were you aware that those shots fired actually hit a person? No

So you were not aware someone was shot? No.
You mean you could not tell from 50 yards away in a moving vehicle late at night in the dark someone in your vehicle had just shot a man? No

Yiu did not read in the paper a man died on the same night yiu were at that club? No, I can't read so well so I avoid newspapers.

You did not see a news report about the man succumbing to his injuries as a result of being shot? No, i do not watch the news, I only watch the bachelor keeping up with the Kardashians and *******.

So you mean to tell this court that you had no idea someone had been shot and died at the club you were at on the same night? No, I had no idea anyone had been injured until the police contacted me. At which time I was 100% cooperative with police and answered all of their questions.

Ya cool. I’m an attorney. My main point is he has horrible friends and judgement. The main thing here is he obviously knew there was a fight and then saw his friends shoot out of the car. That’s indisputable. Guys an idiot overall
Kelvin Joseph is a person of interest.

we know what it means. the idiot got his butt whipped by the victim and later the guy was shot.
duh, they wanted to talk to him about the guy's death. sheesh

I cant tell if youre stirring the pot or if the butt whooping happened.

You make it sound as if you know for a fact he got whooped by Ray.

I have only heard that the original confrontation was between Bossman and Ray. I just assume it was verbal.
this is how I see it, I might be wrong.

  • gets in a fight and loses
  • gets in the suspect's car and acknowledges he's in it
  • shots are fired from the suspect's vehicle
  • shots are fired because you got your butt kicked. 'disrespected"
  • a young man is hit and killed
  • verdict. "guys innocent because he was just an innocent dumb person who plays for the Cowboys"
case closed,
this is how I see it, I might be wrong.

  • gets in a fight and loses
  • gets in the suspect's car and acknowledges he's in it
  • shots are fired from the suspect's vehicle
  • shots are fired because you got your butt kicked
  • a young man is hit and killed
  • verdict. "guys innocent because he was just an innocent dumb person who plays for the Cowboys"
case closed,
Who said he was beat up? Or even the one directly in the fight? I haven’t seen that
Who said he was beat up? Or even the one directly in the fight? I haven’t seen that

I think hes stirring the pot here. I have heard many different things.

Was there a different fight than the one on the video? Who was winning the fights in the video?
You are reaching man. Let’s see what the evidence says. If the shooter decided to shoot the young man on his own that has nothing to do with Joseph. You are missing the point of Joseph talking to the police with a high price lawyer specifically making.a public statement saying that Joseph was not the shooter and had nothing to do with the shooter.

First, I'm not reaching. I've seen it happen OFTEN.

Second, I'm talking about a CIVIL case. A criminal case is different than a civil case. The burden of proof is lesser for the latter.

So, even if Joseph didn't fire the shot and that may exonerate him from a murder charge, by being in the car, he could be considered culpable in a civil suit, ESPECIALLY if he's on video fighting with someone in the rival group.

In fact, I'm going to predict with 95 percent certainty that Cameron Ray's family will file a civil suit against Kelvin Joseph, regardless whether KJ is brought up on criminal charges.

Do you think I'll be proved wrong?
the video shows him fighting and losing. I guess that's enough disrespect to shoot someone?

You might be right...but if not...ill take the bait.

Can you identify by describing their clothes...which guy you are saying is KJ in the video? Describe the guy he is getting beat up by

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