Dallas Cowboys’ Kelvin Joseph is a person of interest in Dallas murder investigation

No question Jerry is going to have to release him early next week. The Commish will inform Jerry if he doesn't he may lose his first two draft picks in two weeks. The Commish don't play with Jerry.

They knew about this already. They can cut him any time they want and they are not. What happens in two days that changes anything?
I don't know and I find making things up unconstructive to finding out what actually happened.

Joseph is the guy in the white hoodie in the video I posted. that is my scenario.
all but one had on white hoodies lol. I think he had 4 guys with him, so 5 total.
I dont think it is coincidence they all wore the white hoodies. There was one dumb looking guy who had a blue shirt on, no hoodie in the club.

we will never find out what actually happened lol, just look at other crimes and jfk thing, your left to just wonder what really happened or you can believe what
is spoon fed to you by jerry or the media or the person accused etc.
Even when it is over , the police never give out all the details they know or have. It all goes in a box and a file and is tucked away from anyone wanting that info .
No one is tougher than the Bossman Fat. This is gonna sell records baby. Another home run pick by Jerry.
Charges have been filed and not against Joseph. And let this sink in: the Cowboys knew and didn't say anything either.

This is totally factual -- two other people were charged and not Joseph. It's of major concern here.

I'm sure more will come out on this whole incident in the very near future. There's more to be told.
all but one had on white hoodies lol. I think he had 4 guys with him, so 5 total.
I dont think it is coincidence they all wore the white hoodies. There was one dumb looking guy who had a blue shirt on, no hoodie in the club.

we will never find out what actually happened lol, just look at other crimes and jfk thing, your left to just wonder what really happened or you can believe what
is spoon fed to you by jerry or the media or the person accused etc.
Even when it is over , the police never give out all the details they know or have. It all goes in a box and a file and is tucked away from anyone wanting that info .

Or you just say you are uncertain and leave it at that. Pretending you know something when you don't is foolishness.

and in the fight they are not all wearing white hoodies.
Maybe not the shooter but, as the one with clout and money, he may have paid them to do the shooting for him. Gangsta all the way.
Show me the evidence.... there's so many 'may', 'could' comments been made.
Have you ever reasoned that there were two persons arrested, now unless they've invented a gun that requires two persons to pull the trigger then one of those persons is a shooter, the other is an accessory that aided and abetted in some way the shooting (potentially driver, owner of the gun or encouraged the act).
If there was a quick negotiation, as you're suggesting, where KJ 'orders' or 'pays' for the shooting he'd of been charged and still in custody.....period. Paying or instructing the killing is more serious than actually pulling the trigger.
Concern over what to believe and what not to. Too many assumptions about what may have happened have been posted.

It seems all we know is those three clips the police released to the press and that Joseph was in the car we see driving by in the second clip. That and the Cowboys knew well before the police did. and two people were charged yesterday over the shooting.

The rest is so much noise of people outraging and virtue signaling. going to great lengths to do so.
It seems all we know is those two clips the police released to the press and that Joseph was in the car we see driving by in the second clip. That and the Cowboys knew well before the police did. and two people were charged yesterday over the shooting.

The rest is so much noise of people outraging and virtue signaling. going to great lengths to do so.

Judging others prematurely is common among many overanxious to appear virtuous. We're all sinners -- some more than others. :oops:
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It seems all we know is those three clips the police released to the press and that Joseph was in the car we see driving by in the second clip. That and the Cowboys knew well before the police did. and two people were charged yesterday over the shooting.

The rest is so much noise of people outraging and virtue signaling. going to great lengths to do so.
Have they disclosed how many people were in the car?

KJ was identified in the video of being one of the ones who started throwing punches at the victim.

KJ admitted to being in the vehicle during the drive-bye.

KJ stayed quiet for the past month while laughing and enjoying life. He only recently came out and admitted being a part after being caught on video during investigation.

Well some of us already know the jones boys are morally corrupt, I dont know at what point they knew, but in a way you are right, they are culpable if they knew things about this
and didnt go to police with it themselves !

Another angle to make jerry sell the team!

Jerry will never sell the team. He would sacrifice every player on his roster to keep his legacy. That's for sure. KJ will be sacrificed so that his carnival can continue.
Show me the evidence.... there's so many 'may', 'could' comments been made.
Have you ever reasoned that there were two persons arrested, now unless they've invented a gun that requires two persons to pull the trigger then one of those persons is a shooter, the other is an accessory that aided and abetted in some way the shooting (potentially driver, owner of the gun or encouraged the act).
If there was a quick negotiation, as you're suggesting, where KJ 'orders' or 'pays' for the shooting he'd of been charged and still in custody.....period. Paying or instructing the killing is more serious than actually pulling the trigger.

Are you so naive to think that KJ would admit to enlisting his agents to do the crime for him. KJ participated in this whole story from start to finish. He was there and saw it all and yet did not call the police to report it. He is guilty
of participation and association. He may escape the jail cell but, he's just as guilty as his two friends. Sometimes the guilty avoid punishment they deserve...just as OJ!

It doesn't matter what was said, who said it or if one of them gave a bad look, If you and your posse start throwing punches, YOU are the attackers. If you throw punches to assist your posse, YOU are one of them. If you are riding in the vehicle when they committed a drive-by and shot & killed the victim, YOU are one of them.
Exactly. Unless Joseph was in the back seat yelling, "No, no, don't shoot him!", then had some sort of mental block that kept him from remembering the incident until someone jarred his memory a few weeks later, he should be held accountable.

KJ was identified in the video of being one of the ones who started throwing punches at the victim.

KJ admitted to being in the vehicle during the drive-bye.

KJ stayed quiet for the past month while laughing and enjoying life. He only recently came out and admitted being a part after being caught on video during investigation.

Yep, at the moment he's guilty of keeping the wrong set of mates, ones that are willing to take someone's life.
But there's no need for someone in a gimp mask to pronounce sentence based on their determination and interpretation of events they aren't privy to.
As someone mentioned above, we don't know the specifics or timeliness of any of these events, and its highly probable, as not to compromise the investigation, that police only disclosed details when they and DA on the demonstrable facts ....but please don't allow that to stall or spoil your personal indignation.
Exactly. Unless Joseph was in the back seat yelling, "No, no, don't shoot him!", then had some sort of mental block that kept him from remembering the incident until someone jarred his memory a few weeks later, he should be held accountable.
Again, someone mixing up personal values (and supposition) with evidence and the law.

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