Dallas Cowboys’ Kelvin Joseph is a person of interest in Dallas murder investigation

Yep, at the moment he's guilty of keeping the wrong set of mates, ones that are willing to take someone's life.
But there's no need for someone in a gimp mask to pronounce sentence based on their determination and interpretation of events they aren't privy to.
As someone mentioned above, we don't know the specifics or timeliness of any of these events, and its highly probable, as not to compromise the investigation, that police only disclosed details when they and DA on the demonstrable facts ....but please don't allow that to stall or spoil your personal indignation.
As if I need your permission? I'll say how I feel based on experience whether you like it or not. At the end of the day, Kelvin Joseph is a criminal who was part of the cold blooded murder of an innocent young man. Go worship him all you want.
Again, someone mixing up personal values (and supposition) with evidence and the law.
Hey look, someone telling me what my personal values are after reading one sentence.

It's not supposition to say that Joseph was in the vehicle while someone murdered a man he had just been in a fight with. He admitted as much, so I don't know to what "evidence" you're referring, and I said nothing about the law. I said he should be held accountable.
As if I need your permission? I'll say how I feel based on experience whether you like it or not. At the end of the day, Kelvin Joseph is a criminal who was part of the cold blooded murder of an innocent young man. Go worship him all you want.
I was with you till the worship comment. where I'm sick is this excuse/mistake society. I'm through with tolerance
Listen up guys. KJ may not be guilty in a court of law yet but, he stands guilty in the eyes of social media and the Dallas Cowboy sports fan. He's guilty of being in that SUV. He guilty of watching or ordering his buds to kill
a man, and he's guilty of not calling the PoPo minutes after it happened. KJ has little to no moral character and deserves to be cast out of football.
I don't like to jump to conclusions. But this is hardly a "jump." More like a baby step.
Hey look, someone telling me what my personal values are after reading one sentence.

It's not supposition to say that Joseph was in the vehicle while someone murdered a man he had just been in a fight with. He admitted as much, so I don't know to what "evidence" you're referring, and I said nothing about the law. I said he should be held accountable.

You imposed that by not shouting 'no, no, dont shout him' he's accountable. Accountable for what exactly?
Hey look, someone telling me what my personal values are after reading one sentence.

It's not supposition to say that Joseph was in the vehicle while someone murdered a man he had just been in a fight with. He admitted as much, so I don't know to what "evidence" you're referring, and I said nothing about the law. I said he should be held accountable.
no I think he'll walk but release him and other gangsters asp
I was with you till the worship comment. where I'm sick is this excuse/mistake society. I'm through with tolerance
That's what they are doing. Making excuses. The thug is as guilty as the shooter himself. He was a part of the group that attacked the young man, was in the vehicle and made no attempt to stop the shooting, actually went on living his life with a big smile everyday for the past month, and he would have gotten away with it if the police investigative team had not started figuring them murderous thugs out.

This newscast shows a couple surveillance shots but I don't see any brandishing. The SUV doesn't creep up and shoot like it's Boyz in the Hood like people are talking like either.

The way this appears to have gone down doesn't really suggest they were intent on killing any of these guys. My speculation is that they intended to fire a few message sending shots on the way out and one of them fired the unluckiest lucky shot of his life.

If you're intent on actually killing or even hitting a target you probably would set it up much better than to be shooting from a moving vehicle at such a distance with a handgun.
As if I need your permission? I'll say how I feel based on experience whether you like it or not. At the end of the day, Kelvin Joseph is a criminal who was part of the cold blooded murder of an innocent young man. Go worship him all you want.

You can spout as much hyperbole as you like but it still doesnt, as yet, make him guilty in the eyes of the law. But you don't care you just want to add it to your list of issues you have as a disgruntled Cowboys fan.
The way this appears to have gone down doesn't really suggest they were intent on killing any of these guys. My speculation is that they intended to fire a few message sending shots on the way out and one of them fired the unluckiest lucky shot of his life.

If you're intent on actually killing or even hitting a target you probably would set it up much better than to be shooting from a moving vehicle at such a distance with a handgun.
I don't think you get the point/ I'm sick of this gangster mentality . screw didn't mean to kill
You can spout as much hyperbole as you like but it still doesnt, as yet, make him guilty in the eyes of the law. But you don't care you just want to add it to your list of issues you have as a disgruntled Cowboys fan.
This is not a disgruntled situation. We're talking about a cold-blooded beating and murder while staying quiet for a whole month in hopes of trying to get away with it. The loss of an innocent life.

But you keep going ahead with your "legal" advice. Just be glad it wasn't your son who suddenly got cold-blooded murdered.
You imposed that by not shouting 'no, no, dont shout him' he's accountable. Accountable for what exactly?
I was saying that unless he tried to stop them, or somehow didn't know what was happening, and then didn't come forward, he should be considered as taking part.

If you were with a group of people who killed someone, would you keep your mouth shut, or would you tell the police what you witnessed?
You could be right, but it seems very unlikely that they've been sitting on this for weeks, and just now arrest the guys and declare Joseph a person of interest. I don't know when the video first came out, but I'm guessing someone recognized him, and that's the only reason he's talking to the police.

Exactly...he told the cops immediately...and they just sat on the information for a month? Some people are so naive.
no I think he'll walk but release him and other gangsters asp
Then the team or league is holding him accountable. Regardless of whether or not he gets any type of legal action taken against him, if this turns out to be what it seems like, he should be ousted from the NFL.

There would have to be some new information to make me think he was blameless.
Kelvin Joseph is probably at home, smiling while thinking he got away with it...knowing that he ratted on 2 of his homes so he could remain free.

Just a matter of time before those 2 headed to prison get connected with some real bad prison gang leaders who work out a deal to send a couple of street guys to look for Kelvin Joseph. Won't be hard to find Cowboys Headquarters at The Star.
The sad part is someone will be gunning for Joseph. Snitching is one of worst things you can do.:huh: Young people/streets would respect him more if he took the charge. What a crazy world we live in.
I was saying that unless he tried to stop them, or somehow didn't know what was happening, and then didn't come forward, he should be considered as taking part.

If you were with a group of people who killed someone, would you keep your mouth shut, or would you tell the police what you witnessed?
Are we talking morally or legally?

He can claim after witnessing that he was afraid for his own life.

These guys had a month to get their story straight and I'm sure they did.

Not saying it's the right thing, just saying what may happen.
The way this appears to have gone down doesn't really suggest they were intent on killing any of these guys. My speculation is that they intended to fire a few message sending shots on the way out and one of them fired the unluckiest lucky shot of his life.

If you're intent on actually killing or even hitting a target you probably would set it up much better than to be shooting from a moving vehicle at such a distance with a handgun.

Meh..so you can argue intent all you want. Randomly firing a gun from a moving vehicle is sufficiently bad enough to warrant significant charges and does not change the fact that he didnt report it. These were his homies from LA...he knew who they were and where they were. His silence makes him an accomplice.
My stance is the same. Yours flipped for whatever reason. I lived that life when i was younger and was lucky to walk away. Im not sticking up for KJ justice is done the shooter is in jail.
Is Joseph in danger for ratting on his friends?

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