Game Day Dallas Cowboys at Carolina Panthers Postgame

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I told you we weren't tanking get over it you just need to be good at drafting you don't need to have great draft position I hate to tell you we got guys and I'm tired of having to tell you you have this tank fantasy players and coaches don't take that's a fan thing sometimes you just lose you're a bad team you lose the Cowboys the more players they got back the better they got too bad they didn't sit down they don't tank they're not allowed to tank at the league seeing you tank on purpose like literally laying down they would take draft picks away from you that's the rule they wanna see teams compete and the Cowboys were underdogs and found a way to win on the road and I'm happy about it I'm sorry that you're not if you can't find good players in every single round of the draft then you shouldn't be drafting and the Cowboys will find good draft picks..

Lamb 17 Pasrons 12 diggs 2nd round.. I mean that's the thing you just need to pick the right guy go full BPA there's a lot of talent and we need a lot of holes to fill but when this team is healthy we are not this team I know it started out that way but if we had a healthy roster the entire year we would be a playoff team this year and I know you don't wanna say we would be but I'm saying we would be we have too many injuries and yes again I know we started out the season losing a lot of games for that mostly healthy roster but that's not the point you need to stay healthy and you need to find ways to get on track and usually coaches will find a way to do that...

But you can find good players all over the draft just pick the right ones you don't need to be a top ten team to win in this league in the draft that means you're a bad team bad teams pick consistently in the top five in the top ten and guess what teams are still bad how many first round draft picks did Cleveland have during that stretch where they won like three games in three years they had like three first round picks they still haven't even won a division since 1989 and they've been picking high for decades..

I understand you guys want a higher draft pick guarantees a little bit better pick but dude it's not about losing you will get good draft picks this is about winning every game this is about making an effort and you end up the season with the record you're supposed to have you are who you are and we'll find a way to have a good draft... Just getting back all our hurt players will make us a better team next year then you gotta have a good offseason but you guys are way too involved in thinking if you have a top ten pick it guarantees you anything it doesn't guarantee you anything I walked for decades bad teams remain bad like the Jaguars and The Jets and the Browns and all of them the giants in Washington how Washington this year couldn't even find a way to beat us they're supposed to be on their way up but for decades they've been bad they've had high drafts it you don't understand it doesn't guarantee you anything..
I got a headache trying to read your post.
This is the same team that had Kansas City on the ropes and had Philly beat if Leggette hangs on
While true, I have a tendency to think these better teams play down to the level of their competition.
Jerry said you are doing a great job man! Keep up the good work defending him!
OK anti Jerry we get iot .. The jealousy runs deep on these Internet experts don't they the GMs and all the doctors in here I mean you guys are missing your mark you're calling was professional football I mean you know everything you have all the answers from your screen really that's it?

The irony here is the Internet something that was barely going at the time when the 90s Cowboys were here and it was nonexistent there was no TMZ and 75 different sports channels special groups with the Dallas Cowboys names on it and places like this to make you guys feel special you literally think you're an expert you literally think from behind your screen in hindsight from the little tidbits of news you get from the Internet you know you could do it better you think that other teams in this league just are doing it better on a regular basis why don't you tell me how all 32 teams are doing it better than Jerry so we can breakdown about 20 of those that are not even having regular season success and then we can talk because I am not pro Jerry I can give a hoot who runs this team I don't I have no control over the coaches the players or the ownership all I do is as a fan I follow and support the star with a passion and I'm sorry little D that you don't understand this yes I realize Google makes you feel like big D now but you're a little D trust me you think you know everything you want everyone to be on the same little hate page little hate train but no most of y'all need to be taken to the train station...

What fans learn that the Internet has pretty much ruined sports especially social media making you all think we should discuss contracts are you over what contracts is good or bad and what players should stay or go or what coaches should stay or go or how great one GM is versus the other and how it should be done one way or the other like there's a damn blueprint no this is a salary it's full of parody and a fan's job is to simply follow the team and discuss football when y'all may get your business to be some expert in pro sports business that's the problem here it's you look in the mirror you can't do it better than Jerry because you don't have $10 billion you're not invited into the club and it makes you jealous because it's not even an opening imagine if you found a go fund me that raised $10 billion then you would have to wait until the NFL expanded or had a team up for sale then you would have to win the bid then you would have to figure out that you don't know nothing...​
But good job Mr. Internet GM expert the hate fans really love you and good work defending fans that don't know anything so you get to be the leader of the know nothing full of know it all all the Internet special needs groups. You are voted the leader of this said group and good job at it get your pitchforks get your torches we get it you think you're gonna make changes by arguing and complaining on the Internet 24/7 and not one of those billionaires in the NFL care about you they don't know you yes they don't even know this place exists they do not care..​
They care about as much as anheuser Busch in the bud light incident they care about as much as Nike in that incident all the oil people who are really hurt their feelings are really hurt when they complain about how much people hate them and yet nothing changed nothing's ever changed all these protests from these big fortune 200 fortune 50 companies it's no different in the NFL they're not listening that's not what our job as a fan base is we're supposed to defend the team the logo and we're supposed to cheer on the players and we hope the team does well when they don't we can complain about that I do not support Jerry I don't control who owns this team therefore i will support and defend the team.​
Don't get it twisted your group is not better than mine some of us fans see it as a year to year league and a week to week effort that you put in during the regular season and you hope for success and when it doesn't happen you just start over the next year we leave everything else in the past where it belongs stay in the present don't worry about the draft next year either that's the future we're just talking about football on a week to week basis and when you simplify it like that maybe you'd be less angry...​
Jerry said you are doing a great job man! Keep up the good work defending him!
It's too bad that you think Jerry's talking to you but you might wanna see a therapist about that that voice in your head is not Jerry they have pills for that but good job letting me know what Jerry said even though you've never really talked to Jerry that's littleD in your head little D is trying to tell you something...
Jerry Jones could have extended Mike McCarthy’s contract and fired him for not getting the results he expected. He does not like paying coaches and that scenario would have cost him extra but he could have done it.

Instead, Jones did not extend McCarthy. Currently, the team is hanging on by a less than 1% chance of making the postseason—with only three games remaining. And some folks are convinced McCarthy has done enough in Jones’ eyes to eventually do what he could have already done before the season.

I highly doubt McCarthy will receive the Jason Garrett treatment and stay onboard beyond his fifth season. Then again, Jones is an unpredictable dude.

Jerry Jones could have extended Mike McCarthy’s contract and fired him for not getting the results he expected. He does not like paying coaches and that scenario would have cost him extra but he could have done it.

Instead, Jones did not extend McCarthy. The team is hanging on by a less than 1% chance of making the postseason—with only three games remaining. And some folks are convinced McCarthy has done enough in Jones’ eyes to eventually do what he could have already done before the season.

I highly doubt McCarthy will receive the Jason Garrett treatment and stay onboard beyond his fifth season. Then again, Jones is an unpredictable dude.

See that's the thing, the more he reads articles from the media, no not from here, none of y'all matter to him, he's not listening, he's not reading,

but the more they push him he will do the opposite...

if everyone says he's stupid if he brings back this coaching staff and they push it and say that it would be the worst decision ever and then he be the worst owner, the more the media and the narrative is telling jerry it will be a bad idea, he will do the opposite, just to show you who the real boss is, and what i mean by you, i mean the media and all of the SM world poking at him and trying to dictate what he does...

i don't think the media fan base realizes this, you should use reverse phycology with the Jones family , do not try and force a change but embrace them, and their decisions and silence might get more change, stubborn old oil men will dig in hard and make sure you know who the true boss is.. no number of public protests will get it done...

Get this, what if social media and all the sports networks simply stopped talking cowboys stop making them the center of ALL everyday news programs and 75 Facebook/SM forums that carry their name, go silent??

how about the league if they truly felt the way you do , stop giving Dallas Prime time games, all 12pm starts, and make them go to Germany force them to play bad matchup's and take Thanksgiving games away from them?

see this was never about fans and protests, its all these other people changing their approach to how they use the cowboys to get ratings... content is king, and the Cowboys are still king of the sports world....

Until what i listed above changes, Jerry will keep on doing business this way, ITS WORKING! Why Change??
Yea, a 3-11 record means they are not a bad team — SMH.
you're missing the point literally we were underdogs. Beat them anyway with bunch of backups a PS means we beat team we were told we couldn't..lmao.. try harder to not realize we had preseason roster traveled to their home 3.5 point underdogs and won. That all we are saying is those other teams struggled to beat them and we didn't... can we not enjoy a win??
See that's the thing, the more he reads articles from the media, no not from here, none of y'all matter to him, he's not listening, he's not reading,

but the more they push him he will do the opposite...

if everyone says he's stupid if he brings back this coaching staff and they push it and say that it would be the worst decision ever and then he be the worst owner, the more the media and the narrative is telling jerry it will be a bad idea, he will do the opposite, just to show you who the real boss is, and what i mean by you, i mean the media and all of the SM world poking at him and trying to dictate what he does...

i don't think the media fan base realizes this, you should use reverse phycology with the Jones family , do not try and force a change but embrace them, and their decisions and silence might get more change, stubborn old oil men will dig in hard and make sure you know who the true boss is.. no number of public protests will get it done...

Get this, what if social media and all the sports networks simply stopped talking cowboys stop making them the center of ALL everyday news programs and 75 Facebook/SM forums that carry their name, go silent??

how about the league if they truly felt the way you do , stop giving Dallas Prime time games, all 12pm starts, and make them go to Germany force them to play bad matchup's and take Thanksgiving games away from them?

see this was never about fans and protests, its all these other people changing their approach to how they use the cowboys to get ratings... content is king, and the Cowboys are still king of the sports world....

Until what i listed above changes, Jerry will keep on doing business this way, ITS WORKING! Why Change??

Service contracts are usually based on yearly terms.

Mike McCarthy signed a five-year contract with the Cowboys on January 7, 2020.

Most likely, Dallas’ final game will be January 5 against Washington.

Let… re-visit our individual assessments of how Jerry Jones thinks during the first week following the season-ender. That is if the team somehow does not beat its less than 1% chance of extending the season.
Who would have thought? When you can run the football and stop the run you win games! What have we been saying for years now?

But the question is this, what do we do with the offensive line now. With Hoffman, and Bass in, and Martin out, the OL is doing a much better jobs run blocking.
If you are a Cowboys’ fan then you root for them to win. If you root for them to lose then you are simply not a true fan in my opinion. And don’t give me the draft BS. I was at the game yesterday and it literally pissed me off when the Panthers made a good play and the crowd was cheering for them. I can’t fathom how a true fan can root for their team to lose. There is no guarantee the guy you pick at 10 will be better than the guy you pick at 15. I just want my Cowboys to play their rears off and try to win. I don’t want to root for quitters.
If you are a Cowboys’ fan then you root for them to win. If you root for them to lose then you are simply not a true fan in my opinion. And don’t give me the draft BS.
What a ridiculous comment.

Don't give this man that draft BS where the foundation of your team is built and in Dallas the only avenue you have to improve your team.

A simpleton fan would rather win a game in a lost season than improve your draft position. One is completely meaningless. The other can have a positive impact on your roster for many years to come.
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