Game Day Dallas Cowboys at Carolina Panthers Postgame

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all true, but next april when they are picking # 5 overall and in each round, you will forget about those losses the previous season.
Those draft picks can help the team for years.
Lamb was # 10 overall , would not have had him if not for a losing season.

Teams tank by not putting the best players out there, and coaches, play callers can lose games without anyone knowing.
Lamb was picked at 17 in the draft. Also, there is no way we could move up to 5 in this year’s draft by losing the Panthers’ game. There are too many bad teams ahead of us and our strength of schedule is higher than just about all of them so we lose tiebreakers to move up in most scenarios. If we had gone 5-12 then we would still most likely be draft around 10. We could probably go 6-11 and still draft around 10. Teams that usually try to tank are the ones near the #1 pick in the draft and it is usually to get a QB. I doubt there are many teams trying to tank so they can draft 10 instead of 13.
I know you are old enough to remember when we rooted how we rooted without risk of scorn. If you wanted to buy the preseason NFL preview magazine to get that article of Roger or pic did that. If you wanted to wear a paper bag on your head at the and others...DID THAT!

It's a weird new phenomenon to get told you are not a fan for fanning how you want. But then modern social media and social changes have certainly changed a lot of things.
That’s a pretty fair assessment. The one thing we can agree on is that we all want the team to get better. Some of us just have different opinions on how they should go about getting better. I want them to continue winning but I can also see there is an argument for losing and getting a better draft pick. I have gone back and forth on both but just find it impossible to root for them to lose once that ball is kicked off. I’m too darn competitive. I just hate losing.
Anyone will always receive flack for pointing this out.Rooting has zero tangible effects on what a team does unless it is due to noise created inside a stadium.

Rooting has zero effects on which players are picked by any team. By golly, it has zero effect on making idiot Jerry Jones smarter or wiser on the picks he signs off on. I would be stroking out rooting for losses if that were the case, lol.

99.9% of rooting serves one purpose: self-gratifying fulfillment. It makes a person feel good to cheer for favorite teams, players, etc.

Rooting guarantees nothing else. And it 100% does not secure bona fide players, who will 100% help their teams win as professionals.

Even the 'it increases the odds of gaining the best players' argument is completely contingent on which players are drafted by each team. Additionally, fans' personal hopes-and-dreams hinges solely upon how well each player translate their college talent to the professional level.

This will always be an illogical back-and-forth. Rooting for wins does not guarantee the best players that will work best in an offense or defense, regardless if it is pick number one overall or Mr. Irrelevant. Ditto for rooting for losses.

In the end, all drafting, good and bad, is contingent upon sound, thorough, intelligent evaluation of an entire front office staff. That includes the one person deciding if any projected, pre-draft chart selection is the optimal guy to pick.
Rooting has zero tangible effects on what a team does unless it is due to noise created inside a stadium.
I summarized it . gotta keep it simple.

So as example if I or we root for dallas to lose, and hope they do lose, it has no actual effect on the outcome lol.

If that worked we could all root for dallas to win and they would go unbeaten every year !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah none of that matters to me. That's emotion. Emotion makes you make dumb decisions.

What I care about in a season that is already lost is to maximize the opportunity to have an impactful offseason and you do that with the higher draft pick.

Beating the Carolina Panthers in week 15 to improve to 6-8 does nothing to help the team next year. It only hurts it.
Are you acting like your lack of emotion means anything?
That’s a pretty fair assessment. The one thing we can agree on is that we all want the team to get better. Some of us just have different opinions on how they should go about getting better. I want them to continue winning but I can also see there is an argument for losing and getting a better draft pick. I have gone back and forth on both but just find it impossible to root for them to lose once that ball is kicked off. I’m too darn competitive. I just hate losing.
It's not in my nature either.

Unless of boosts up somebody that needs it. Maybe something like going back to help a fallen runner/biker get up to cross the finish line? I'd give up the win for that "win"!

But for phantom draft picks? Ridiculous really. There's no honor or even WINNING in that.
So as example if I or we root for dallas to lose, and hope they do lose, it has no actual effect on the outcome lol.
Exactly. Thus, there is no reason for anyone to want others to join them in rooting for losses. Or be offended or admonish others, who reject rooting for their team to lose. All parties can root how they feel without campaigning for added support. Or attempt to guilt trip those who disagree.

On a discussion board (especially), the smart compromise would be asking fellow members their opinion how a game will end. Then the follow-up discussion could focus on the hypothetical ramifications of a win or loss--like how it may affect draft selection. Everyone can join in without the unnecessary eyerolls, lol.
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