Game Day Dallas Cowboys at Pittsburgh Steelers | Pregame Thread

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Right at this moment still everything is bunched together and everybody still has a shot not just mathematically but when you're within a game or a game and a half of your division leader you always have a shot with an extra wild card game with 17 games lots of teams have started out under 500 and found a way to get back on track and and then make hay in the playoffs I don't understand why what these people see you wait all off season then you give up four games in when you're right there in the mix..

Oh that dude claiming he couldn't care less even though he misspelled it yeah he's here clamoring about it and whining about it somebody's taking extra time out of his day to talk about the Cowboys even though he can't care less anymore... That doesn't make a whole lot of sense you take your spare time and come into a forum and talk about the Cowboys more and not less if you don't care you would be talking about the Cowboys they live rent free in some of these haters heads they all say they give up and yet they haven't truly given up they just wanna make sure in case the season's bad that they can like come back and say see I told you so...
I agree with you. It makes about as much sense as the people who come in here all the time to post yet don't watch the games


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I have a feeling the game chat is either gonna be depressing or angry. One or the other.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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I'm not sure about the second part of this. It would just be the third loss. It doesn't mean we're going to struggle to eight wins. Obviously, with Parsons, Lawrence and Bland out on defense, Cooks out on offense and playing multiple rookies, we'll have to really get it together the second half of the season. I'm not necessarily expecting that. I don't expect anything good anymore. But the first half of the season could be quite different from the second, depending on health and development. I mean, our defense is learning a new scheme along with having those top players out.
It would be our third loss and we have Detroit and San Francisco coming up next. We’ll likely be underdogs in both games. Detroit may be the team to beat in the NFC and although SF hasn’t played very well this season, we don’t match up well against them and they have our number. Washington is 4-1 and are third in rushing so good luck beating them. I really don’t see where we’re going to get 6 more wins if we lose tonight. Not saying we can’t, but like I said, it would be a struggle. If we get blown out tonight, we may struggle to win 6 or 7 games.


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Obviously, I expect us to stop the run. I know defence wins championships! If you read (which I know you don't) what I was saying since last year, my concerns entering the season were our run defence and rushing attack. I'm already angry at our run defence. I'm already mad that our NTs aren't good when I made it CLEAR that I wanted them to be improved. However, I was also worried about our rushing attack! I wanted Henry, Zeke, Vaughn, and Luepke. That would've been an amazing rushing attack.

Additionally, the weather here in this part of the country (I live in Cleveland, which isn't far from Pittsburgh, and we have severe weather issues starting to pop up) is going to be an issue tonight. We need to run the ball, as well as stop the run. Derrick Henry likely gives us a significantly better rushing attack, and he'd allow us, if nothing else, to play keep away like 2014 from our defence. He'd allow us to control the clock and close our games. Yet, Jerry was too cheap to spend $6 mil on him. That's what makes me angry at him.
You live in Cleveland and near Piggsburgh? Wow. Two tropical paradises. Congrats on your good fortune!


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First of all it was two years 18,000,000 that's 9,000,000 per year.. Wasn't about being cheap I've explained this before most teams didn't go after him including the Titans didn't bring him back because they thought at some point this freak of nature was gonna fall off a Cliff at his age in the mileage most didn't expect this type of season so yeah Jerry failed to bring him here it wasn't about money it was more about worrying about bringing in a running back up in age and up in mileage and then have him not play well you know like last year Tony didn't play well for $11 million and this year we have $6 million on dead cap space from zeke's old contract so I think he's clearing out the books but I blame the offensive line more than the running backs I blame the offensive coordinator not scheming guys open I watch Christian McCaffrey go down it's some dude I never heard of it's running like one of the running backs in the league...

Seriously did you see that running back I never heard of I bet everyone's gonna say they heard of him but Christian McCaffrey goes out they don't miss a beat at the run game now maybe they're missing him being multifaceted but sometimes it's the offense and I'm blaming McCarthy not Jerry this time but yes it would've been nice to at least draft 1/3 or 4th rounder..

But I'm gonna say this one last time this has been about defense the games we lost last year the game we lost in the playoffs and and so far this year the defense has been the main cause so you're acting like we should just outscore people and all you do is mention the offense just because we paid most of our money on that side of the ball that's not how it works and you can't hold teams under 20 points you're a terrible defense I don't know what the average defense is for holding scores down throughout an entire year and in years past but that's typically what you wanna see but some of the best defenses to ever play has held teams under 13 points a game for an entire season think about that think about taking the pressure off your offense and allowing them more possessions like you look at the giants game we would absolutely curb stomp them at the defense got us the ball back they may have stopped the run but guess what they let him pass all over the field you're saying we need to stop the run they stopped the run but they couldn't stop the pass they played well in the goal red zone area but their time of possession eating drives the defense couldn't get the ball back to your offense enough we can't score enough..

That's what he got in Baltimore, but that doesn't mean he'd demand that much here, especially since he lives here. I think he probably agrees to $6 mil if we were to have offered him that.

Secondly, just cuz I want a better rushing attack doesn't mean I don't also want better run defence. Unless you're just trying to be argumentative just to be argumentative, no where did I say I only wanted the rushing attack to get better. Then again, this isn't the first time you've refused to read my entire post. I'm at least giving you the decency to read your lengthy post. I would really appreciate it if you would read my entire posts before posting as opposed to just picking from what I said just to argue a point I wasn't even making. I wanted a NT as high up in this last draft as we could. I made that very clear even going back to my mock drafts back in March and April that I wanted a big run stuffing NT. Don't get me wrong, I like Kneeland, but our issues this year, much like last year, are stopping the run and running the ball. They work HAND IN HAND. If you can't stop the run, like you said, then you can't get the ball back to your offense quickly. However, it also works the other way around too. If you can't run the ball, then 1. You're going to wear your defence down, 2. You're putting too much on your QB. Even Mahomes needs a running game. Also, 3. You can't close our games late.

Plus, sometimes, there are games where you can't throw the ball very well, such as poor weather. In that case, you need someone like Henry (also, signing Henry and getting a NT isn't mutually exclusive, if we had a competent GM) to get you most of your points. Also, guys like Micah Parsons would greatly appreciate a good running game, as well as a better run defence.

If you asked Micah Parsons, he'd probably tell you he'd have loved to have Henry on this team. Not only does he need better run stopping (also, you may recall that I got flamed on here for making it clear that I thought NT is one of the top 5 most important positions on a team), but he needs us to be able to run the ball so that he's fresher throughout the game.

Finally, yes, we lost in large part because of our run defence to Green Bay, but we also didn't have a great rushing attack. That was consistent in all our losses last year. I was pounding the table on here last year for us to trade for Derrick Henry. In no world was Pollard going to be a sufficient rushing attack. He was good. But that's not what he's best at. I wanted BOTH a better rushing attack AND nose tackle. I'm not saying much different than you are. I'm not diminishing NT at all. I still think it's at least top 5-8 in terms of importance on a football team. However, almost as important is also a top running back. Is Troy the same QB he was without Emmitt Smith? Is Roger Staubach what he was without Duane Thomas or Dorsett? What Troy had working well for him was that he had both Russell Maryland AND Emmitt Smith. I wanted both a top NT (either FA or draft) AND Derrick Henry. I'm angry with Jerry because he addressed NEITHER.


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Hope we destroy the Steelers tonight and send them crying home into their terrible towels...

That would definitely be fun!


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Cowboy stupid can we be?

I just got back from a Sunday gig, tired, grumpy, hurting, happy hauling all the gear back and forth.

As of tonight's game, I want the Stealers to kick these so-called Dallas Cowboys to the curb! If Jerry does not care, why should I?

Cowboys on three! 1...2...
never mind. Just give me stats.
Curious. What's your day job?


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Man I don’t know about yall but I’ve never called less for a cowboys season in my life. It’s really hard to care when the people in charge clearly don’t. I’ll watch the games but I ain’t spending another dime on this team til they prove that winning is the #1 priority!

That being said I think we lose by 4 tonight
Clearly, you weren't alive in the 80's.
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