READ THIS Dallas Morning News (DMN) has demanded we no longer allow their content posted on CZ

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Tell them to kick rocks and throw the letter away.

Fair use is what they get to abide by:
people tried to tell me that was enough LONG AGO when i said posting the entire article would backfire.


they posted the entire articles for awhile and then suddenly there was a sticky saying that was no longer acceptable.

like it or not, the work belongs to the DMN. period. while i think what they are doing is stupid, unless you're a lawyer who can understand the ins and outs of this "law" then it's pretty pointless to lob it out there.

if you had a site that employed thousands and you paid for the content to be renewed on a regular basis and people posted it all over and your only means of revenue - page counts - was affected, would you just go "wow, it's fair use guys" or would you protect your investment?

by the same token, reality has worked hard on this site and he needs to protect that too. if this is what the DMN says to do with their work, this is what you do so he doesn't get in trouble *or* have to monitor posters who feel this is stupid and do it anyway.

respect the DMN wishes as well as realitys.
We received a legal Cease & Desist order from the law firm of Dallas Morning News (DMN) today requesting we no longer allow DMN content on the site.

It's unfortunate given that we usually send DMN's web site several hundred users in traffic each day, but it is their choice and their content so we will abide with their legal order.

On the bright side, there are a lot of other great Cowboys news sources available which will help all of us keep up with the latest Cowboys news.


I don't read their website anyhow.

Unfortunately, this will include Sturm's content as well. He can take it up with DMN and DMN can have their law firm rescind the order, but until that happens, we will abide with their request.

That hurts, and he already was site friendly...but wilco.
Their website is mobile cancer and whoever writes their titles is the king of clickbait. Good riddance
much of media in general is clickbait. as long as that is the revenue model, it will continue.

as long as people respond to said bait.
That is disappointing news. The newspaper business is under a lot of stress but I would have thought they would welcome referrals. My sense is tht the DMN will begin requiring subscriptions to read their web page. Their subscription base and ad revenue from old fashioned paper newspapering is going down the toiltet.

yup....everything I get on Twitter...just ends up opening another window that wants me to pay .99 a day to read their crap. And I'm like why would I want to read something that they stole off the internet or got from me anyway?:rolleyes:
I think everybody understand that this is a, well, stupid move, on behalf of DMN. However, it's their move to make. I would just remind everybody that they have basically forbidden content. While we can debate the intelligence of it all, or the legality, it is not any of us who are responsible. It is Reality who is ultimately responsible. It is his butt on the line. Because of this, I would simply ask all members to just take the request to heart and abide by it. Yeah, it's stupid but it's what we have to do. No DMN content, at all and that's that.

It's a shame, I really enjoyed reading Sturm.

Well, I was chastised for debating the legality of it, like I actually post links or articles anyway........
CZ is entirely within its rights to adopt a no-link policy to avoid trouble. Perfectly understandable. But DMN goes way beyond its rights if it says "no linking". From:

"The most straightforward case is so-called "deep linking," which refers to placing a link on your site that leads to a particular page within another site (i.e., other than its homepage). No court has ever found that deep linking to another website constitutes copyright or trademark infringement."

If there's no quoting of DMN content (so no "fair use" concerns), a link is just a way to get to a particular place in the DMN website -- which recently has been shutting me out behind their pay-wall anyway. In short, people directed to the DMN site and might consider subscribing to see the content now don't get that direction. As others have pointed out, that's a dumb business move.

But DMN has tried to ban deep-linking before, so better to be safe than sorry: forbids linking&f=false
Let's just send Cedric and Bob to have a talk with them.


Very few things get me fired up unless it's someone picking on my 'friends' for no other reason than they can. As I noted in my elloquently written letter to that website, the Dallas Cowboys have a huge following, we're all conntected in some fashion, so word travels fast. They can enjoy counting their 'clicks' today as tomorrow they'll be able to count those 'clicks' on one hand.

These guys are dead to me.

DMN should have considered it a privilege for their material to be posted on the site used by the most informed, knowledgeable and loyal Cowboy fans on the planet. It gave their journalists desperately needed credibility.

Their newspaper has now returned to it's previous status.....backup toilet paper and wrapping for old ladies dishes on it's way to a storage unit.

In this day of internet, tweets, You Tube, Facebook, and NFL network, newspapers must compete just for the opportunity to be relevant. Now, they just took themselves out of the competition. Their management just handed a drowning medium a ten ton anchor.
Print is a dying media, eclipsed by the speed of the internet. Content is so prolific, and easily accessible, the DMN site will not be missed. I paid for content from them last year because I believe taking their intellectual property without paying for it is stealing. They are desperate to breathe life into the deceased.

From the bottom line point of view, this will backfire on them. I do not advocate a boycott of their product, however, I believe that is exactly what will take place. The people of this site will find similar information elsewhere as rapidly, if not quicker than a daily newspaper.

Truly this seems like bringing your best race horse to the Indy 500 and lining up against those machines. The newspaper will lose in the end. Then thirty years from now someone will resurrect the notion of typeset and graphics, and it will become fashionable again. Like bell bottoms. Then go down in flames as a fad.

I wish them luck, and hold no malice toward them. People's livelihoods are at stake. But from all signs, the water is close to rushing over the deck of the Titanic.
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