READ THIS Dallas Morning News (DMN) has demanded we no longer allow their content posted on CZ

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This exactly. I haven't been on their website once in the last year...except the times that I've gone there from here. It literally makes no sense.

The bigger question what point does Cowboyszone send them a similar letter? Only one of these formats is going to exist in the very near future. My money isn't on the DMN. I can see the day they are trying to pull people back by mentioning this site.

There is no need to stop reading their site.
The number of CZ people who read their site is so small that it would not be relevant to their bottom line.
Just dont give them a cent and dont reference their website.
Sadly, the Morning news has become such a worthless rag of a paper. Their subscriptions are plummeting, and they're in major financial trouble.

Even worse, they are run editorially by some of the most poorly qualified and politically biased buffoons in the industry. They tweet some of the most sophomoric and opinionated nonsense you can make up, and try to pass it off as reporting.

Their reporters are now a collection of poorly educated and historically ignorant doofuses. And I personally know hundreds of people in that industry.

They'll be out of business soon. Circling the drain.
Soooo, they're being sensitive to their fake news being reposted I Reality said, there plenty of other sources. DMN will be going the same route as the Times Herald did a few years back in a few years.
Pretty cheap intimidation tactic. They would have a difficult time proving to a judge or jury that any posted content would be actual copyright infringement.

This said, @Reality -- I would comply in full. Block/censor all links to anything DMN-related, including their contributors and writers on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, and anywhere else they can be linked to.

If they want total control, that's fine. They just have to be willing to lose the hundreds of visits per day solely from this site, as well as the word-of-mouth hit to reputation that is sure to follow.

I am willing and able to support a free press with my hard-earned money, but not when they step into an arena with a half-baked, piss-poor attempt to control the manner by which they receive readership. I will not visit the Dallas Morning News for anything anymore. And it's a shame, because it's actually a good publication otherwise.
A link is not content in any shape or form is it?

I don't see how a link is content. How can you own the address of an article?

As a newspaper editor, I absolutely want links to articles in our paper shared. The more, the merrier. In fact, we put snippets of our articles on Facebook along with the link to try to draw one-day subscriptions from those who want to read more. Naturally, we get some who are mad that they can't read the whole story for free, but subscriptions are part of what pays our salaries so it's like giving away samples at a grocery store hoping some will like it and buy the product.

I agree with you that I don't think there is any way that a link could be considered content if that is all that is used. If it was me making this decision for them, I would have made it clear that links could be used along with the first couple of sentences of the article. If you get even a few clicks out of that, you've added to your revenue.
As a newspaper editor, I absolutely want links to articles in our paper shared. The more, the merrier. In fact, we put snippets of our articles on Facebook along with the link to try to draw one-day subscriptions from those who want to read more. Naturally, we get some who are mad that they can't read the whole story for free, but subscriptions are part of what pays our salaries so it's like giving away samples at a grocery store hoping some will like it and buy the product.

I agree with you that I don't think there is any way that a link could be considered content if that is all that is used. If it was me making this decision for them, I would have made it clear that links could be used along with the first couple of sentences of the article. If you get even a few clicks out of that, you've added to your revenue.
My pubs do the same thing. It is really cutting your nose off to spite your face with this kind of tactic.
This said, @Reality -- I would comply in full. Block/censor all links to anything DMN-related, including their contributors and writers on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, and anywhere else they can be linked to.

If they want total control, that's fine. They just have to be willing to lose the hundreds of visits per day solely from this site, as well as the word-of-mouth hit to reputation that is sure to follow.

I am willing and able to support a free press with my hard-earned money, but not when they step into an arena with a half-baked, piss-poor attempt to control the manner by which they receive readership. I will not visit the Dallas Morning News for anything anymore. And it's a shame, because it's actually a good publication otherwise.

Actually what Reality had to do was to post this notice.
If posters post materials from DMN, there is no reasonable way for CZ to police every message.
I suspect DMN has no cases for any type of damages ESPECIALLY if the posters does not say the materials is from DMN.
There is no commercially reasonable way for CZ to do anything about it.
Even if a filter was implemented to filter out any posts that mentions DMN's web addresses (like for obscenity), there is no way the filter would work if the link was not provided.
Actually what Reality had to do was to post this notice.
If posters post materials from DMN, there is no reasonable way for CZ to police every message.
I suspect DMN has no cases for any type of damages ESPECIALLY if the posters does not say the materials is from DMN.
There is no commercially reasonable way for CZ to do anything about it.
Even if a filter was implemented to filter out any posts that mentions DMN's web addresses (like for obscenity), there is no way the filter would work if the link was not provided.
Yeah, that wouldn't have been a good idea
Like many other newspapers in the world today, DMN is becoming increasingly paranoid when it comes to the internet utilizing any of their content. Needless to say, newspapers in this day and age are in grave danger of being driven out of business. They see other media sources as a serious threat to their existence and understandably so -- they are exactly that.

This is certainly no imaginary concern, evident by the fact that newspapers around this country and the world in general are being forced out of business, due in no small part to other media sources rendering their existence a lost cause.

Having worked myself as a longtime newspaper employee in the past and seeing my former employer (The San Antonio Light) go extinct, it's not too difficult to understand their plight. Like many other employees of that long-existing metropolitan daily publication, I saw my career ending after 32 years in the industry. It's tough to see so many careers go up in smoke but they're now simply unfortunate victims of progress.

Well, the industry overall is hurt more by less advertising, which resulted at first from the recession but continued because a lot of businesses felt they could do just as well by creating Facebook pages and advertising over the Internet. Plus, the costs of paper and ink continue to rise. All of this led to many smaller papers folding despite the fact that they produce local content that often cannot be found anywhere else. People can say that newspapers are no longer needed, but our reporters are often the only ones covering what is going on in those smaller cities, such as our paper recently breaking an embezzlement story involving a city official.

Subscriptions are actually only a small part of the revenue for most papers, but the bigger picture is that the more subscriptions you have, the easier it is to sell yourself to advertisers. We definitely don't need our content, especially the stories that drive it up, made available for free when we need the subscribers for advertising purposes. So it's easy to understand why the DMN would not want that.

Now, bigger papers face the additional problem that most of the things they cover are covered by others. It's more difficult for them to produce completely unique content to get subscriptions.
people tried to tell me that was enough LONG AGO when i said posting the entire article would backfire.


they posted the entire articles for awhile and then suddenly there was a sticky saying that was no longer acceptable.

like it or not, the work belongs to the DMN. period. while i think what they are doing is stupid, unless you're a lawyer who can understand the ins and outs of this "law" then it's pretty pointless to lob it out there.

if you had a site that employed thousands and you paid for the content to be renewed on a regular basis and people posted it all over and your only means of revenue - page counts - was affected, would you just go "wow, it's fair use guys" or would you protect your investment?

by the same token, reality has worked hard on this site and he needs to protect that too. if this is what the DMN says to do with their work, this is what you do so he doesn't get in trouble *or* have to monitor posters who feel this is stupid and do it anyway.

respect the DMN wishes as well as realitys.

Respect lol. Come on dude...Ive never read DMN nor clicked any of their links, even if posted here. This isnt about respect.

This is about large companies, daily, send cease letters to people they KNOW dont have money to fight back, and they have no case.

How would I know about this? From my multiple years spent talking with and working around FORD trademarks.

DMN doesnt want their content shared, per the letter, so why do they have twitter, facebook, email and text message sharing buttons built into each of their article pages?

Because they want their articles shared.

The only issue comes if Reality is running a for-profit site here, which based off donation posts I've seen in the past, is not the case.

Certainly, dont share the entire article. But to "respect" DMN's request to not share when they have SHARING built into their website is hilarious.

Keep your head in the sand.
CZ is entirely within its rights to adopt a no-link policy to avoid trouble. Perfectly understandable. But DMN goes way beyond its rights if it says "no linking". From:

"The most straightforward case is so-called "deep linking," which refers to placing a link on your site that leads to a particular page within another site (i.e., other than its homepage). No court has ever found that deep linking to another website constitutes copyright or trademark infringement."

If there's no quoting of DMN content (so no "fair use" concerns), a link is just a way to get to a particular place in the DMN website -- which recently has been shutting me out behind their pay-wall anyway. In short, people directed to the DMN site and might consider subscribing to see the content now don't get that direction. As others have pointed out, that's a dumb business move.

But DMN has tried to ban deep-linking before, so better to be safe than sorry: forbids linking&f=false


Go check any DMN has content sharing buttons built right into the page to share to facebook, twitter, email, text, etc.

They want the stuff shared. There is no legal precedent backing their letter here either. Which is why the proper solution is to tell them to take a hike.

They're hoping the site will just cave to their demands under fear.

Go check any DMN has content sharing buttons built right into the page to share to facebook, twitter, email, text, etc.

They want the stuff shared. There is no legal precedent backing their letter here either. Which is why the proper solution is to tell them to take a hike.

They're hoping the site will just cave to their demands under fear.

Yeah it isn't my money so I agree tell them to shove it. An even better response would be "make me".

Reality is law abiding though so I am sure he will abide by a cheese *** demand letter.

Go check any DMN has content sharing buttons built right into the page to share to facebook, twitter, email, text, etc.

They want the stuff shared. There is no legal precedent backing their letter here either. Which is why the proper solution is to tell them to take a hike.

They're hoping the site will just cave to their demands under fear.

I'm sure if all people were doing is posting links, they wouldn't care.

However, people often post enough content (along with the link), that they feel people aren't bothering to actually visit the site.

A business has a right to attempt to profit from their work, even if the way they're going about it might ultimately hurt more than help.
Yeah it isn't my money so I agree tell them to shove it. An even better response would be "make me".

Reality is law abiding though so I am sure he will abide by a cheese *** demand letter.

The demand letter isnt any law at all. Just as an aside.

Obviously reality can do what he want...but DMN has no case here.
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