Dalton is an upgrade over Dak eh?

news flash ! they play a different defense each week, and you do realize some are better than others dont you??:huh:
There is no way to know how dak would have done against cards or wash defenses, both are fairly good, better than the ones like atlanta seattle, cleveland.
Dak only scored 17 in rams game, why?? better defense.

Pitt has a really good defense, so I would not want to be qb in that game lol.
even if dak were still qb pitt would blow them out.
Interesting that you know that a Dak-led Cowboys team would get blown out against Pittsburg but in the preceding post claim that there is no way to know how a Dak-led Cowboys team would have performed against the Cards or Commanders team. Particularly since the latter prediction would be in hindsight and the Cowboys were in every game this year until Dak went down.

You should change your screen name to Romo9, Nostradamus!
No one is saying it's "OK" or anything remotely similar. It's a reality with which this team has to deal is all. Maybe even take it into account when acquiring talent. Or build a team with a good o-line, strong running game and an actual defense instead of loading up at wide receiver. Just a thought. We all know Jerry will have to hit bottom before he does it.. but we can hope. 2-14 might just do the trick.

It's a reality because it's accepted. It's that simple. The idea of simply "Taking an OL instead of a WR" is fine but it is not new. The problem is not as simple as that. The problem is not player position. The problem is more deeply rooted then that. You can take great players all day long but if all you are going to do is simply accept that come Dec., if they have to play outside they are gonna suck, then guess what, they are going to continue to be soft. This is just one of the things you see but there are lots more.
I already posted a list of 10 such people with the quotes of them saying it. Though to be fair some of them were clever enough to say "the offense will be better" without actually saying Dalton is better. But yeah.. there was a helluva lot more than "couple of people" expressing that sentiment. Understandably most of them have gone into hiding over the last two weeks or shifted to the "it's the online" or this new comical "it's the team conspiring against Andy" defense. And to each of them I say a hearty GTFOH!
Like I keep telling you you're not smart as you think you are. 10 people realtive to the total on this site? Expletive outta here
ABQ - It wont get it done in this situation, but in most cases it will. The defense, is not good, and I dont know why. It has some talent. It should not be this bad. but getting rid of your QB that you know can put those numbers will not ensure the defense gets better. Tell me how getting rid of your QB makes the Defense better. Who are you going to go get. The quickest route is getting the Defense where they allow 20 to 24 points a game while still putting up you offensive stats.

But you dont seem to like that game plan. So what is yours. Get rid of Dak, and then do what??

We're not talking about most cases. We're talking about this case, here in Dallas. I mean, everybody understands that in most cases or places, scoring 32 should win you a ball game but not here. We have a QB who seems to require a massive amount of talent in order to score 32 points per game. You don't see the correlation there? If it takes all of this cap to allow this offense to be potent and you still got to pay out a 40 mil deal then you are doing it wrong. We don't need 32 points a game, to be honest. I believe the average in the NFL is like 25 points per team, per contest right now. We need a guy who can put up 27 and we need a Defense who can hold other teams to 25. That's what we need. We don't need a 32 point offense and a defense that is giving up 34.

Getting rid of your QB may not make your Defense better but if your QB isn't going to win you games and still demand some kind of record deal, then what does it matter? It's time to tear it up and start over. So here's the question for you. If you have a QB who scores 32 points a game, if you have that guy and you still can't win then does paying him a record deal fix the problem and how exactly does it allow you to improve when you are spending such a large percentage of your cap on just one position?

I don't care how much the QB averages. If he can't get the W, regardless, then it doesn't mean a thing.
We're not talking about most cases. We're talking about this case, here in Dallas. I mean, everybody understands that in most cases or places, scoring 32 should win you a ball game but not here. We have a QB who seems to require a massive amount of talent in order to score 32 points per game. You don't see the correlation there? If it takes all of this cap to allow this offense to be potent and you still got to pay out a 40 mil deal then you are doing it wrong. We don't need 32 points a game, to be honest. I believe the average in the NFL is like 25 points per team, per contest right now. We need a guy who can put up 27 and we need a Defense who can hold other teams to 25. That's what we need. We don't need a 32 point offense and a defense that is giving up 34.

Getting rid of your QB may not make your Defense better but if your QB isn't going to win you games and still demand some kind of record deal, then what does it matter? It's time to tear it up and start over. So here's the question for you. If you have a QB who scores 32 points a game, if you have that guy and you still can't win then does paying him a record deal fix the problem and how exactly does it allow you to improve when you are spending such a large percentage of your cap on just one position?

I don't care how much the QB averages. If he can't get the W, regardless, then it doesn't mean a thing.

I don't know how many of these Dak posters have an college education, but for damn sure they have never had Economics 101.
Listen.. If you don't think being down multiple scores against awful pass defenses with a lot of time left in the game running a hurry up is optimal for a QB to produce then I don't know what to say.

Sure it is.. except when one guy produces A LOT MORE against those same defenses than the other guys it may be time to concede that MAYBE.. just maybe that guy is good at what he does. I know how hard that is for you.. The fact remains that those defense wouldn't look as bad if they had not been roasted by Dak.

Here's a fun exercise..

The Falcons give up an average of 333 passing yards per game.. Worst in the league.. Dak hung 450 on them.. Almost 120 yards above their average. More than a third more output!!! Take Dak out of the equation and they instantly improve to 311 yards per game.

The Seahawks are even worse giving up 368 yards/game. Dak shredded them for 472.. Removing Dak from their ledger and their yards per game improves to 348.

My favorite though is the Browns.. who are surrendering 288 yards a game through the air.. Dak put 502 on them.. Damn near double their average!!! Take Dak off their schedule and they improve to 252.5 yards per game.. THat would be good for about 13th in the league.. Dak accounted for almost 1/4 of the 2017 yards passing they have given up. He added 35 yards a game to their ranking.. Single-handedly dropping them 10 spots in the rankings.

But I know.. anybody could do what Dak was doing.. I mean Andy Dalton surely could right?
Sure it is.. except when one guy produces A LOT MORE against those same defenses than the other guys it may be time to concede that MAYBE.. just maybe that guy is good at what he does. I know how hard that is for you.. The fact remains that those defense wouldn't look as bad if they had not been roasted by Dak.

Here's a fun exercise..

The Falcons give up an average of 333 passing yards per game.. Worst in the league.. Dak hung 450 on them.. Almost 120 yards above their average. More than a third more output!!! Take Dak out of the equation and they instantly improve to 311 yards per game.

The Seahawks are even worse giving up 368 yards/game. Dak shredded them for 472.. Removing Dak from their ledger and their yards per game improves to 348.

My favorite though is the Browns.. who are surrendering 288 yards a game through the air.. Dak put 502 on them.. Damn near double their average!!! Take Dak off their schedule and they improve to 252.5 yards per game.. THat would be good for about 13th in the league.. Dak accounted for almost 1/4 of the 2017 yards passing they have given up. He added 35 yards a game to their ranking.. Single-handedly dropping them 10 spots in the rankings.

But I know.. anybody could do what Dak was doing.. I mean Andy Dalton surely could right?

Do you have another QB on the roster with any experience besides Dalton? If you don't, then what gives with throwing him under the bus all the time? I don't get it.
Sure it is.. except when one guy produces A LOT MORE against those same defenses than the other guys it may be time to concede that MAYBE.. just maybe that guy is good at what he does. I know how hard that is for you.. The fact remains that those defense wouldn't look as bad if they had not been roasted by Dak.

Here's a fun exercise..

The Falcons give up an average of 333 passing yards per game.. Worst in the league.. Dak hung 450 on them.. Almost 120 yards above their average. More than a third more output!!! Take Dak out of the equation and they instantly improve to 311 yards per game.

The Seahawks are even worse giving up 368 yards/game. Dak shredded them for 472.. Removing Dak from their ledger and their yards per game improves to 348.

My favorite though is the Browns.. who are surrendering 288 yards a game through the air.. Dak put 502 on them.. Damn near double their average!!! Take Dak off their schedule and they improve to 252.5 yards per game.. THat would be good for about 13th in the league.. Dak accounted for almost 1/4 of the 2017 yards passing they have given up. He added 35 yards a game to their ranking.. Single-handedly dropping them 10 spots in the rankings.

But I know.. anybody could do what Dak was doing.. I mean Andy Dalton surely could right?

Dak will go down in History as the one player that came along and changed the way the NFL QB's should play. There will never ever be another like him, he will go down in History for being the best player to have ever graced a football field and a half...his half.

It's like a bunch of little girls fighting over a boy.
Do you have another QB on the roster with any experience besides Dalton? If you don't, then what gives with throwing him under the bus all the time? I don't get it.

Oh, you get it dog, you get it, just like a lot of Cowboy fans not Dak fans get it. Don't play like you don't know. lol
We have more than 1 year to go off of with Dak.

We've seen our team play a high level of defense and it doesn't mean we win the game because Dak is out there.

It's more like if they score 13 we score 10.

Dak didn't do anything this year that we haven't seen before. He passed all over 3 of the worst NFL pass defenses when we were down multiple scores with a lot of time left in the game.

We've also seen him hand tied until we are down. We've seen him even take leads and the defense give up another score.
Like I keep telling you you're not smart as you think you are. 10 people realtive to the total on this site? Expletive outta here

There you go thinking for me again.. Since you know how smart I think l am.. how smart do I think I am?

I stopped at 10 because that was the question.. I could easily have found 10 more but the refrain would have been the same .. "It was only X out of Y.." The point is all of them were VERY wrong.. both in how little credit they gave Dak and in how much they overrated Dalton. And because of how authoritatively they espoused these erroneous opinions and how derisive they were of those who posited the opposite view, I think they need to be reminded of it from time to time.
We've also seen him hand tied until we are down. We've seen him even take leads and the defense give up another score.

Yep.. happened against the Rams, Browns, Seahawks and Giants.. Dak got us a lead.. defense gave it up.. But let's not ever talk about that.
Let's not consider that Dak had all the reps with this offense.
Let's not consider Dalton had 2 weeks- but played well enough to win in his first outing.
And, let not take into account that the Cowboys players were more concerned about Dak getting a long-term contract and weren't going to see Dalton make people forget about Dak.
And let's not consider that they were so intent on their "agenda" that they didn't care when Dalton took a cheap shot and lay on the field with a concussion.
The entire team should be disbanded.
They are scum.
Interesting that you know that a Dak-led Cowboys team would get blown out against Pittsburg but in the preceding post claim that there is no way to know how a Dak-led Cowboys team would have performed against the Cards or Commanders team. Particularly since the latter prediction would be in hindsight and the Cowboys were in every game this year until Dak went down.

You should change your screen name to Romo9, Nostradamus!
Well I dont know, except most would agree that even if dak didnt get hurt, or our OL didnt all get hurt, dallas probably loses to steelers.
you dont have to be Nostradamus to see that or some other things.
Dak did good in comebacks against some bad defenses, in rams game offense with dak only scored 17 points, why? better defense.
Dallas was 7-13 in their last 20 games, that isnt very good.
Everybody who trotted out that narrative needs to lose their posting privileges for two weeks. Dalton is getting worse as time wears on not better. He was good against the Giants, terrible against the Cardinals and just plain pathetic against the Football Team. At this rate he'll need to pay the Cowboys for the right to play. I was hopeful that he would get it together as time wore on but clearly this dude is washed. May as well start the kid the rest of the way. He can't be any worse than what we're seeing out of Dalton. I cannot think of a single reason to watch this team the rest of this season.. and this comes from a guy who hasn't missed a game in 30 years. I might watch one more game.. just to see if MAYBE Sean Lee and Chido can add something to this dumpster fire of a defense.. But since neither of them plays d-line, I doubt they can provide much. At least not in the area of most need.

Those guys are pretty much in the “anyone but Dak” category.

we could sign a guy pan handling on the corner and that crowd would talk about how much of a “value” the guy was.

They’re just haters through and through. They can’t be reasoned with because they are, by their very nature, unreasonable
For one thing only a couple people here said dalton would be better than dak, most just said he was good enough.
But now the team has quit, or at least some of them, and the OL has gotten even worse, and.........
news flash ! they play a different defense each week, and you do realize some are better than others dont you??:huh:
There is no way to know how dak would have done against cards or wash defenses, both are fairly good, better than the ones like atlanta seattle, cleveland.
Dak only scored 17 in rams game, why?? better defense.
So andy is facing bad OL, worst in last 6 years, players quitting and better defenses.
He threw a perfect pass to lamb, hit him in the numbers, and lamb dropped it!
Dalton only threw one bad pass, in wash game, the one to ewok that was tipped up and int, that should have been in front of him not behind.
it is also only his 2nd game, good grief it takes time to get in a groove and learn the wr's, I said 3 games to do that, but add in the bad OL
and dallas isnt max protecting, like they should, give the ol some help from te and rb.
So with a team this bad dalton was doing ok for his 2nd game.

Go away. If Dak was playing and he put up 3 points (the TD was garbage time by your standards) and then another 3 points the next game, you and your kind would be creating a new thread every 15 minutes complaining about Dak and the offense.

Go away.
Listen.. If you don't think being down multiple scores against awful pass defenses with a lot of time left in the game running a hurry up is optimal for a QB to produce then I don't know what to say.

Yet Dalton was down multiple scores with a lot of time left in the game running hurry up...yet he can only produce 150 yards total offense.
Well I dont know, except most would agree that even if dak didnt get hurt, or our OL didnt all get hurt, dallas probably loses to steelers.
you dont have to be Nostradamus to see that or some other things.
Dak did good in comebacks against some bad defenses, in rams game offense with dak only scored 17 points, why? better defense.
Dallas was 7-13 in their last 20 games, that isnt very good.
Well you didn't say lose; you said blown out by the Steelers. You do realize that the Cowboys lost to a very good Rams defense by 3 points and that included a pretty bad offensive pi call. Not exactly what I would call a blowout against a very similarly rated D.

"Most would agree"? Well I don't think most would agree with your blowout statement except a certain group on CZ. I could also see either of the other games (Cards, WFT) going either way with Dak. But by nature or experience, I rarely make absurd or bold predictions like many on here. We would all be NFL GMs if we were even half the football expert we presume we are.

BTW, I am not putting you in the Dak-hater category; I would probably consider you a Dak basher at best lol.
ABQ - It wont get it done in this situation, but in most cases it will. The defense, is not good, and I dont know why. It has some talent. It should not be this bad. but getting rid of your QB that you know can put those numbers will not ensure the defense gets better. Tell me how getting rid of your QB makes the Defense better. Who are you going to go get. The quickest route is getting the Defense where they allow 20 to 24 points a game while still putting up you offensive stats.

But you dont seem to like that game plan. So what is yours. Get rid of Dak, and then do what??

Spoken like JJ.....score points and HOPE the Defense holds up....scoring 35 pts is useless if teams are scoring 40pts.

Try looking at the issue holistically rather than "Dak, Dak, Dak",what I think @ABQCOWBOY is saying is that if we cant get Dak for a deal that allows us to improve the Defense and other holes in the team there is no point paying him to play in a team that isnt going to compete.

Looking at the CAP (and yes it does have an effect) if he doesnt sign a 5 year deal that frees up CAP space in 2021 and 2022 we move on a build a team.

News for you - this may mean:
1) Accepting we wont be competing in possibly the next 3 years
2) It doesnt necessarily matter who we play at QB, as we wont be competing
3) We may use our probable top 5 draft pick on a QB or we not ......we are looking to IMPROVE THE TEAM NOT NECESSARILY QB.
4) We may use someone off the street to play QB - as we improve the team in general.
Dak doesnt play defense. Dak was doing his job even with the OLine playing musical chairs. Well next year you get Martin, Smith, Collins back. The line should be Top 4 to 7. Now all we have to do is focus on Defense and draft a few oline backups to groom. The Oline can be fixed fairly quickly with everyone coming back.

Sign Dak and get rid of some of the huge cap hit that comes with the franchise..

Maybe Trade Gallup or Amari.(if someone will take him)...Dak doesnt need all 3 to be successful. IT all depends on what the cap looks like.

On Defense we lost LVE (smith always does too and is out of place without him or Lee) Lee hasnt been there. You lost Gerald McCoy. Poe is just trash.

FIRE MIKE NOLON!!! He may be the fall guy but a head has to roll.

Gallimore, Gregory, Lawrence, Woods is okay to build off of. I bring Aldon Smith back one more year cause he hasnt been quite good enough to warrant a big payday and he should be better and in more football shape after 1 year and an off season. Draft CB, Safety and a LB Early. 1 step away Diggs will be better next year. If they draft well this Defense could improve dramatically.

That whole post is a typical fan's "back of a *** packet" analysis, sounds easy but isnt financially viable (eg: trade Amari and bring back Aldon Smith).

The highlighted flaw (one of many in that post) is, Lamb was a NFL ready pick (as a lot of first rounders are), second round Diggs isnt going to be a decent CB for at least more 2 years.....drafts take time to produce.

We are going to need to supplement in FAgency and as teams like Saints/Eagles will need to shed contracts in 2021 we should be picking up players that they cut.

2021 wlll give a unique opportunity to pick up decent players - you'll get more for your money as so many teams will be "CAP poor".

It all starts with what Dak will accept. If he insists on 3 years at market rate will mean we wont be be able to do anything substantial in addressing the league worse Defense and O-Line depth.

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