Dan Campbell Pulled a Bellichick

I didn't say they were. You're the one who started this thread to complain about the attempt to "PURPOSEFULLY CONFUSE the Dallas defense".

Uh, no. The ref announced the wrong number. Dallas did nothing wrong, they simply responded to what the ref said. Detroit did nothing wrong, they simply had a few linemen stand near an official between plays.

If the ref did everything right, why is he being punished by the League?
At bare minimum if this was mass confusion, Detroit is to blame. But it is more than that and an attempt to defraud dallas on that play.
Guys, guys, guys.... in all of this you are not highlighting three FACTS that make this all moot..

1. The "tripping" call that set us back 15 yards was called ON THE WRONG PLAYER! It was a DEFENSIVE PLAYER who tried to trip NOT Schoonmaker.... look at the video evidence its all over the place on the internet. If that penalty is called correctly we have the ball at the 15 yard line of Detroit. Ata a minimum we run three plays, kick a field goal and they have 35 seconds and no timeouts left to get a touchdown.

2. Even AFTER the stupid attempt to get our guys to not cover what was clearly a person in the wrong formation (If 70 was eligible - which was reported) then 68 had to be covered at the end of the line... which he wasn't. Illegal formation.

3. FINALLY and most importantly DETROIT HAD TWO OTHER CHANCES to make the 2 pointer. The first one was intercepted (Micah offsides - called back), The second one was incomplete and even if completed the man was there to bounce him out of bounds.

The team that won SHOULD have won. Period.
I am not arguing that one or another should have won. What I am saying is not moot because if Campbell orchestrated a play that sought to prevent dallas from knowing who the eligible guy is, this is tantamount to fraudulent and unethical behavior on the part of Campbell. How is that moot if it is true???
Look dude none of this was an accident. You are trying to place blame as if it was just a mishap. It was all by plan. You’re telling me decker could not have convinced a ref he was the man? Or that the ref is too demented to know decker is saying Im the man? None of it makes sense unless it is a scheme, which it was, to deprive dallas of knowing who the eligible guy is. It worked and decker got the ball uncovered but it failed because it was a ploy.
The referee made a mistake. You don't have to be "demented" to make a mistake. The referee has a thousand things going on. There's 90,000 people yelling at the top of their lungs. Those players were all wearing helmets and so when one of them said "I'm declaring as eligible" there is nothing "demented" about the notion that the ref thought the comment came from 70 and not 68.

And I will ask again: If the referee didn't screw up, then why is the League officially punishing him?
At bare minimum if this was mass confusion, Detroit is to blame. But it is more than that and an attempt to defraud dallas on that play.
oh, absolutely the Lions outsmarted themselves here. In their attempt to confuse the Cowboys, they ended up confusing the referee. They should have left well enough alone and had #68 be the only guy near the ref. All I am saying is that there was nothing illegal or unethical about what they did.
The referee made a mistake. You don't have to be "demented" to make a mistake. The referee has a thousand things going on. There's 90,000 people yelling at the top of their lungs. Those players were all wearing helmets and so when one of them said "I'm declaring as eligible" there is nothing "demented" about the notion that the ref thought the comment came from 70 and not 68.

And I will ask again: If the referee didn't screw up, then why is the League officially punishing him?
So one and only one lineman reported and that was Decker? And 70 did not come in pounding his chest saying im the guy??? And you are saying the refs got it wrong. We have no proof that the refs got it wrong. I believe officiating has been atrocious this year, and this group had a notorious history and were the scapegoat. I dont believe that one lineman reported and they could not comprehend this. And why did 70 pound his chest coming in if his was not the guy???

and i dont believe 70 would have been identifying himself by pounding his chest if he knew he had no responsibility to report because he was not the guy. All of this has the hallmarks or premeditation like dna at a crime scene.
So one and only one lineman reported and that was Decker? And 70 did not come in pounding his chest saying im the guy??? And you are saying the refs got it wrong. We have no proof that the refs got it wrong. I believe officiating has been atrocious this year, and this group had a notorious history and were the scapegoat. I dont believe that one lineman reported and they could not comprehend this. And why did 70 pound his chest coming in if his was not the guy???
So the refs did everything right but the League decided to punish them anyway? Is that honestly what you are saying?
oh, absolutely the Lions outsmarted themselves here. In their attempt to confuse the Cowboys, they ended up confusing the referee. They should have left well enough alone and had #68 be the only guy near the ref. All I am saying is that there was nothing illegal or unethical about what they did.
They did not outsmart themselves. Campbell got caught with his hand in the cooking jar. Trying to defraud dallas from knowing who is eligible by shenanigans is unethical and deplorable and yes illegal. Circumventing rules to win games is unethical. Yes Campbell devised the play to obfuscate and confuse the refs. Not dallas. They did not want to confuse dallas, they wanted to defraud dallas so they would cover 70. Campbell was hoping that with all the orchestrated offensive line “confusion” (it was not) would lead to some plausible deniability and they would pull the flag and win. Very ingenious and cunning but unethical. We will see more of this from Campbell going down the road and the light bulb will go off and we will say, wow remember that bs in dallas?
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So the refs did everything right but the League decided to punish them anyway? Is that honestly what you are saying?
We just do not know because there is no audible evidence. So saying the refs got it wrong is simply not provable. And if they got it wrong, why didnt Goff stop the play and make note of it. Fathom that? 70 was broadcast on the speaker system.
We just do not know because there is no audible evidence.
Oh, I wouldn't be so sure of that. There are hundreds of mikes on the field beyond what the TV audience hears. I have no doubt the NFL knows exactly what happened and that is why they punished the referee.
So saying the refs got it wrong is simply not provable. And if they got it wrong, why didnt Goff stop the play and make note of it. Fathom that? 70 was broadcast on the speaker system.
I said earlier the Lions absolutely should have noticed that the ref announced the wrong number, but that doesn't mean the ref didn't mess up.
Oh, I wouldn't be so sure of that. There are hundreds of mikes on the field beyond what the TV audience hears. I have no doubt the NFL knows exactly what happened and that is why they punished the referee.

I said earlier the Lions absolutely should have noticed that the ref announced the wrong number, but that doesn't mean the ref didn't mess up.
It also does not mean they messed up. There is no proof. And the onus is on Detroit to explain 70 coming in pounding his chest and both decker and another lineman approaching the ref when one of them had nothing to do with the reporting. Does not make sense. And yes you would have to be demented if you did not clarify if both decker and 70 reporting. There is simply no proof that decker reported anything which was by design.
Oh, I wouldn't be so sure of that. There are hundreds of mikes on the field beyond what the TV audience hears. I have no doubt the NFL knows exactly what happened and that is why they punished the referee.

I said earlier the Lions absolutely should have noticed that the ref announced the wrong number, but that doesn't mean the ref didn't mess up.
That is still conjecture and no proof whatsoever. And 70 visibly appeared to report pounding his chest and that is what the refs announced. So so visible proof is soundly that 70 reported.
Oh, I wouldn't be so sure of that. There are hundreds of mikes on the field beyond what the TV audience hears. I have no doubt the NFL knows exactly what happened and that is why they punished the referee.

I said earlier the Lions absolutely should have noticed that the ref announced the wrong number, but that doesn't mean the ref didn't mess up.
Can you explain why 70 reported by pounding his chest coming in. All illusion. All smoke and mirrors? That was the number reported by the way. Did you notice that. Irrefutable proof the guy given to Dallas was the guy pounding his chest coming in. All illusion? I don’t believe 70 was on drugs and did not know that decker was reporting. Dont believe it. And he was coming off the sideline with instructions from Campbell. If you can explain that we have unraveled the mystery.
Someone needs to ask Dan Campbell what he as thinking when he heard only 70 being declared eligible with time left on the playclock.
So the refs did everything right but the League decided to punish them anyway? Is that honestly what you are saying?
Actually i will say it was probably one of the best officiated games this year with the fewest flags and really did not screw parsons.
Someone needs to ask Dan Campbell what he as thinking when he heard only 70 being declared eligible with time left on the playclock.
Do you think a liar and a cheat is going to provide anyone with plausible evidence that all of this was a shock? It aint gonna happen. And probably why he ha been completely silent about “being screwed” by the refs because he wasnt. And dont give me the fine bs. I would have been livid.
Someone needs to ask Dan Campbell what he as thinking when he heard only 70 being declared eligible with time left on the playclock.
And why he sent 70 in reporting when the play went to decker????? Is there any plausible explanation other than obfuscation? So either 70 was on drugs or he was told what to do.
and another thing to ponder. Campbell knew he was throwing crap at the wall hoping it would stick. But he is not stupid. He knew if it got called it was only a five yard penally and replay down. All orchestrated to rob dallas. And look at all those on here that are completely fooled and that believe it was some big misunderstanding or error. What a genius.
So here is how we can solve the problem. Provide the audible evidence, anything that proves decker reported or polygraph decker to see if all this is true or not. I simply dont believe decker reported. I dont believe the nfl would provide any audible evidence if decker reported because it would give them a black eye. And i simply dont believe decker reported because too much circumstantial evidence (multiple lineman approaching refs with no purpose and 70 coming in pounding chest and reporting). If looks fully orchestrated and no Campbell or Detroit outrage if the refs screwed it up. WHY?

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