Dan Campbell Pulled a Bellichick

I just want someone, anyone explain to me a play that as simple as Goff rolls out to right and passes to decker in the end zone can not have one lineman decker reporting to the officials his eligibility and then running the play. The only possible way two other lineman would not know that is if they were on drugs at time or perhaps it was all by freakin design to prevent dallas from knowing who is eligible so they dont cover decker and confuse shaming refs to pick up flag and call td. It did not work.
They 3 chances to make the right call and live to fight. Usually after a monumental f up coach goes safe.
If that were us there'd be holy hockey sticks to pay.
Campbell is a good coach, but his arrogance and hubris got the best of him. He was coaching like there was nothing to lose and tried to make a statement on the big stage. In doing so, he took his team out of contention for the #1 seed.

That said, he did bring the Lions back from the dead and their future looks bright. He'll learn from his mistakes and it will make him a better coach.
They didn’t cheat. They pulled a stupid maneuver and paid for it. Bush league for sure. This is not something which should have any legs but it shows how biased the media is against the Boys that we’re even talking about this.
Okay so in the camp of two other lineman on drugs, did not know decker was the guy, and 70 pounding his chest coming off the bench. You want us to believe that neither of the two other lineman that spoke to the ref knew decker was the guy and one was even saying he was eligible 70 pounding his chest. This cannot make sense other than orchestrated or the two other lineman were on drugs.
Campbell is a good coach, but his arrogance and hubris got the best of him. He was coaching like there was nothing to lose and tried to make a statement on the big stage. In doing so, he took his team out of contention for the #1 seed.

That said, he did bring the Lions back from the dead and their future looks bright. He'll learn from his mistakes and it will make him a better coach.
Many unethical people have hubris….so whats your point. And dont believe they will get caught. Look at Paterno and Bellichick with signal stealing and other unethical acts. His future is not bright if this was an unethical attempt to win and sidestep Dallas’s right to know who the eligible receiver is. Because he will do it again.
The refs did not mess up. They got it right actually. Dont confuse legal and unethical actions. Preventing the defense from knowing the eligable receiver is to defraud them. The rules suggest dallas has a right to know who is and is not a receiver. If you cant understand that, there is no help for you.
What planet are you living on?? There is nothing against the rules or even remotely unethical in trying to confuse the defense. It is not Campbell's responsibility to make sure Dallas knows what the Detroit offense is doing. It is Dallas's responsibility to know who is eligible and who isn't.

How does the defense know who is eligible? A variety of ways: The offensive player's jersey number.... the offensive formation.... referee announcements made prior to the play.... it is the referee who screwed up by announcing the wrong number - although there is certainly the legit point that the offense should have heard the wrong numbr announced and corrected the official.

Maybe we should outlaw play action? After all, that is an attempt to confuse the defense.
What planet are you living on?? There is nothing against the rules or even remotely unethical in trying to confuse the defense. It is not Campbell's responsibility to make sure Dallas knows what the Detroit offense is doing. It is Dallas's responsibility to know who is eligible and who isn't.

How does the defense know who is eligible? A variety of ways: The offensive player's jersey number.... the offensive formation.... referee announcements made prior to the play.... it is the referee who screwed up by announcing the wrong number - although there is certainly the legit point that the offense should have heard the wrong numbr announced and corrected the official.

Maybe we should outlaw play action? After all, that is an attempt to confuse the defense.
I really dont want to put you down or demean you. But you are either refusing to get it or unable to comprehend the simplicity of it. I have pointed out many ways the offense or special teams can act to confuse the defense. None of them violate any rules. This is not an example of that. Preventing dallas from knowing who is the eligible receiver by manipulating the refs is deception yes, but of the sort that is violating the rule. If you cant get that then we are talking obtunded. If there was no attempt to do what I am explaining, why did not decker simply report and not two other lineman speak and pretend they were eligible? You either have to believe those two lineman were on drugs or that Campbell orchestrated this.
What planet are you living on?? There is nothing against the rules or even remotely unethical in trying to confuse the defense. It is not Campbell's responsibility to make sure Dallas knows what the Detroit offense is doing. It is Dallas's responsibility to know who is eligible and who isn't.

How does the defense know who is eligible? A variety of ways: The offensive player's jersey number.... the offensive formation.... referee announcements made prior to the play.... it is the referee who screwed up by announcing the wrong number - although there is certainly the legit point that the offense should have heard the wrong numbr announced and corrected the official.

Maybe we should outlaw play action? After all, that is an attempt to confuse the defense.
And if you are telling me dallas would know who is eligible or not, then the rule becomes superflous.
I really dont want to put you down or demean you. But you are either refusing to get it or unable to comprehend the simplicity of it. I have pointed out many ways the offense or special teams can act to confuse the defense. None of them violate any rules. This is not an example of that. Preventing dallas from knowing who is the eligible receiver by manipulating the refs is deception yes, but of the sort that is violating the rule. If you cant get that then we are talking obtunded.
Where is the rule that says you can't have a couple linemen stand near an official between plays? Show me that rule and I'll agree with you.

It is Dallas' responsibility to know who is and isn't eligible. If they get fooled because a couple linemen stood near an official 20 seconds before the play even started, that's their own fault.

The ref screwed up, but Detroit did nothing wrong. They did nothing illegal, they did nothing unethical.
Many unethical people have hubris….so whats your point. And dont believe they will get caught. Look at Paterno and Bellichick with signal stealing and other unethical acts. His future is not bright if this was an unethical attempt to win and sidestep Dallas’s right to know who the eligible receiver is. Because he will do it again.
Hubris and ethics are not interchangeable. He tried to get sneaky and got caught. Like it or not, that's part of football, and sports. I see no need to question the man's morality simply for trying to bend the rules a bit in a big moment. Our former OC literally put bounties on opposing players as a head coach, and much of this fan base wanted (wants?) him back in town as the head honcho. That to me crosses the line. This? It seems over the top to judge the guy for doing what he thought would win the game.
And if you are telling me dallas would know who is eligible or not, then the rule becomes superflous.
I said what I meant and I meant what I said: It is the defense's responsibility to know who is and isn't eligible. This is done by a variety of ways: A player's number, the offensive formation, and referee announcements made prior to a play.

The problem here is the ref announced the wrong number. We don't know what would have happened if he announced the correct number.
Where is the rule that says you can't have a couple linemen stand near an official between plays? Show me that rule and I'll agree with you.

It is Dallas' own responsibility to know who is and isn't eligible. If they get fooled because a couple linemen stood near an official, that's their own fault.

The ref screwed up, but Detroit did nothing wrong. They did nothing illegal, they did nothing unethical.
You completely misrepresent what happened. Decker and another lineman were speaking to the ref away from the line and huddle. Apparently decker did not report because 70 came in pounding his chest saying Im the man. So why didnt decker say, omg, im the man not you 70!!!!!!! That is not what happened. All of this makes no sense unless it is orchestrated and you are even backtracking saying nothing wrong by standing by the ref. How did the ref screw up? Three lineman approached and spoke and they are too stupid to know decker is the guy. This is all contortionist bs and you know it.
I said what I meant and I meant what I said: It is the defense's responsibility to know who is and isn't eligible. This is done by a variety of ways: A player's number, the offensive formation, and referee announcements made prior to a play.

The problem here is the ref announced the wrong number. We don't know what would have happened if he announced the correct number.
So first you are saying the reporting rule is superfluous. Okay. Good. Got that on record. Second, you are telling me lineman were just standing by refs and none said I am eligible except decker. Even though both were speaking to them and then 70 comes in pounding his chest “im the guy” and the refs say yes you are the guy. What am i missing here on a simple pass to decker the eligible reciever?? And so why didnt the ref say, wait is it decker or 70? Even if they can both report, I think, the ref only tells dallas 70 is the man and they cover him and not decker. All of this does not pass the giggle test.
You completely misrepresent what happened. Decker and another lineman were speaking to the ref away from the line and huddle. Apparently decker did not report because 70 came in pounding his chest saying Im the man. So why didnt decker say, omg, im the man not you 70!!!!!!! That is not what happened. All of this makes no sense unless it is orchestrated and you are even backtracking saying nothing wrong by standing by the ref. How did the ref screw up? Three lineman approached and spoke and they are too stupid to know decker is the guy. This is all contortionist bs and you know it.
The only contortionist BS is the above tinfoil conspiracy theory post.

If the ref didn't screw up, then why is he being punished by the League? I guarantee you the NFL has NFL Films audio of what was said since there are microphones everywhere, and they know the ref messed up (hence his punishment).

If the Dallas defense gets confused by a couple linemen standing next to the referee 20 seconds prior to the snap, that's their own fault.
So first you are saying the reporting rule is superfluous. Okay. Good. Got that on record.
I never said any such thing. If you are going to quote me, then do so accurately instead of trolling.
Second, you are telling me lineman were just standing by refs and none said I am eligible except decker.
Yes. That's why the referee has been punished by the League. I have no doubt the NFL has audio of what happened and they know the ref messed up.
I agree that the concept is pretty dumb, especially late in the season against a decent team. If you really wanted to make this work, the linemen approaching the ref should have similar numbers (i.e. 70 and 71). You might be able to catch a defense not totally paying attention to the number announced and getting mixed up as a result.
The only contortionist BS is the above tinfoil conspiracy theory post.

If the ref didn't screw up, then why is he being punished by the League? I guarantee you the NFL has NFL Films audio of what was said since there are microphones everywhere, and they know the ref messed up (hence his punishment).

If the Dallas defense gets confused by a couple linemen standing next to the referee 20 seconds prior to the snap, that's their own fault.
Dallas defense was not confused by anything. They covered 70 and not decker. And why did 70 pound his chest coming in? Pretty much an indication the refs got it right. you cant make this stuff up.
Dallas defense was not confused by anything. They covered 70 and not decker. And why did 70 pound his chest coming in? Pretty much an indication the refs got it right. you cant make this stuff up.
The only contortionist BS is the above tinfoil conspiracy theory post.

If the ref didn't screw up, then why is he being punished by the League? I guarantee you the NFL has NFL Films audio of what was said since there are microphones everywhere, and they know the ref messed up (hence his punishment).

If the Dallas defense gets confused by a couple linemen standing next to the referee 20 seconds prior to the snap, that's their own fault.
all of this could have been averted by one man and one man only, decker, approaching the refs, not three, with 70 pounding his chest and saying he was eligible.
Dallas defense was not confused by anything.
I didn't say they were. You're the one who started this thread to complain about the attempt to "PURPOSEFULLY CONFUSE the Dallas defense".
They covered 70 and not decker. And why did 70 pound his chest coming in? Pretty much an indication the refs got it right. you cant make this stuff up.
Uh, no. The ref announced the wrong number. Dallas did nothing wrong, they simply responded to what the ref said. Detroit did nothing wrong, they simply had a few linemen stand near an official between plays.

If the ref did everything right, why is he being punished by the League?
The only contortionist BS is the above tinfoil conspiracy theory post.

If the ref didn't screw up, then why is he being punished by the League? I guarantee you the NFL has NFL Films audio of what was said since there are microphones everywhere, and they know the ref messed up (hence his punishment).

If the Dallas defense gets confused by a couple linemen standing next to the referee 20 seconds prior to the snap, that's their own fault.
Look dude none of this was an accident. You are trying to place blame as if it was just a mishap. It was all by plan. You’re telling me decker could not have convinced a ref he was the man? Or that the ref is too demented to know decker is saying Im the man? None of it makes sense unless it is a scheme, which it was, to deprive dallas of knowing who the eligible guy is. It worked and decker got the ball uncovered but it failed because it was a ploy.
Guys, guys, guys.... in all of this you are not highlighting three FACTS that make this all moot..

1. The "tripping" call that set us back 15 yards was called ON THE WRONG PLAYER! It was a DEFENSIVE PLAYER who tried to trip NOT Schoonmaker.... look at the video evidence its all over the place on the internet. If that penalty is called correctly we have the ball at the 15 yard line of Detroit. Ata a minimum we run three plays, kick a field goal and they have 35 seconds and no timeouts left to get a touchdown.

2. Even AFTER the stupid attempt to get our guys to not cover what was clearly a person in the wrong formation (If 70 was eligible - which was reported) then 68 had to be covered at the end of the line... which he wasn't. Illegal formation.

3. FINALLY and most importantly DETROIT HAD TWO OTHER CHANCES to make the 2 pointer. The first one was intercepted (Micah offsides - called back), The second one was incomplete and even if completed the man was there to bounce him out of bounds.

The team that won SHOULD have won. Period.

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