Dan Campbell Pulled a Bellichick

I mean...everyone hates refs because they can determine outcomes of games with bad calls.

I get that these teams are really facing two teams when they play...their opponent and then the refs.

But to attack the refs and confuse them so that you can basically have two lineman that can catch a pass and then blame the refs for being confused....thats just dirty play. Smart...but ruins the game.

There is a line...call me soft...but that design crossed the line. Smart...but unprofessional.
It actually is really stupid. Because when it fails, and it will eventually, you develop a reputation of being a cheater. You are only a genius until you get caught I guess. Bellichick stealing signals and deflating balls? Really? I dont know much about Campbell and hope it is not true, but he has made stupid statements before like biting people knee caps off which is really signaling a “we will do anything to win regardless” which is different from a Lombardi approach that said “winning is everything as long as it is ethical.”
Don't try to be sneaky when you know how abysmal officiating has been this year. They easily could've kicked the PAT and sent it to OT. No sympathy here. This is on the coach.
Not to mentioned they had 2 tries at it and failed.
You clearly can't even read and comprehend a simple post. If that's what you took from my post then........ it all makes sense.
Again, ad hominem. I am too stupid to comprehend anything. I guess my PhD is for naught?
Just riddle me this batman. One question. Did Campbell want Dallas to know who the eligible man is? If you believe he did, all the obfuscation makes no sense. He did not and that is the whole point. If you really believe Campbell wanted Dallas to know, this would not pass the giggle test.
It is not up to him. The refs have to tell the defense who reports. The last thing in the world Campbell would want is to confuse the refs which is what happened.
It is not up to him. The refs have to tell the defense who reports. The last thing in the world Campbell would want is to confuse the refs which is what happened.
So you actually believe Campbell wanted the cowboys to know the eligible receiver? And all that was needed was one lineman and for Decker to speak to the ref but in reality two lineman are speaking to the ref, with no intention of reporting because decker is the guy, and then 70 runs in pounding his chest saying Im eligible. This does not even pass the giggle test. You are saying this is mass confusion? Occams razor buddy. The simplest explanation is the more probable. And given Campbells assertions that all this was practiced the prior week and he spoke to the refs do you really believe that 3 lineman are dumb as turnips and doing things that are ridiculously confusing because they are stupid? I dont believe any of this horse manure. You would have to be a contortionist to make this case. I dont believe Campbell or these lineman are stupid. That is what defies Occam’s razor.
So you actually believe Campbell wanted the cowboys to know the eligible receiver? And all that was needed was one lineman and for Decker to speak to the ref but in reality two lineman are speaking to the ref, with no intention of reporting because decker is the guy, and then 70 runs in pounding his chest saying Im eligible. This does not even pass the giggle test. You are saying this is mass confusion? Occams razor buddy. The simplest explanation is the more probable. And given Campbells assertions that all this was practiced the prior week and he spoke to the refs do you really believe that 3 lineman are dumb as turnips and doing things that are ridiculously confusing because they are stupid? I dont believe any of this horse manure. I dont believe Campbell or these lineman are stupid. That is what defies Occam’s razor.
Again, it is up to the refs to TELL the cowboys not Detroit. Dallas isn’t watching who runs up to the ref. They don’t have to. All they have to worry about is who the refs tell them is eligible.

Apparently , the refs heard one guy and not the other. That’s the refs explanation. It is NOT in Detroits interest to have the refs report erroneous information bc that draws a penalty …….. which is what happened.
Can’t blame anyone for trying to get an edge. But that’s a bad way to get an edge. The ref has to announce which numbers are eligible to the defensive captain for this exact reason. So you can’t “fool” the defense by lining up different people.
Again, it is up to the refs to TELL the cowboys not Detroit. Dallas isn’t watching who runs up to the ref. They don’t have to. All they have to worry about is who the refs tell them is eligible.

Apparently , the refs heard one guy and not the other. That’s the refs explanation. It is NOT in Detroits interest to have the refs report erroneous information bc that draws a penalty …….. which is what happened.
First, no one is debating the refs responsibility to tell Dallas which is what they did
Second, you are telling all of us on here that you actually believe that Dan Campbell is an idiot or that the three lineman that spoke to the ref are idiots and did not know that all they needed to do was have Decker report to the officials? Omg?
Third, i have a business deal for you and some land I want to sell you in a flood zone. Omg people.
Fourth, to believe that that there was mass confusion vs. orchestration by Campbell to prevent dallas from covering an eligible receiver does not overcome Occams razor. My case will be solidified down the road, when we discover other attempts by Campbell to cheat to win, because it is in his DNA. I dont believe this was all stupidly and mass confusion. Confusing to the refs yes but by design for plausibLe deniability.
Can’t blame anyone for trying to get an edge. But that’s a bad way to get an edge. The ref has to announce which numbers are eligible to the defensive captain for this exact reason. So you can’t “fool” the defense by lining up different people.
Furthermore , 70 not 68 was announced on the stadium PA system. So Campbell had an opportunity pre snap to correct the error. He should have kicked the extra point after the penalty. Bizarre coaching decision.
Can’t blame anyone for trying to get an edge. But that’s a bad way to get an edge. The ref has to announce which numbers are eligible to the defensive captain for this exact reason. So you can’t “fool” the defense by lining up different people.
This was not getting an edge. Cheating is not getting an edge it is going over the edge. Believing that all Decker had to do was tell the ref, yet two other lineman also spoke to the ref with 70 pounding his chest coming in and all of this was a terrible mistake does not pass the giggle test.
Furthermore , 70 not 68 was announced on the stadium PA system. So Campbell had an opportunity pre snap to correct the error. He should have kicked the extra point after the penalty. Bizarre coaching decision.
Exactly. The refs announce the eligible numbers for this exact reason. It would be bush to have confusion about what numbers are eligible. This is a complete non issue. ESPN just needs to stoke the Cowboy hate
Furthermore , 70 not 68 was announced on the stadium PA system. So Campbell had an opportunity pre snap to correct the error. He should have kicked the extra point after the penalty. Bizarre coaching decision.
That is assuming this was all an innocent mistake and mass confusion. No all by design. Trying to confuse refs and screw dallas from knowing who was eligible.
This was not getting an edge. Cheating is not getting an edge it is going over the edge. Believing that all Decker had to do was tell the ref, yet two other lineman also spoke to the ref with 70 pounding his chest coming in and all of this was a terrible mistake does not pass the giggle test.
They didn’t cheat. They pulled a stupid maneuver and paid for it. Bush league for sure. This is not something which should have any legs but it shows how biased the media is against the Boys that we’re even talking about this.
Don't try to be sneaky when you know how abysmal officiating has been this year. They easily could've kicked the PAT and sent it to OT. No sympathy here. This is on the coach.
They 3 chances to make the right call and live to fight. Usually after a monumental f up coach goes safe.
If that were us there'd be holy hockey sticks to pay.
That is assuming this was all an innocent mistake and mass confusion. No all by design. Trying to confuse refs and screw dallas from knowing who was eligible.
The only way that play works is if the refs report 68 as eligible to the defense. So, the confusion about who was reporting was never in Detroits interest. So why would they orchestrate it?

It’s a classic “ he said/ he said” situation. But the tie goes to the refs.
This is what a creep Campbell is. He purposefully had two linemen talking to ref while a third lineman races in to report eligibility to PURPOSEFULLY CONFUSE the Dallas defense. This was orchestrated by Campbell who knows the rules inside and out being a former receiver. This is 100% Bill Bellichick bs that he will do anything to win (including deflating footballs, stealing calls, and other confusing plays). It did fortunately backfire and it should have.

So what I want to know is, how many of you on here agree this guy is a creep that will try to bend the rules to win?
You mean an offense tried to confuse the defense in an NFL game?!??!

Stupid thread, stupid criticism. It backfired because the refs messed up, not because it was a bad idea.
If Campbell is an honest and decent person with integrity, it will become obvious overtime. I hope to God, this was not orchestrated by Campbell, because if it was, it is a harbinger of worse things to come. But the silver lining is we watch this guy closely for more unethical things because they will come. It is not a stretch in todays world of massive evil and corruption at all levels to believe any of this could be true.
You mean an offense tried to confuse the defense in an NFL game?!??!

Stupid thread, stupid criticism. It backfired because the refs messed up, not because it was a bad idea.
The refs did not mess up. They got it right actually. Dont confuse legal and unethical actions. Preventing the defense from knowing the eligable receiver is to defraud them. The rules suggest dallas has a right to know who is and is not a receiver. If you cant understand that, there is no help for you.
This is nonsense lol, he was lined up at left tackle, the only way he's eligible is if he reports
He was lined up as an eligible receiver. There were 7 men on the line of scrimmage and he was the one furthest to the left, hence he was lined up correctly.

As someone with a number in the 60's, he has to report as eligible before the play, which is the bone of contention here. But the offensive formation was correct for what they wanted to do.

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