Daron Bland is overrated and a fraud


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In the heat of the moment last night in the game thread, I almost blamed Dak and McCarthy but realized that wasn’t fair. We won, but even if we lost that game wasn’t on Dak. This game being this close falls on two people and two people alone. Dan Quinn and Daron Bland. Both of these guys are frauds. I congratulate him on the pick six record this season but I think that record made us ignore his shortcomings. When faced with a decent or good team, he gets torched. As of right now? He’s a fraud. He might improve his game and I guarantee he will, but let’s not ignore his weaknesses and call him the second coming just yet. His butt needs to be in the film room because if this happens in the playoffs, I’d trade him to the Jets for a third rounder!!
Yes, 5th round pick on a deal paying him $807,000...which is 0.35% of the salary cap...who's started 18 of 29 career games is the fraud.

Never mind that he has more interceptions than the first 8 CBs taken in his draft *combined*

Never mind that he leads the league in interceptions

But because he had a bad game, he's a fraud


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A fraud is a Person that makes fictitious claims about themselves.

In every interview I've seen with DB, He's maintained a humble demeanour and stressed the need to work hard and continue to improve.

He has no control over what others say about Him and I've seen no sign of Him buying into the hype or developing an overweening ego.


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Metcalf is half a foot taller and 70 pounds heavier, and runs like a deer. The results were hardly a surprise.
Honestly I thought it was spectacularly stupid of Dan Quinn to play so much man last night. What did he expect to happen out there leaving Bland on an island with one of the best athletes on the planet?

Quinn had better figure some things out because his defense seems to be wilting a bit over the last few weeks.


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
A fraud is a Person that makes fictitious claims about themselves.

In every interview I've seen with DB, He's maintained a humble demeanour and stressed the need to work hard and continue to improve.

He has no control over what others say about Him and I've seen no sign of Him buying into the hype or developing an overweening ego.
Very good point.


Cowboy Fan
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
In the heat of the moment last night in the game thread, I almost blamed Dak and McCarthy but realized that wasn’t fair. We won, but even if we lost that game wasn’t on Dak. This game being this close falls on two people and two people alone. Dan Quinn and Daron Bland. Both of these guys are frauds. I congratulate him on the pick six record this season but I think that record made us ignore his shortcomings. When faced with a decent or good team, he gets torched. As of right now? He’s a fraud. He might improve his game and I guarantee he will, but let’s not ignore his weaknesses and call him the second coming just yet. His butt needs to be in the film room because if this happens in the playoffs, I’d trade him to the Jets for a third rounder!!
Thank you OP for starting a silly thread like this ....... saves me a lot of time to just put you on ignore now.