David Irving


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I think Irving is talented knucklehead who has a powerful mix of immaturity and idiocy.

That being said, he's so talented that I think I am perfectly fine taking advantage of his knuckleheadedness and getting him signed to a really team friendly deal in 2019.
No duh

Everyone will take a really team friendly deal....everyone except Irving and 10 other teams that will a ton of cap space


Cowboys Diehard
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If there's any way Irving can play and do so reasonably healthy, it'd behoove him to do so.

Failure to come to a team's aid after it was so forgiving would be comparable to desertion.

Anyway, if he used the team as he has, would it be wrong for the team to reciprocate? ;)

Without a doubt they should consider paying him as cheap a contract as possible in 2019.
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So if you were waterboarding behind a boat you got pulled up hanging on the to tow rope with just 1 hand and if you were waterboarding in the ocean you paddled out with just 1 arm? I'll bet that next you're going to claim that once you were in a bicycle race and broke your leg and had friends duct tape your leg so you could finish the race.
Oo, oo, can I play? I finished a half Ironman triathlon with a complete rotator cuff tear (all 4 muscles) and a severed bicep tendon. I can get you the doctor note. He gave me the ok since he said it literally could not get worse.

Yes it hurt, and yes the swim wasn't easy one armed.


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You overestimate his market value given his issues and his problems and the fact he might not even play here down the stretch.

Irving’s biggest issue is not even his immaturity at this point, it’a concussions.

I believe he’s had 2 so far, one which caused him to crash his car into a stop sign (what is with him and stop signs?)

Another big concussion and he’ll be damaged goods.


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Irving’s biggest issue is not even his immaturity at this point, it’a concussions.

I believe he’s had 2 so far, one which caused him to crash his car into a stop sign (what is with him and stop signs?)

Another big concussion and he’ll be damaged goods.

Yep. Another factor here. Again, I think that's why the Cowboys even only 2nd round tendered him last year. They were probably hoping someone would grab him, hence why to the dissatisfaction of the Irving fan club here, they didn't first round tender him.

I think they were hoping for a pick for him and figured no one would bite at a first round tender, but might with a 2nd rounder.


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In two games, he had one sack. That's a better pace than all of our DLs other than Lawrence. And considering he played fewer snaps, it bodes well for the pass rush if he can get on the field.

Establishing a base rate on a sample size of 1 is a dubious proposition. My recollection from his play over all his snaps was that he wasn't making a big difference.

This time he's coming back after a high ankle sprain that has kept him out a long time already. More time not practicing, and not coming back at 100%. High ankle sprains linger. Guys don't rarely seem fully healed til the following year.

I expect him to be worse than he was earlier this year, which wasn't noticeably better than Crawford.


Messenger to the football Gods
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I bet this thread goes down hill real fast with all the Irving haters about to do their stupid insult post again.
You know it's coming, Jazzy.

This boards posters all lead a perfect life. Error free......Even as young 20+ year old........
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Well-Known Member
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I think Irving is talented knucklehead who has a powerful mix of immaturity and idiocy.

That being said, he's so talented that I think I am perfectly fine taking advantage of his knuckleheadedness and getting him signed to a really team friendly deal in 2019.

If I"m his agent I'm waiting for free agency.

There's probably a wide range of evaluations on Irving given the uncertainties about him. That's a guy to take to free agency. Find the "glass half full" gms to bite on him.


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Oo, oo, can I play? I finished a half Ironman triathlon with a complete rotator cuff tear (all 4 muscles) and a severed bicep tendon. I can get you the doctor note. He gave me the ok since he said it literally could not get worse.

Yes it hurt, and yes the swim wasn't easy one armed.
Ok, ok, ok, my turn. I was playing Madden so much on my playstation 4 that I developed tendonitis in both thumbs and right index finger. The pain was unbearable but I played through it. I won the family tournament.


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No, maybe you've never Wakeboarded but you generally keep your elbows in to your body.

My lower arm was NOT taped. The tape was just from my shoulder to about half-way to my elbow.

It's not Wakeboarding without a boat. The boat makes the Wake.

Maybe you are thinking of kiteboarding.

It would not be difficult to get pulled up using 1 hand. You could do much once up but it would not be difficult.

Maybe you should be more knowledgable about a subject before you speak.

I looked at a cazillion pics of people waterboarding and EVERY one of them that were not waterboarding in the ocean were holding on to a tow rope. Most with both hands with their arms extended and those that only had one hand on the tow rope had the other arm extended to the side like it was helping with balance. So you may get a few people to believe that you "broke" your shoulder ( it's a joint not a bone and dosen't break but gets dislocated) and then got duct taped up and continued to waterboard but most of us will see your STORY for what it is.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I looked at a cazillion pics of people waterboarding and EVERY one of them that were not waterboarding in the ocean were holding on to a tow rope. Most with both hands with their arms extended and those that only had one hand on the tow rope had the other arm extended to the side like it was helping with balance. So you may get a few people to believe that you "broke" your shoulder ( it's a joint not a bone and dosen't break but gets dislocated) and then got duct taped up and continued to waterboard but most of us will see your STORY for what it is.

You are clueless. There are bones in the shoulder.
Bones can break.

Notice in the video the flip is done with one hand on the rope handle.

Also notice when he comes into the wake before the flip his back elbow is tucked near his body.



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A high ankle sprain is awful and different players manage it without even missing a game or missing a month. This will be Irvings 7th week...I understand he also is going through "personal issues" ...but if Irving can come back and contribute in the ways we know hes capable. GOOD LAWD could be stellar.

There was a time this board was split on who was the better DLmen, Irving or DLaw. True story.

David Irving hasnt been with the team for awhile. There was report saying he's been away from the team handling personal issues. Guy isnt worth the trouble.


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David Irving hasnt been with the team for awhile. There was report saying he's been away from the team handling personal issues. Guy isnt worth the trouble.
I just heard he was at the facility yesterday. For what it's worth.


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Did people say Irving was better based on just comparing talent?

DLaw and Irving are not far apart in talent.

Obviously, as DLaw is drastically ahead of Irving as an overall player because talent does not matter when the player is not on the field, but if somebody said that Irving had more talent than DLaw, I would be hard pressed to argue against them.
If Irving had Dlaws brain he’d be a Watt, Donald type player
Dlaw has made himself into a great player. He’s always had talent but he’s improved every part of his game and plays hard on every play
Irving has more natural talent but not the heart and desire to be great
It’s really a shame to see so much talent wasted


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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Establishing a base rate on a sample size of 1 is a dubious proposition. My recollection from his play over all his snaps was that he wasn't making a big difference.

This time he's coming back after a high ankle sprain that has kept him out a long time already. More time not practicing, and not coming back at 100%. High ankle sprains linger. Guys don't rarely seem fully healed til the following year.

I expect him to be worse than he was earlier this year, which wasn't noticeably better than Crawford.

So you can't extrapolate a base rate based on Irving getting one sack in two games, but you can use those same two games to judge his play otherwise?

How about using all of the games he's played in since 2017 then, when he found his stride?
That would be eight sacks in 10 games.

Maybe coming off the injury will slow him down, but Irving plays he gets pressure on the quarterback at a higher rate than any of our DL outside of Lawrence. It's just too bad he doesn't have his head where it needs to be because there's no telling how good he could be.


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So you can't extrapolate a base rate based on Irving getting one sack in two games, but you can use those same two games to judge his play otherwise?

How about using all of the games he's played in since 2017 then, when he found his stride?
That would be eight sacks in 10 games.

Maybe coming off the injury will slow him down, but Irving plays he gets pressure on the quarterback at a higher rate than any of our DL outside of Lawrence. It's just too bad he doesn't have his head where it needs to be because there's no telling how good he could be.

His best play in two games versus his play on all plays in those two games. The latter is a more robust indicator.

2018 games are more recent, and have the effect of his long layoff from the game.

2017 counts more on a more long term estimate of what he can do with practice and health. Less on the remaining handful of games this year.

I think Irving adds something this year. It's not like I wouldn't play him if he's ready. I just don't expect much, if any, marginal improvement over Crawford.


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I'm hoping for the best, he could really provide a boost down the stretch. A healthy team on a roll is a dangerous team. And getting Austin back on offense could also provide a spark.

Austin paired with Cooper and Beasley is a scary package. But you can really mix it up with our WRs. I think we have a very underrated group.. We started out slow in the beginning of the season. But I said early on, we'd gel right around mid-season.

Cooper was just an unforeseen bonus. But I really think we made out on that pick.

That trade has already paid off. But, yeah, we're starting to look healthy. I really like our depth.


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You are clueless. There are bones in the shoulder.
Bones can break.

Notice in the video the flip is done with one hand on the rope handle.

Also notice when he comes into the wake before the flip his back elbow is tucked near his body.

First off your video shows a waterboarder already up not how he got up on the board with only one hand. Second the bone in your shoulder area that breaks is the collar bone which I broke when I was a teen and is very painful. Third did you diagnose your "broke" shoulder or did an actual doctor? Fourth if you indeed broke your collar bone you didn't have very good friends if they actually let you be duct taped up and continue to waterboard. if you indeed saw a doctor and put your arm in a sling. Lastly, again you can fool some of the people some of the time but not all of the people ever. You can push your little fairy tale if you want to just don't expect everyone to believe it. Others have had broken bones and worse and know what's believable.