David Moore Lowdown on Dez

If the Eaglez can do what they did this past off season, anything can happen.

It won't happen though because Jerry is the most loyal owner in the league. His kindness to his players is one of his biggest downfall. I can't remember the last time he has traded a player. Can you? Maybe someone towards the bottom of the roster but never anyone memorable.

Even guys who have some value (DWare), he releases them and let's them choose their own team. This is probably why he is so respected among players but it also allows players to walk all over him.

I don't either. Even that team in (2007 I believe?) that had like 13 Pro Bowlers on it. I can't recall any of them ever being traded OT getting anything of value before they were gone. The only thing any if them left behind was dead cap space. We excel in that area.
Either engage the discussion, or spare me the digs at my rationale if you don't have enough interest in the take to reply directly.

I don't need to defend the motivations behind my opinions to you, stash. I've proven many times over I'm able and willing to be critical of the team.

Sure you have, 'Mr. Objectivity'. Just ask you. I don't care about the "motivations behind your opinions", only the fact that you have the gall to come out and tell everyone the proper way to react. Happens all the time. You somehow think that you get to decide between important and unimportant issues.

If you hadn't already noticed, I'm plenty "engaged in the discussion", with a number of my fellow fans.
I completely, and wholeheartedly, cosign every word of your post. Romo is a top 5, elite, QB when he's on the field, and he hasn't shown me that he is anything other than that, yet.

Unfortunately, he has a propensity to get injured here as of late, and isn't able to iron man through it like he was before (because you simply can't with the peculiar injuries he's been getting).

It's a double-edged sword with him. The same style of play that allows him to make those crazy plays out of nothing is also what has been leading him to these repeated injuries.
Well, I'm not saying they have to tolerate it. I think the fine was appropriate. And if the behavior continues, those would escalate and could, theoretically, affect his snaps. By all accounts Dez is not a stranger to fines from the Cowboys, anyway.

As far as covering for him goes, they were trying to keep the story in-house because there'd be a reaction to it, sure. This way, it came out a day later once they had the results. That's just a PR issue.

As far as the distraction goes, I guess it depends in part on Dez' motivation in missing on Tues. If he's spitting in the face of the coaches, it's one thing. But it don't think for a second it was that. If it's Dez just not getting himself somewhere offsite when he's supposed to or Dez not going because he'd made up his mind to play anyway and didn't want to hear otherwise (both of which I think are fairly likely possibilities), it's not really going to be a distraction or a negative with his teammates at all. In the first case it really is just Dez being Dez. In the second, it'd be more likely to be taken as a positive than a negative.

Either way, it's the kind of thing teams sweep under carpets with their star players routinely. Something less than stabbing with scissors and something more than forgetting to bring your playbook to a meeting.

Injured players are required to report on Mondays, it sounds like he blew off both Monday and Tuesday.

If the reports are true that his teammates were leaking what was going on, I would believe the motivation was that they were pissed about his behavior. If Dak was sending a message to him with his comments, again I would think it was because he thought it was a problem.

I think his motivation for doing what he did is irrelevant, if he did not do what he was suppose to do and his teammates see it as a problem then it is a problem.

I don't see anyway it can be viewed as a positive.

As far as being a PR issue as the reason to cover for him, I would have just answered the question that he had not shown up for the MRI. Then Dez would have had to stand in front of his locker and answer all sorts of question to reporters, why did you not show up, aren't you letting down your teammates down by doing that etc. Let him feel the pain and put players on notice by doing it to a star that you are not going to cover for them.

Again I don't think you can change behavior unless you try.

Do I think this one incident is a huge issue that will have ramifications for weeks, no I do not. To me it is more about sending a message you are going to hold players accountable to their teammates.

If Dak said what he said to send a message to Dez, then I think our rookie QB is showing more leadership then our head coach, which in one respect is pretty cool.

I am not a Dez hater, I root for the guy and would like to see he become what I think he can be for this team.
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Yeah, they're right in front of you, presented by people whose job it is to report about the team. But it's bad news so you can't handle it. And rather than channeling your rage on the player who created all the problems, you prefer to shoot the messenger and ignore the tru culprit responsible.

Again, if this stuff is false, and nothing more than made up lies like you claim, the team and player will quickly act to dispute them. What will you then grasp for when that doesn't happen?
I'll grasp at something over-reactionaries like you seem to have lost touch with a long time ago.....perspective.

How many players on the Cowboys have missed a meeting? How many times has Romo or Witten or Sean Lee missed a meeting?

What? You don't know? Hmm.. I wonder why? I guess anyone who has missed a meeting should be cut. Heck this should apply to every player in the league then. The league would suddenly become very small.

PERSPECTIVE my argumentative drama queen.
Problem is, players won't sign your contract. Then what?

I think many will sign a contract where they get a huge chunk of cash the day they sign it but I'm just spitballing, so maybe my idea is nuts. Doesn't really matter what I think anyway since I'll never be negotiating contracts and managing a teams NFL cap
Will wait until the facts come out but it certainly looks like same old, same old for Dez and this franchise.

Sunday at San Fran is a big game. Most wins on the road are hard fought games. For the Cowboys, this game was a must win. Anything taking away from preparation is a not needed distraction. This franchise typically has trouble stringing together good stretches. They appear to pat themselves on the back way to easily. Dallas needs this game on Sunday. They better be ready. San Fran was embarrassed last weekend and they probably think this game is the key to their season. I think we all don't think San Fran is a playoff team but I am sure their coaching staff is telling them this game is a must win as well if they are going to have a chance at the playoffs this year.
It's a double-edged sword with him. The same style of play that allows him to make those crazy plays out of nothing is also what has been leading him to these repeated injuries.
Do you just make this stuff up or do you actually believe it?
He was not spinning and ducking and extending the plays when the Giants broke his collarbone. He wasn't doing this when the Eagles broke his collarbone, he wasn't doing this when the Panthers broke his collarbone. In fact he wasn't even doing this when the Seahawks broke his back. He was getting away from a quickly collapsing pocket and sliding.

So which repeated injuries are you talking about?
I'll grasp at something over-reactionaries like you seem to have lost touch with a long time ago.....perspective.

What a joke! What an absolute joke!

You grasp at every straw you can to excuse poor behavior in the name of 'fan hood' and have the both the nerve and the lack of self awareness to talk about "perspective".


How many players on the Cowboys have missed a meeting? How many times has Romo or Witten or Sean Lee missed a meeting?

What? You don't know? Hmm.. I wonder why? I guess anyone who has missed a meeting should be cut. Heck this should apply to every player in the league then. The league would suddenly become very small.

PERSPECTIVE my argumentative drama queen.

Too bad that you're completely wrong about the situation and your lame attempt at a comparable. Maybe you should look deeper into what actually happened before you look even more foolish?

Well, anyway, Bryant has his new excuse for not performing..." l have a bad knee"
Do you just make this stuff up or do you actually believe it?
He was not spinning and ducking and extending the plays when the Giants broke his collarbone. He wasn't doing this when the Eagles broke his collarbone, he wasn't doing this when the Panthers broke his collarbone. In fact he wasn't even doing this when the Seahawks broke his back. He was getting away from a quickly collapsing pocket and sliding.

So which repeated injuries are you talking about?

Please. More lame 'spin' from someone trying to make an excuse for each and every negative thing said about 'their team'.

Smarter quarterbacks know when to fold 'em and live to fight another day. To throw the ball away, to slide, and to protect themselves. Ours doesn't. There's a reason why guys like Manning and Brady are Iron Men who rarely miss games, while Romo is far and away the most injury prone. If this once again hurts your fragile sensibilities, too bad. The numbers, facts, and missed games speak for themselves.

Romo's style of play gets him hurt. Again, and again, and again. Deal with that fact.

His greatest strength is also his greatest weakness.
It's a double-edged sword with him. The same style of play that allows him to make those crazy plays out of nothing is also what has been leading him to these repeated injuries.

I know Stash, it's a shame.

But I just can't give up on him yet.

I completely understand your stance when you speak of him since his injury went down in Seattle... with, in your case, it's not hate/dislike of the player, it's your ire at his repeated injuries as of late. You just want a stable guy manning our backfield. Some here have an agenda (it seems), but you've never come across that way (if that means anything for you :) )
I can't remember the last time he has traded a player. Can you?

Only two I can recall in the past decade+ are Anthony Fasano & Akin Ayodele to Miami for a 4th and Sean Lissamore to San Diego for a 7th round pick, beyond those two, I'm drawing a blank
Sure you have, 'Mr. Objectivity'. Just ask you. I don't care about the "motivations behind your opinions", only the fact that you have the gall to come out and tell everyone the proper way to react. Happens all the time. You somehow think that you get to decide between important and unimportant issues.

If you hadn't already noticed, I'm plenty "engaged in the discussion", with a number of my fellow fans.
so unlike you. :)
Please. More lame 'spin' from someone trying to make an excuse for each and every negative thing said about 'their team'.

Smarter quarterbacks know when to fold 'em and live to fight another day. To throw the ball away, to slide, and to protect themselves. Ours doesn't. There's a reason why guys like Manning and Brady are Iron Men who rarely miss games, while Romo is far and away the most injury prone. If this once again hurts your fragile sensibilities, too bad. The numbers, facts, and missed games speak for themselves.

Romo's style of play gets him hurt. Again, and again, and again. Deal with that fact.

His greatest strength is also his greatest weakness.
Facts again?
How can someone who has no facts even be dumb enough to say facts.
So answer the question with your facts.
Which injuries occurred due to his reckless play?
You won't answer. You will just try some goofy spin to avoid actually answering the question.
He was disciplined. No reason was given for the absence. Not much to see here. Everything else is just confirmation bias.
Overall Dez has been a disaster in dallas
I would not say disaster but certainly somewhat disappointing.

He has all the talent in the world but his immature nature that simply will not change will end up defining his career as a Cowboy.

He should have leveled off by this point and become less combustible.

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