DC Cheerleaders say GB players were repeatedly going up and yelling at them during game


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:facepalm:And once again you are off base as usual.
Where in the hell did you get that. As I said, they know the deal. And many of them try out hoping to use that as a stepping stone onto something more. They are using Jerry to advance to whatever their goal is. Even if it is just to say…I was a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader…And I am ok with that.
You sound like the same guy who told people like Dak to take less because he can make more money off the field. I don't support greed or the exploitation of labor. This is why Jerry is doomed to fail and will continue to fail.


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If this doesn't get the Dallas Cowboys team, organization and fans upset, I don't know what will...

(Click on speaker icon in video to hear video)

Is the league office going to do something about this?

I'm starting to think that the cheerleaders were actually the one's who suited and played against the Packers by the way they dominated the Boys.

America's Cowboy

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Probably going to be a lot of "who cares?" or "what did it effect the game?" or "we should have played better and shut them up" comments. But if people can put the emotional stuff about losing aside and look at this for what it is, that is a pretty classless thing to do. They are just doing their jobs and in no way should have to put up with any kind of verbal abuse from the OTHER FREAKING TEAM. They are supposed grown *** men. That's ridiculous if true.


Junior College Transfer
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Mod/Edit: The person, speaking in the video, is Darian Lassiter. This is her Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader bio link: https://dallascowboyscheerleaders.com/our-team/darian/

If this doesn't get the Dallas Cowboys team, organization and fans upset, I don't know what will...

(Click on speaker icon in video to hear video)

Is the league office going to do something about this?

Oh, be quiet and do something with your hair.
The are no safe places on h NFL sidelines, lass.
If you can't take it, make room for other tougher young ladies on the sidelines.


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I think that reflects poorly on the Packers. Imagine big ol' football players picking on skinny little cheerleaders. Seriously, GB? You proud of that? I have never heard of such a thing. If I was the Gm of Green Bay I would look into this and fine any players harassing cheerleaders. That is an awful thing. If it was Dan Snyder's team I am pretty sure Goodell would launch an investigation.

But the Cowboys allowed this in their own stadium. To the victors go the spoils. Next time kick their behinds and they will leave the cheerleaders alone.


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If we want this kind of junk to simmer, then we must earn teams respect again. Right now, nobody cares about us. We are a joke. Unfortunately, the cheerleaders are part of that equation. I hate it.