DC Cheerleaders say GB players were repeatedly going up and yelling at them during game


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Do cheerleaders get a ring (if their team wins the SB)?
Not sure. Doubt it, never heard anything about it. But I do know some people in the FO do, but it is not the same ring as the players. It is a smaller version.
I know a lady, her fiancé from the teams in the 90's had 3. Unfortunately he was killed in an accident before they wed. But his family gave her one of the rings. Her mother was the hair dresser for Troy Aikman's mother.

She keeps it in a safe deposit box at the bank around the corner from me. I have seen it, have pics of it. He worked in the FO but not sure to what capacity.
She showed me pics from parties at Jerry's house, which she also keeps put away.


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I think it's great! Totally trash the cheerleaders after beating down this wimpy organization. This is exactly what Dallas deserves after acting like this is their year. Detroit was robbed and Dallas really lost 4 of their last 5 games. But that win against the Commanders gave these idiots fans so much hope. The same kinda trash hope they have next year.


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Hey not my problem you either are stupid or have a blind spot
Disregarding the stupid part, could you please explain the blind spot comment. I don't know how to make it any more clear that I was responding to DD's post about Jerry paying the cheerleaders so little. It had nothing to do with the Green Bay game at all, let alone the disgusting actions of the Packers players toward the cheerleaders.


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Some posters here are ridiculous. If GB players really did insult our cheerleaders then they have no class.

Seriously, what has this GB team accomplished? They won ONE wildcard game, and suddenly they get a free pass to be *******s? I really hope these clowns get destroyed in the divisional game.

Imagine if Troy Aikman was insulting the Bills' cheerleaders back when we were winning back to back SBs. Or Deion saying Jim Kelly did not scare them, etc. This GB team talks too much trash for a group that never accomplished anything and just one a single wildcard game.

I get it that we are all upset with the Cowboys. Believe me, I want McCarthy, Dak and Quinn fired today, but that does not mean it is justified for GB to insult cheerleaders. Should they be allowed to insult/disrespect the staff working at AT&T stadium too? Sure, mock the Cowboys players all you want, but insulting anyone other than players and coaching staff makes them trash.


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That is wrong, morally wrong and they should respect women....but no NFL rules were violated. Cheerleaders, i guess, are considered fans and not members of the team. The NFL should probably have a rule proposed regarding this, you would think that is not necessary, but that's what we've come down to. I am not shocked. Unfortunate for DCC, when even giving a menacing look or stare at a player is considered unsportsmanlike conduct.


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It amazes me how many people will defend this franchise no matter what. These cheerleaders are exploited by billionaire owners and some here are ok with it. Jerry can do no wrong

America's Cowboy

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And we did nothing about it when we had the chance and subsequently earned the respect of nobody.

Let ‘em talk.
True. Still doesn't change the fact them Packers are punks...yelling all game long in our Cheerleaders faces. Hope the 49ers put an old school whooping on them tonight.


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who cares? I don't. GB punked the team and cheerleaders. I bet they were hollering Dallas sucks. Oh the humanity, almost puts a tear in my eyes. they could have been hollering dak's a choker, both are true.


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:facepalm:And once again you are off base as usual.
Where in the hell did you get that. As I said, they know the deal. And many of them try out hoping to use that as a stepping stone onto something more. They are using Jerry to advance to whatever their goal is. Even if it is just to say…I was a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader…And I am ok with that.
I agree that they are not compensated correctly for the time & effort they have to put in (based on my last understanding) BUT no one is forcing themselves to put themselves through any of this. They could simply refuse. Supply & demand.


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LOL we were gonna get beat by 60. No one deserves respect. Eat your bowl of **** and move on.


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We probably can't post that kind of language here, but I'm sure you can imagine what crude men say to disrespect women.
Do you know EXACTLY what was said? Seriously, do you know?

Honestly, I can't see a NFL player yelling something crude at a NFL cheerleader because if it was ever caught on tape, that NFL player would be crucified on social media at the least.

If a football player yells "YEAH BABY, ANOTHER ONE IN YOUR HOUSE!!" at a cheerleader running back to his sidelines, I could see that happening.

At this point we have no names on who was yelling, nothing on exactly what was yelled, nor how many times it was done. Perhaps a sexist comment on my end, but heck, you tell some women their finger nail polish don't match their lipstick, and I could see some of them on the verge of tears.

At this point all we have is one woman on social media stating she was being yelled at, but nothing but vague information. Oh, the inhumanity of "verbal" abuse on the football field.

I'm not trying to defend anyone here, but again my point is if you're going to get the torches and pitchforks out, know exactly why you're doing it.