DC/Marvel Films

The second one as in my son's opinion? I mentioned because he is still young and thought it was overdone too. Not that it really matters because everyone is entitled to their own opinions.

Did you watch the Smallville series? I really thought that series was well done.
Opinions differ, but I can assure you that I'm not dissing yours.

Yep. I enjoyed Smallville. I do think they dragged it out about four seasons too long though. Allison Mack was outstanding for the show. The funniest thing about the series for me is how Clark flew multiple times during the ten year run, but only "officially" flew at the end of the series finale.
The thing I don't like is how Sony is making subpar movies only to retain the rights to specific franchises. Before Marvel had the resources to do it themselves, Sony produced the earlier Spiderman Fantastic Four and X-men movies(which were all decent at the time). But now Sony is churning out junk like the Garfield Amazing Spiderman and recently announced FF relaunch only because if they don't, the rights return to Marvel. If Marvel did Spiderman it would be 100x better like Iron Man Captain America Thor Avengers etc..

I thought the original Spiderman was great (not counting the last one). Spiderman 1 and 2 were awesome. I did not like the reboot near as much either. I agree Marvel could do a better job. I would love to see a Joss Whedon Spiderman!!!
I saw the Buffy movie(ugh!!) as well as every one of Whedon's Buffy and Angel shows. I have seen most of Whedon's work except I missed a few of the Dollhouse episodes. I am a huge fan of his. He is an extremely creative guy.

True that. Here's a bit of Buffy trivia forum members may not know. Originally, Charisma Carpenter wanted the role of Buffy, not Sarah Michelle Gellar. The rest is history, but I find myself wondering if Carpenter couldn't have done a good job with the character as well.
True that. Here's a bit of Buffy trivia forum members may not know. Originally, Charisma Carpenter wanted the role of Buffy, not Sarah Michelle Gellar. The rest is history, but I find myself wondering if Carpenter couldn't have done a good job with the character as well.

I am sure Charisma would have done a good job as Buffy but Gellar was great!!
The thing I don't like is how Sony is making subpar movies only to retain the rights to specific franchises. Before Marvel had the resources to do it themselves, Sony produced the earlier Spiderman Fantastic Four and X-men movies(which were all decent at the time). But now Sony is churning out junk like the Garfield Amazing Spiderman and recently announced FF relaunch only because if they don't, the rights return to Marvel. If Marvel did Spiderman it would be 100x better like Iron Man Captain America Thor Avengers etc..

I pretty much agree with everything, but I actually like Sony's interpretation of Spider-Man. It could have been done better though. I have high hopes they don't falter with the sequel.
I am really excited that Marvel has Joss Whedon now. I have always been a big fan of his. He did an excellent job with the Avengers and I can't wait for the next one. I know he almost did a Wonder Woman movie in the past. DC really dropped the ball in not picking him up to do some of their movies. On the same note, I do not know if any of you ever watched Whedon's Firefly, but it was truly an amazing show for the short run it got.

I was a Browncoat, it still hurts a little thinking about it getting cancelled so soon. The writing, stories, characters and chemistry were really amazing. I really wanted to see where Whedon would take the crew after 7-8 seasons, ahhh the possibilities.... I still quote lines from that show, lol. I hope those responsible for cancelling it end up in that "special hell".
I was a Browncoat, it still hurts a little thinking about it getting cancelled so soon. The writing, stories, characters and chemistry were really amazing. I really wanted to see where Whedon would take the crew after 7-8 seasons, ahhh the possibilities.... I still quote lines from that show, lol. I hope those responsible for cancelling it end up in that "special hell".

Agree wholeheartedly!!! I literally lol'ed at the "special hell" part. It was a great show with so many possibilities and amazing chemistry from the get go. I guess the decision makers who cancelled it never actually watched the show????
The only conclusion I've ever come up with is that many of the critics do not comprehend how powerful or ruthless the Kryptonians were. They probably do not have a clue.

And I have heard that some fans said Superman should have done more to prevent the damage. Well, the villains were of equal power. And Superman was just learning his full powers for the 1st time.
Marvel may have more well made movies, but Nolan's Batman trilogy was the best comic book movies put on screen, IMO, and it's not close.

And am I the only one who thinks The Avengers was just alright?
I hope for a Captain Marvel movie, since I grew up with the Shazam tv series in the late 70s. But Marvel has the rights to Captain Mavel, and DC has the rights to Shazam. (or am I wrong?) So a Captain Marvel 'Shazam' movie by DC would have to be referred to as Shazam. Copyright laws. lame.
I hope for a Captain Marvel movie, since I grew up with the Shazam tv series in the late 70s. But Marvel has the rights to Captain Mavel, and DC has the rights to Shazam. (or am I wrong?) So a Captain Marvel 'Shazam' movie by DC would have to be referred to as Shazam. Copyright laws. lame.
The whole thing is kind of confusing. Captain Marvel, the superhero with the lightning bolt on his costume, was an old Fawcett Comics character DC bought the rights for. Captain Marvel, the Kree soldier turned superhero, is an original creation of Marvel Comics.

DC once fought Fawcett Comics over copyright infringement for Captain Marvel, saying he was a Superman knockoff. Marvel had the character's name copyrighted since their version did not resemble Superman in any shape or form. I guess Marvel might freak over DC trying to do a Captain Marvel movie using that title. Then again, it wouldn't be a representative of their character line. Maybe DC is being cautious about any type of copyright infringement and just going with Shazam instead.

Funny how you mention your hopes for a Captain Marvel movie. I want the same thing but the Marvel Comics version. Don't know how they would do it since they killed him off years ago from cancer. Then again, I keep reading how they are considering promoting Ms. Marvel to captain. That would really bother me. There has always been only one Captain Marvel (albeit Marvel Comics) for me and that is the cosmic-faring, Nega Band wearing, Kree warrior.
Marvel may have more well made movies, but Nolan's Batman trilogy was the best comic book movies put on screen, IMO, and it's not close.

And am I the only one who thinks The Avengers was just alright?
I am sure that there are many more out there who feel the same about The Avengers as you do, but I'm not one of them. :p
I think Iron Man 1 and Captain America were better movies than The Avengers. I am probably one of the few that liked Captain America more than The Avengers.
The thing I don't like is how Sony is making subpar movies only to retain the rights to specific franchises. Before Marvel had the resources to do it themselves, Sony produced the earlier Spiderman Fantastic Four and X-men movies(which were all decent at the time). But now Sony is churning out junk like the Garfield Amazing Spiderman and recently announced FF relaunch only because if they don't, the rights return to Marvel. If Marvel did Spiderman it would be 100x better like Iron Man Captain America Thor Avengers etc..

I would place The Amazing Spider-man above the Raimi movies, and way above Captain America (just the first, the 2nd looks great), The Incredible Hulk, and possibly the first Thor.
The only conclusion I've ever come up with is that many of the critics do not comprehend how powerful or ruthless the Kryptonians were. They probably do not have a clue.

I think the issue is with what seemed to be indifference on Superman's part, and no attempt to minimize the destruction he was causing. That said, the destruction is the least of that movie's problems.
The whole thing is kind of confusing. Captain Marvel, the superhero with the lightning bolt on his costume, was an old Fawcett Comics character DC bought the rights for. Captain Marvel, the Kree soldier turned superhero, is an original creation of Marvel Comics.

DC once fought Fawcett Comics over copyright infringement for Captain Marvel, saying he was a Superman knockoff. Marvel had the character's name copyrighted since their version did not resemble Superman in any shape or form. I guess Marvel might freak over DC trying to do a Captain Marvel movie using that title. Then again, it wouldn't be a representative of their character line. Maybe DC is being cautious about any type of copyright infringement and just going with Shazam instead.

Funny how you mention your hopes for a Captain Marvel movie. I want the same thing but the Marvel Comics version. Don't know how they would do it since they killed him off years ago from cancer. Then again, I keep reading how they are considering promoting Ms. Marvel to captain. That would really bother me. There has always been only one Captain Marvel (albeit Marvel Comics) for me and that is the cosmic-faring, Nega Band wearing, Kree warrior.

Because of the DC lawsuit Fawcett stopped using the Captain Marvel character in 1953. Marvel Comics created their Captain Marvel in 1967 and copyrighted him at that time. DC then bought the rights to Fawcett's CM/Shazam in 1972.

I wouldn't say Marvel Comics version does not resemble Superman. There are some similarities. Look at their names, Kal-El and Mar-Vell. Captain Marvel has super strength, can fly and absorbs solar energy. I do think that is where the similarities end and there are far more differences.

And Marvel comics has already had a second Captain Marvel who was a leader of The Avengers.

The thing I don't like is how Sony is making subpar movies only to retain the rights to specific franchises. Before Marvel had the resources to do it themselves, Sony produced the earlier Spiderman Fantastic Four and X-men movies(which were all decent at the time). But now Sony is churning out junk like the Garfield Amazing Spiderman and recently announced FF relaunch only because if they don't, the rights return to Marvel. If Marvel did Spiderman it would be 100x better like Iron Man Captain America Thor Avengers etc..

I actually like that Marvel is split up between sony, fox and Marvel/Disney. One thing I don't really care for is a universe that is way too convoluted with characters. I could see Spider-man fitting in with the avengers on screen, but if you have the mutant thing in the same universe, to me those characters become a little less special.

That's one thing I never liked about the comics... The greater the number of extraordinary characters you have, the less extraordinary they are. Then you have to keep going bigger and bigger with the story arcs, and you lose touch.
Marvel has always been better than DC hands down
Marvel has done a much better job 'bringing their characters to life' even in comics compared to DC characters that have always been more 'cardboard' , the only exception being batman and superman to some extent
One of the the problems DC has with superman is that he is so powerful with no real weakness (other than kryptonite) that 'everyday supervillians' have no shot
Marvel has always been better than DC hands down
Marvel has done a much better job 'bringing their characters to life' even in comics compared to DC characters that have always been more 'cardboard' , the only exception being batman and superman to some extent
One of the the problems DC has with superman is that he is so powerful with no real weakness (other than kryptonite) that 'everyday supervillians' have no shot

This sums up my view as well.

Superman as a little kid is cool...however it is hard to keep following him when he can do everything and his only weakness is krptonite. Just seems boring after some time.

Bat man is cool to a degree but at the same time he just has a bunch of cool gadgets. I mean he is like Tony Stark but I would rather take the Iron Man suit and weapons over the other gadgets of batman.

I did like Green Lantern...the comic.

I also liked the new teen titans to a degree.

However I think the only DC comics I bought on a regular basis (way back in the day) was Swamp Thing and Arak and neither were really big sellers.
I actually like that Marvel is split up between sony, fox and Marvel/Disney. One thing I don't really care for is a universe that is way too convoluted with characters. I could see Spider-man fitting in with the avengers on screen, but if you have the mutant thing in the same universe, to me those characters become a little less special.

That's one thing I never liked about the comics... The greater the number of extraordinary characters you have, the less extraordinary they are. Then you have to keep going bigger and bigger with the story arcs, and you lose touch.

Related to that same idea, in the comics I like to think of the X-men in their own separate world from the other Marvel characters and it bugged me as a kid when they would crossover.

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