DC/Marvel Films

The with Superman-Returns is that, well... it's superman returns. It's supposed to be a continuation of a story a lot of people have forgotten about.
Thing is, the gap between the Reeves movies and Routh's movie was less than 20 years. The base audience didn't forget and I'm not certain that Singer or Warner Brothers should have depended on that aspect happening.
They should have just rebooted it then and there... may have been able to get a jump on Marvel to start up a Justice League project before the Avengers.
Agreed. It would not have mattered to me whether the reboot could have evolved into a Justice League tie-in or something similar. My hope for the character, which is the most iconic in relation to comics and general mythology, is for a movie to equal the legend itself. Although corny, I thought the original film had done a great job of accomplishing, but it had been weighed down by the technology and moviemaking practice of the era. Luckily, Man of Steel is a much better representation of the mythos, even though it can be improved upon as well.
But even though it's a continuation of a series, they decide to go ahead and have Lex Luthor as the main villain again. Makes sense for an origin story, but how many times have we seen those two square off on the big screen, in cartoons, comic books, Smallville, Adventures of Lois And Clark etc.
That's one of my points as well. With the budget it was given, Superman Returns could have taken up plotlines involving foes such as Doomsday, but ultimately Singer and company played it safe. And failed.
Has it's flaws, but a solid movie for the most part.
Perhaps. But as time passes, I think Superman Returns will be considered more and more as a footnote than as a milestone in the character's movie legacy. JMO.
Agreed. Great mix of both sides of each character(s). Nice flow.

SpiderMan 2 - I see what you are saying. They Appleseed to doc ocs love of his wife. Humanized a tad too much. All in all no qualms though.

SM3 - what a mess. What happened to mysterious, electro? TASM will have them in it. And a few more "glimpses" of future villains.

Too bad no avengers movies with spidey. Sony block.

Spider-Man 3 wasn't supposed to feature Venom as an actual villain, but movie execs pushed Raimi into doing it.

TASM is apparently already slated for 4 films apparently, and a Sinister Six and Venom spin-off. Not sure if those are part of the 4 films, but I kind of doubt it. I think they're creating a shared universe. Would be interesting to see who they line up as heroes to fit in, if they do at all.
Spider-Man 3 wasn't supposed to feature Venom as an actual villain, but movie execs pushed Raimi into doing it.

TASM is apparently already slated for 4 films apparently, and a Sinister Six and Venom spin-off. Not sure if those are part of the 4 films, but I kind of doubt it. I think they're creating a shared universe. Would be interesting to see who they line up as heroes to fit in, if they do at all.

Venom? You mean sandman?

I dislike TASM. Kid looks like a dirty junkie.
Venom? You mean sandman?

I dislike TASM. Kid looks like a dirty junkie.

I don't know if it's been made clear on whether or not Raimi wanted Venom, but apparently he had the story written out when someone else introduced the idea of Venom. Raimi didn't know much about Venom, but tried to make it work. But he's also on record of admitting that he did not have as much creative control as he had in the first 2 films, which makes sense considering how big the budget was for that last movie (around 120 million more than the first, nearly 60 million more than the 2nd).

I, myself, didn't really mind TASM, but it was just too soon to reboot and go through that origin story again and it didn't impress me at all.
I don't know if it's been made clear on whether or not Raimi wanted Venom, but apparently he had the story written out when someone else introduced the idea of Venom. Raimi didn't know much about Venom, but tried to make it work. But he's also on record of admitting that he did not have as much creative control as he had in the first 2 films, which makes sense considering how big the budget was for that last movie (around 120 million more than the first, nearly 60 million more than the 2nd).

That seen where Peter was walking down the street 'acting bad' with his emo haircut. Absolutely horrible.
I've re-watched the Avengers maybe 10 times now. Every time I watch it, I can't believe it's almost 2 1/2 hours long... it just goes by at such a nice pace. Just a really satisfying movie (unless you're Jeremy Renner).

Spider-Man 2 is great. The only thing I don't like about it is the ending where Peter reveals to Doc Ock that he's Spider-Man and somehow Doc Ock changes his mind and makes the 'right decision'. The ending after that with Mary Jane is one of the better caps to a comic film, though. A solid ending for that chapter of things, but opens up new possibilities for the series. Sadly, movie execs ruined Raimi's idea for Spider-man 3 and the series was pretty much done.

Good post!! I agree with you on all points. I absolutely loved both of those movies.
I just re-watched Man of Steel on HBO and still think it really sucks. I thought I might give it another chance and watch it with an open mind but I still think it is a really bad movie. How in the world did they screw up a Superman movie so bad?????
The gap widens.

Captain America - The Winter Soldier was amazing and ups the ante.

Going to see it on Monday with my son. He went on opening night and said it was amazing too and can't wait to see it again. I can't wait to see it but I just have too much going on this weekend.
Marvel may have more well made movies, but Nolan's Batman trilogy was the best comic book movies put on screen, IMO, and it's not close.

And am I the only one who thinks The Avengers was just alright?

Nope. I wasn't a big fan. I thought it was OK. I think I am one of the few who really enjoyed Man of Steel.
I just re-watched Man of Steel on HBO and still think it really sucks. I thought I might give it another chance and watch it with an open mind but I still think it is a really bad movie. How in the world did they screw up a Superman movie so bad?????

I guess no sequels for you. Because special effects and action overkill won't be much less.
I just re-watched Man of Steel on HBO and still think it really sucks. I thought I might give it another chance and watch it with an open mind but I still think it is a really bad movie. How in the world did they screw up a Superman movie so bad?????

Did you see Superman Returns? That was 10x worse than Man of Steel.
Did you see Superman Returns? That was 10x worse than Man of Steel.

I did not care for Superman Returns much either but it was a lot better than Man of Steel in my opinion. It has nothing to do with Christopher Reeves as PJ says. I think Man of Steel was VERY poorly written and the battle with Zod in the end is ridiculous. Zod was hell bent on killing Kal-El and would have followed him to the end of the Earth to kill him yet Kal stays right in Metropolis to fight him.o_O That is just stupid writing to me. I also did not like anything about the way they did Krypton or the whole Clark and Lois story where she knew who he was an alien before she even knew he was Clark Kent. I also did not care for the way they used flashbacks to show him growing up in Smallville or the way Clark just shows up to work at the Daily Planet to work after at least half the city was destroyed?????o_O I think it is already time to reboot and go back to the drawing board. The Superman story has so much potential and they screwed it up royally.
I guess no sequels for you. Because special effects and action overkill won't be much less.

I will go see the sequel since it would be hard pressed to be written as poorly as the original but I think it is time to reboot already. I have seen almost every comic book movie. I will not let the original Man of Steel train wreck keep me from hoping they get it right in the second movie. I loved comics as a kid and I love the Superman story. It has SO MUCH potential and that potential will always draw me to see any Superman movie. .
I did not care for Superman Returns much either but it was a lot better than Man of Steel in my opinion. It has nothing to do with Christopher Reeves as PJ says. I think Man of Steel was VERY poorly written and the battle with Zod in the end is ridiculous. Zod was hell bent on killing Kal-El and would have followed him to the end of the Earth to kill him yet Kal stays right in Metropolis to fight him.o_O That is just stupid writing to me. I also did not like anything about the way they did Krypton or the whole Clark and Lois story where she knew who he was an alien before she even knew he was Clark Kent. I also did not care for the way they used flashbacks to show him growing up in Smallville or the way Clark just shows up to work at the Daily Planet to work after at least half the city was destroyed?????o_O I think it is already time to reboot and go back to the drawing board. The Superman story has so much potential and they screwed it up royally.

Better at Supes never throwing 1 punch in the entire movie. If that's what you call better.
Better at Supes never throwing 1 punch in the entire movie. If that's what you call better.

Verses destroying a city when it was unnecessary? All Kal_El had to do was leave Metropolis and Zod would have followed him to a less uninhabited place. They could of have pounded each other into oblivion and it would have been just as good a fight and much truer to the Superman story with his value of human life. I think Superman Returns would have been a lot better if they had a different villain than Luthor like Brainiac or Doomsday. They went way too far trying to recreate the Donner films but it was still a better written movie than Man of Steel. Both movies were disappointing to me but Man of Steel was much more so.
Opinions vary. I really enjoyed both The Avengers and Man of Steel.

Have you seen the new Captain America yet? I would go this afternoon but my son wants to see it with me and he has to work. We are going tomorrow night.

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