DC/Marvel Films

Marvel has always been better than DC hands down
Marvel has done a much better job 'bringing their characters to life' even in comics compared to DC characters that have always been more 'cardboard' , the only exception being batman and superman to some extent
One of the the problems DC has with superman is that he is so powerful with no real weakness (other than kryptonite) that 'everyday supervillians' have no shot

A lot of that is remnants of Stan Lee, he sort of introduced the more complicated personalities of superhero characters back in the day. The DC characters at that time were always perfect role model types but kind of cardboard or boring.
Definitive list for me for comic films, post 2000ish. When remembering these films, I realized that Marvel is putting out 3 films to every 1 film DC makes. No wonder they're winning.

Laughably Bad:
34. Catwoman
33. Elektra
32. Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance
31. Ghost Rider
30. Jonah Hex
29: Green Lantern
28: Daredevil
27. X-Men Origins: Wolverine
26. Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer
25. Spiderman 3
24. Punisher
23. Fantastic 4
22. Hulk
21. Iron Man 2
20. Thor
19. X-Men: Last Stand (III)
18. Superman Returns
17. The Amazing Spiderman*
16. Iron Man 3
15. The Incredible Hulk
Pretty Good:
14. X-Men
13. Man of Steel
12. Captain America
11. Watchmen
10. Spiderman*
Really Good:
9. Thor 2
8. The Dark Knight Rises
7. X2
6. Iron Man
The Elite:
5. Batman Begins
4. Spiderman 2 (Raimi)
3. X-Men first class
2. The Dark Knight
1. The Avengers


1. It's a slow day at work
2. Haven't seen The Wolverine, Punisher: War Zone
3. Intentionally did not rank the Blade trilogy because I've never thought of it as being comic-y. If I did rank them, they would be between the bad and solid categories.
Don't forget...Conan.

First one good...second one...not so much lol.
Definitive list for me for comic films, post 2000ish. When remembering these films, I realized that Marvel is putting out 3 films to every 1 film DC makes. No wonder they're winning.

Laughably Bad:
34. Catwoman
33. Elektra
32. Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance
31. Ghost Rider
30. Jonah Hex
29: Green Lantern
28: Daredevil
27. X-Men Origins: Wolverine
26. Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer
25. Spiderman 3
24. Punisher
23. Fantastic 4
22. Hulk
21. Iron Man 2
20. Thor
19. X-Men: Last Stand (III)
18. Superman Returns
17. The Amazing Spiderman*
16. Iron Man 3
15. The Incredible Hulk
Pretty Good:
14. X-Men
13. Man of Steel
12. Captain America
11. Watchmen
10. Spiderman*
Really Good:
9. Thor 2
8. The Dark Knight Rises
7. X2
6. Iron Man
The Elite:
5. Batman Begins
4. Spiderman 2 (Raimi)
3. X-Men first class
2. The Dark Knight
1. The Avengers


1. It's a slow day at work
2. Haven't seen The Wolverine, Punisher: War Zone
3. Intentionally did not rank the Blade trilogy because I've never thought of it as being comic-y. If I did rank them, they would be between the bad and solid categories.

Punisher, Hulk, and Thor are heads above X-Men 3 IMO
Definitive list for me for comic films, post 2000ish. When remembering these films, I realized that Marvel is putting out 3 films to every 1 film DC makes. No wonder they're winning.

Laughably Bad:
34. Catwoman
33. Elektra
32. Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance
31. Ghost Rider
30. Jonah Hex
29: Green Lantern
28: Daredevil
27. X-Men Origins: Wolverine
26. Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer
25. Spiderman 3
24. Punisher
23. Fantastic 4
22. Hulk
21. Iron Man 2
20. Thor
19. X-Men: Last Stand (III)
18. Superman Returns
17. The Amazing Spiderman*
16. Iron Man 3
15. The Incredible Hulk
Pretty Good:
14. X-Men
13. Man of Steel
12. Captain America
11. Watchmen
10. Spiderman*
Really Good:
9. Thor 2
8. The Dark Knight Rises
7. X2
6. Iron Man
The Elite:
5. Batman Begins
4. Spiderman 2 (Raimi)
3. X-Men first class
2. The Dark Knight
1. The Avengers


1. It's a slow day at work
2. Haven't seen The Wolverine, Punisher: War Zone
3. Intentionally did not rank the Blade trilogy because I've never thought of it as being comic-y. If I did rank them, they would be between the bad and solid categories.

Great list dude! I haven't seen X-Men first class but heard it was bad (of course it's all about who you ask) but you rank it that high? I love XMen but feel they haven't done a good screen adaptation as of yet. Hugh Jackman is too prissy to be Wolverine :D! Agree with Avengers & Dark Knight being 1/2. Spawn is another good one but had pretty crappy special effects and believe it was pre 2000. I would trade Spiderman 2 for Ironman and be set! Great list though bro!
Great list dude! I haven't seen X-Men first class but heard it was bad (of course it's all about who you ask) but you rank it that high? I love XMen but feel they haven't done a good screen adaptation as of yet. Hugh Jackman is too prissy to be Wolverine :D! Agree with Avengers & Dark Knight being 1/2. Spawn is another good one but had pretty crappy special effects and believe it was pre 2000. I would trade Spiderman 2 for Ironman and be set! Great list though bro!

Thanks man.

X-Men first class just has a cool vibe to it all. We'll see how it ages, but for now it's definitely worthy of 3rd on the list for me.

I mean, it features two really well respected actors that were up for Academy awards this year with Jennifer Lawrence as a young Mystique, and Michael Fassbender as a young Magneto, hell bent on revenge and hunting down *****.

I really like it.

Spawn was fun for sure. Saw that recently somewhere and the effects looks so so bad. Almost laughably so.
Punisher, Hulk, and Thor are heads above X-Men 3 IMO

That's fine.

Personally I just can't think of much that I like from Thor. To be fair though, they were using that movie along with Captain America to really set up the Avengers. So doing that, plus telling an outlandish origin story was bound to be tough from the beginning.

Punisher was a pretty boring film for me. It wasn't a bad one. A lot of people like it, but I just could not get into that film almost at all.

And I've come to appreciate Ang Lee's hulk a lot more in recent years.
Thanks man.

X-Men first class just has a cool vibe to it all. We'll see how it ages, but for now it's definitely worthy of 3rd on the list for me.

I mean, it features two really well respected actors that were up for Academy awards this year with Jennifer Lawrence as a young Mystique, and Michael Fassbender as a young Magneto, hell bent on revenge and hunting down *****.

I really like it.

Spawn was fun for sure. Saw that recently somewhere and the effects looks so so bad. Almost laughably so.
Jennifer Lawrence is enough for me to give it a chance. I was so down after the other Xmen flicks I really didn't think to give it a chance tbh. Yeah Spawn had some laughingly bad special effects. The scene where he descends to hell had some of the worst visual effects I have seen in a big screen flick since the 80s maybe. Loved the character and story however. Sheen was a bad man and even Leguizamo was suprisingly tolerable. Spawn is just a cool character.
That's fine.

Personally I just can't think of much that I like from Thor. To be fair though, they were using that movie along with Captain America to really set up the Avengers. So doing that, plus telling an outlandish origin story was bound to be tough from the beginning.

Punisher was a pretty boring film for me. It wasn't a bad one. A lot of people like it, but I just could not get into that film almost at all.

And I've come to appreciate Ang Lee's hulk a lot more in recent years.
Punisher dragged....kept waiting for something to suck me in but just didn't happen. Love the Punisher character, just miscast and boring plot to that one.
Jennifer Lawrence is enough for me to give it a chance. I was so down after the other Xmen flicks I really didn't think to give it a chance tbh. Yeah Spawn had some laughingly bad special effects. The scene where he descends to hell had some of the worst visual effects I have seen in a big screen flick since the 80s maybe. Loved the character and story however. Sheen was a bad man and even Leguizamo was suprisingly tolerable. Spawn is just a cool character.

Yeah it's got a completely different tone than the other X-Men movies. It was almost like a reboot from the damage Origins:Woverine had done.

1997 and Spawn couldn't have better effects than this...?


By comparison that was the same year Titanic came out as well as Starship Troopers.
Definitive list for me for comic films, post 2000ish. When remembering these films, I realized that Marvel is putting out 3 films to every 1 film DC makes. No wonder they're winning.

19. X-Men: Last Stand (III)
18. Superman Returns
17. The Amazing Spiderman*
16. Iron Man 3
15. The Incredible Hulk
Pretty Good:
14. X-Men
13. Man of Steel
12. Captain America
11. Watchmen
10. Spiderman*
Really Good:
9. Thor 2
8. The Dark Knight Rises
7. X2
6. Iron Man
The Elite:
5. Batman Begins
4. Spiderman 2 (Raimi)
3. X-Men first class
2. The Dark Knight
1. The Avengers


1. It's a slow day at work
2. Haven't seen The Wolverine, Punisher: War Zone
3. Intentionally did not rank the Blade trilogy because I've never thought of it as being comic-y. If I did rank them, they would be between the bad and solid categories.

I would put Spider-Man 2 in #2 slot. Best comic book to screen movie to date in my opinion. Avengers holds top spot. Simply because they made it believable and not cheesy.
Yeah it's got a completely different tone than the other X-Men movies. It was almost like a reboot from the damage Origins:Woverine had done.

1997 and Spawn couldn't have better effects than this...?


By comparison that was the same year Titanic came out as well as Starship Troopers.

Yeah, that was pretty bad and the scene I was thinking of :eek: Even worse compared with Titanic and Starship Troopers showing the epitome of special effects and then.......SPAWN:DDefinitely will give First Class a shot though. Love the genre in general.
Last edited:
Definitive list for me for comic films, post 2000ish. When remembering these films, I realized that Marvel is putting out 3 films to every 1 film DC makes. No wonder they're winning.

Laughably Bad:
34. Catwoman
33. Elektra
32. Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance
31. Ghost Rider
30. Jonah Hex
29: Green Lantern
28: Daredevil
27. X-Men Origins: Wolverine
26. Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer
25. Spiderman 3
24. Punisher
23. Fantastic 4
22. Hulk
21. Iron Man 2
20. Thor
19. X-Men: Last Stand (III)
18. Superman Returns
17. The Amazing Spiderman*
16. Iron Man 3
15. The Incredible Hulk
Pretty Good:
14. X-Men
13. Man of Steel
12. Captain America
11. Watchmen
10. Spiderman*
Really Good:
9. Thor 2
8. The Dark Knight Rises
7. X2
6. Iron Man
The Elite:
5. Batman Begins
4. Spiderman 2 (Raimi)
3. X-Men first class
2. The Dark Knight
1. The Avengers


1. It's a slow day at work
2. Haven't seen The Wolverine, Punisher: War Zone
3. Intentionally did not rank the Blade trilogy because I've never thought of it as being comic-y. If I did rank them, they would be between the bad and solid categories.

Great list. I agree 100% with your elite list and most of the rest. My list would be very similar but I am too lazy to put it together. I think you rated Man of Steel way too high though. I would rank it in one of the disappointing slots.
19. X-Men: Last Stand (III)
18. Superman Returns
17. The Amazing Spiderman*
16. Iron Man 3
15. The Incredible Hulk
I really had high hopes for Superman Returns. Bryan Singer had an outlandish budget to work with. He seemed fully capable of pulling it off given his effort with X-Men.

That movie...

The scene where he rescues Lois from Air Force One? It's a rip-off from Superman:The Animated Series.

Superman has tons of foes, but we get Lex Luther yet again? Even a Kevin Spacey Lex Luther?

Superman has battled his Kryptonite weakness forever. Even a small nugget will cripple him. Yet he lifted something the size of Oahu into space, filled with Kryptonite.

Christopher Reeve was a relative unknown at the time he donned the Big S, but Reeve could act. Brandon Routh? Oh man...

I will say the coolest scene in the entire movie was after he fell back to Earth after getting rid of the Kryptonite island. When he was hospitalized, Singer was able to show how much the character meant to everyone in Metropolis. It was also pretty cool how his kid destroyed Luther's henchman with the piano.

The movie could have been done way way better. It debuted during the post-Matrix era. Neo was way more super than Superman was and that's a shame.

I would slot the movie at mediocre. It did not stop me from buying a copy of the DVD though! :) Of course, I burned it after buying the Man of Steel blu-ray. :p That's a lie. I microwaved it. :p

Kids, don't ever put metallic objects inside of a microwave! :mad::)
I really had high hopes for Superman Returns. Bryan Singer had an outlandish budget to work with. He seemed fully capable of pulling it off given his effort with X-Men.

That movie...

The scene where he rescues Lois from Air Force One? It's a rip-off from Superman:The Animated Series.

Superman has tons of foes, but we get Lex Luther yet again? Even a Kevin Spacey Lex Luther?

Superman has battled his Kryptonite weakness forever. Even a small nugget will cripple him. Yet he lifted something the size of Oahu into space, filled with Kryptonite.

Christopher Reeve was a relative unknown at the time he donned the Big S, but Reeve could act. Brandon Routh? Oh man...

I will say the coolest scene in the entire movie was after he fell back to Earth after getting rid of the Kryptonite island. When he was hospitalized, Singer was able to show how much the character meant to everyone in Metropolis. It was also pretty cool how his kid destroyed Luther's henchman with the piano.

The movie could have been done way way better. It debuted during the post-Matrix era. Neo was way more super than Superman was and that's a shame.

I would slot the movie at mediocre. It did not stop me from buying a copy of the DVD though! :) Of course, I burned it after buying the Man of Steel blu-ray. :p That's a lie. I microwaved it. :p

Kids, don't ever put metallic objects inside of a microwave! :mad::)

I would put these movies in this order:

1. SuperMan 2
2. SpiderMan 2
3. Avengers

They are chronological order but also in order of my favorites ironically enough.
I would put Spider-Man 2 in #2 slot. Best comic book to screen movie to date in my opinion. Avengers holds top spot. Simply because they made it believable and not cheesy.

I've re-watched the Avengers maybe 10 times now. Every time I watch it, I can't believe it's almost 2 1/2 hours long... it just goes by at such a nice pace. Just a really satisfying movie (unless you're Jeremy Renner).

Spider-Man 2 is great. The only thing I don't like about it is the ending where Peter reveals to Doc Ock that he's Spider-Man and somehow Doc Ock changes his mind and makes the 'right decision'. The ending after that with Mary Jane is one of the better caps to a comic film, though. A solid ending for that chapter of things, but opens up new possibilities for the series. Sadly, movie execs ruined Raimi's idea for Spider-man 3 and the series was pretty much done.
I really had high hopes for Superman Returns. Bryan Singer had an outlandish budget to work with. He seemed fully capable of pulling it off given his effort with X-Men.

That movie...

The scene where he rescues Lois from Air Force One? It's a rip-off from Superman:The Animated Series.

Superman has tons of foes, but we get Lex Luther yet again? Even a Kevin Spacey Lex Luther?

Superman has battled his Kryptonite weakness forever. Even a small nugget will cripple him. Yet he lifted something the size of Oahu into space, filled with Kryptonite.

Christopher Reeve was a relative unknown at the time he donned the Big S, but Reeve could act. Brandon Routh? Oh man...

I will say the coolest scene in the entire movie was after he fell back to Earth after getting rid of the Kryptonite island. When he was hospitalized, Singer was able to show how much the character meant to everyone in Metropolis. It was also pretty cool how his kid destroyed Luther's henchman with the piano.

The movie could have been done way way better. It debuted during the post-Matrix era. Neo was way more super than Superman was and that's a shame.

I would slot the movie at mediocre. It did not stop me from buying a copy of the DVD though! :) Of course, I burned it after buying the Man of Steel blu-ray. :p That's a lie. I microwaved it. :p

Kids, don't ever put metallic objects inside of a microwave! :mad::)

The with Superman-Returns is that, well... it's superman returns. It's supposed to be a continuation of a story a lot of people have forgotten about. They should have just rebooted it then and there... may have been able to get a jump on Marvel to start up a Justice League project before the Avengers.

But even though it's a continuation of a series, they decide to go ahead and have Lex Luthor as the main villain again. Makes sense for an origin story, but how many times have we seen those two square off on the big screen, in cartoons, comic books, Smallville, Adventures of Lois And Clark etc.

Has it's flaws, but a solid movie for the most part.
I've re-watched the Avengers maybe 10 times now. Every time I watch it, I can't believe it's almost 2 1/2 hours long... it just goes by at such a nice pace. Just a really satisfying movie (unless you're Jeremy Renner).

Spider-Man 2 is great. The only thing I don't like about it is the ending where Peter reveals to Doc Ock that he's Spider-Man and somehow Doc Ock changes his mind and makes the 'right decision'. The ending after that with Mary Jane is one of the better caps to a comic film, though. A solid ending for that chapter of things, but opens up new possibilities for the series. Sadly, movie execs ruined Raimi's idea for Spider-man 3 and the series was pretty much done.

Agreed. Great mix of both sides of each character(s). Nice flow.

SpiderMan 2 - I see what you are saying. They Appleseed to doc ocs love of his wife. Humanized a tad too much. All in all no qualms though.

SM3 - what a mess. What happened to mysterious, electro? TASM will have them in it. And a few more "glimpses" of future villains.

Too bad no avengers movies with spidey. Sony block.

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