This is media hype at its best and a bold face lie.
We already know a few things right out the gate.
1) the 2017 Oline is not the 16 Oline. We have issues on the line and 2 coaches who are ok with it. Instead of looking for solutions they are hoping the band aid falls in their lap. Huge mistake.
2) you have an issue with your Rb thats not being handled well on both sides.
3) inactives, why did we carry 3 RBs and a FB if they arent going to be used or used correctly.
4) Jeff Heath is not good, suck it Jeff Heath fans. He is very good in a limited role, hes not good at starter role. The end.
5) Your defense sucks, play the rookies, shake Rods hand and tell him best of luck at the end of the season. Nothing more you are getting out of him and i doubt he ll take the DL job and before anyone says Eflerbus or whatever, NO, just no. technically we should leave it to the new HC, but thats not happening. Go out of organization and get a DC.
6) Carrying 3 QBS, waste of roster spot. cut Kellen Moore, play Cooper if Dak goes down. End of Dak, end of season. doesnt matter anyway, again JC is just showing us he cant do the job if you need a reminder of this, see the Rams.
7) Byron Jones, find a new spot for him or put him in limited roles. Suck it Byron fans, hes not great at a safety starter level.
8) Jason Garrett, Jag coach, want to argue it, post his HC record. Suck it, the argument is over.
8 things off the top of my head, making this writer a pom pom writer for his own articles and offering nothing, not even something as basic as "breathing is important" or "water is wet" i would have more respect if he just wrote that and submitted it.