dear mom, why bill parcells irks me so

Alexander said:
Try insulting him. That might work.

wouldn't that be rude???? besides, i don't know if i'm good at the insult game or not.
DipChit said:
Yeah Sarge, it really was. As he walked past me on his way from the lodge down to the rink I'm thinking.. omg what do I do? Obviously on one hand I didnt want to bother the man but then again it was a quiet atmosphere. Then I wanted to get him to sign something (or at least be prepared if I had the guts to ask him to) but I was afraid that he might be gone by the time I got up to my room to get a pen and paper and got back down.

I went up anyway though and he was still there when I got back. Went up to him, chatted.. then said if you dont mind.. He said no problem. So I got the token "Best Wishes, Dan.. Tom Landry" on a Sun Valley notepad.

As I left I said "Oh and it's great for the team to *finally* be gettin something done again after all this time huh?"

He said "Why you Dip*hit!!! and the rest is history.

Ok ok, the ending didnt really happen like that.. I just shook his hand and walked away with a smile that prolly lasted a week.

Great story - great coach.........
Hostile said:
You didn't know that? It's WRZ's worst nightmare.

now that brings back some memories
these padded walls wont hold me for long

visionary said:
now that brings back some memories
these padded walls wont hold me for long


i'm the only person i know of to ever permantely remove him from a board by doing exactly what i said i'd do if he didn't get insulting everyone in every post. he went to every other post for 1 post then returned to form.

then - was gone. it was so strange. : )
ELDudearino said:
can we get the cliff notes

he was zardus.
he was an arse.
he insulted everyone as usual
i asked him to quit
he didn't
i asked him again to quit
he didn't
i told him if he didn't quit insulting people on every post i was going to start editing his posts to get my point across.
he quit for 1 post.
he insulted someone else in his usual fashion.
he then looked like he loved his "little elmo" that only his mother would let him play with at night and wondered if anyone else had a little elmo.
we never saw him again.

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