Deep snapper Jake McQuaide out for the season

The good news is, long snappers should have no problem adjusting. But we all could have another Trey Junkin moment
True, long snappers don't need to learn much they don't already know.
I get more than that per year for logging on to a few computers 5 days a week all year around. But it's really not much once you take away income tax and then all the wage garnishments and fees for all the various child supports the court forces me to pay.
Your avatar says it all. :muttley:
I know a lot can go wrong with long snaps but it was always puzzling to me why a center couldn't profect it and save a roster spot.
It may be that switching from one type of snap to a long snap would screw up his rhythm.
Damn, unless they are taking away over $400k, that's still pretty damn good lol.
150k per year net is not "pretty damn good". Have you seen housing prices in any desirable place in the USA lately? You know how ungodly long it would to save up just to buy a decent house and have any money left over to not be house-poor, forget all the property taxes? With this ridiculous inflation in the last 2.5 years I would say it's impoverishment
You say that until you have a DT breathing on you. Yikes!
way the rules are, they can't really breathe on you that hard can they? Seems like not much going on in the middle other than them jumping up trying to get a block.
What other team has depth at longsnapper?

Name another team. You can't.

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I remember we got rid of a real good one and then had a bad one; you really do not understand how important they are until that happens.
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Sorry for my ignorance, what does this tweet even mean?

“A long snap in the range of 36 MPH to 39 MPH gives me a snap time between 0.75 seconds and 0.7 seconds,” says Vitale. “The punter has 1.2 seconds to get the ball off his foot.”
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Is this a different guy to your long snapper? “Deep snapper?” Never heard that one before

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