Demarcus Ware's offsides penalties *Merge*


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bbgun;1904216 said:
Correct, but so what? Life sucks. A (so-called) bad call doesn't give you the right to fall apart on defense. It's not like they were set up at our 20 yard line via a bogus pass interference penalty. Nor did Reeves' penalty before the half mean we had to let them in the endzone.

I agree with you on the not falling apart. I'm just referring to that one play. He wasn't offsides he went when the center started his motion. He wasn't offsides.


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Ware was NOT offsides and therefore fault lies with the referee throwing the flag for being offsides.

If not for no less than 3 separate occasions of this very same situation, Ware would probably have ended the season with 18 sacks and would put him in the all time pass rushing class of LB'ers such as Derrick Thomas and LT.

The referees- before a play is made- are neutralizing our most dangerous defensive weapon and it simply cannot be ignored. How many times after a flag like that would DeMarcus hesitate before tearing off at the QB?

I would bet it causes him to be a step late to the QB on say 3rd and 4,5, or 6 no less than three times again for fear of the offsides penalty, thus further exposing the talents that are Reeves, Williams, and Henry in coverage.

Did it lose the game? No. Did it affect the outcome? You bet- because there is carryover to the call which affects DeMarcus's approach to down and distance.


White and Nerdy
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im ticked about the offsides call.....but that didnt give the giants a first. remember, eli did a QB sneak, and received a generous spot, for the first down. He was clearly half a yard short and the play would have brought about 4th and 1/2 yd....I think the giants would have gone for it, since they were right around the 50. 2 bad back to back calls by the refs, really hurt us.

The only other call that really bugged me, was the false start on Colombo. He had been doing the same move all 4th quarter and no flag. We are driving to win the game with less than a minute left, and the refs finally call a false start? that was pathetic.


Star Power
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AdamJT13;1904051 said:
Like I said in another thread, Ware started moving before the ball was snapped. That'll get called almost every time. It wasn't like the times earlier in the season when he had perfect timing and still got flagged.

I disagree. I watched the animated gif several times and he moves with the ball.


Fact > Your Opinion
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The reason why it sucks that they called him offsides is that if the play stood, it would have been 4th and a long 5, causing the Giants to punt. Now, it isn't an excuse for the D to let them convert on 3rd and inches, but at that point, you almost have to think that even if we did stop them on 3rd, they may have gone for it on 4th. We don't have that problem if the refs got the call right. Now, that wasn't the only play where we lost the game on. There are several things we can point at that went wrong for us, our fault or not. This just happened to be one of them.