That wasn't my point at all. My point was who do you trust, Dez or a woman who abandoned her children and spent 2 years in the penitentiary for selling crack cocaine, and has had a history of abuse?
Is it so crazy to think this woman, who he obviously cares about because he's still trying to take care of her after all the terrible things she's put him through, could be lying? It's not like she hasn't set a precedent for being an absolutely terrible human being. Dez wants a relationship with his mother and she's probably clinically insane. Dez has feelings and she's the only parent he has, she's proven that she cares more about her drug addiction than her kids.
He's never made ANY excuses for himself, even though his upbringing was terrible and he probably needs years of counseling. So save the chest thumping, money doesn't buy happiness or fix the years of mental abuse an upbringing like Dez can do to you psychologically.