Dez Bryant arrested (911 Call-Post 847) **closed**

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rocboy22;4623197 said:
that's the problem here. "from what you can tell" you need to realize that you can't tell ****!!! were you also convinced sam hurd was a scumbag?? nope. maybe lissemore beats his gf, maybe arkin commits mail fraud.
True, but the Hurd thing was shocking, as the others would be. This is growing tiresome, whether they're big things or little things.

C'mon, I've posted with you forever. You have to get tired of this nonsense, too.
Here's a transcription of the call (courtesy of midswat at another forum, want to credit sources I didn't do the work lol per the rules "*

The 911 operator’s questions are in bold and Angela Bryant’s responses are in quotes.

Comment before the operator answered: “He tried to kill me.”

First comment after the operator answered: “My son has assaulted me.”

Where is he at?

“He’s here now.”

How long ago did this happen?

“It’s happening now. He won’t go home. I keep telling him to go home, but he won’t go home.”

Does anybody have any weapons?

“No, not yet. … He picked up a ball and tried to hit me with it and then he grabbed me. You’ll see me when you get here.”

Has anybody been drinking?

“No, they haven’t.”

Has there been any drug use?


Is this Miss Wells?

“No, it’s not. It’s Miss Bryant. It’s Angela Bryant. … I went around the corner to a friend’s house.”

What’s your son’s name?

“Desmond Bryant.”

What’s he wearing?

“He has some black shorts on with no shirt.”

What’s his date of birth?


Are there any children in the home?


Is there anybody else in the home?

“My brother was there, my son was there and a friend was there.”

Was anybody else trying to fight?

“Um, no.”

Where’s he at now?

“I guess he went home. He’s in an Escalade. It has ‘Bail Me’ on the license plate.”

He left in the Escalade?

“I’m sorry, it’s a Navigator. It’s pearl white with silver sides on it. … He started attacking me for no reason.”

Which way did he go?

“I think he probably went down to his house. I couldn’t see where he turned at. Hey, where is it that Dez lives at? (talking to someone in the background) I don’t know where he went. … I can’t keep letting him do this. I can’t keep letting him do me like this. I’m tired. I’m going to put an end to it today. I’m tired. … Is an officer coming?”

Are you injured?

“No. I got some scratches on me and my clothes have been torn off. He tore my shirt off and pulled my hair.”

You sure you don’t want a paramedic to check on you?

“No. I don’t think I need it.”
erod;4623205 said:
True, but the Hurd thing was shocking, as the others would be. This is growing tiresome, whether they're big things or little things.

C'mon, I've posted with you forever. You have to get tired of this nonsense, too.

Yea, it sucks. But I do not know that Dez actually did anything here. His mom is now claiming he tried to KILL HER. Really??? Really??? You don't think there is even like a 5% chance this is all completely fabricated???
rocboy22;4623213 said:
Yea, it sucks. But I do not know that Dez actually did anything here. His mom is now claiming he tried to KILL HER. Really??? Really??? You don't think there is even like a 5% chance this is all completely fabricated???
Sure, I think his mom is certifiably nuts, too. I think the whole situation is, and always is, a vile and volatile concoction. Completely unpredictable. Capable of boiling over at any second and anywhere.

It's toxic for a football team. Especially this team, which is fragile and trying to find it's way into elite status. This team doesn't have the established leadership on the roster to handle these types of guys.

And if he's unlikley to go for 100 catches and 20 touchdowns, is it worth all the hassle and drama?

I hope and wish it would work out, but I'm about 95 percent sure it never will, and I don't want to wait five years for it to prove me right.
rocboy22;4623213 said:
Yea, it sucks. But I do not know that Dez actually did anything here. His mom is now claiming he tried to KILL HER. Really??? Really??? You don't think there is even like a 5% chance this is all completely fabricated???
Of course Dez tried to kill her, roc. Why else would he have had a loaded ball cap in his hand. :rolleyes:
This team has established leadership. C'mon man, are we still playing that card of BS?
His mama is only 37. She had Dez when she was 14. wow.

Is she really saying Dez tried to kill her? With his bare hands?

Im sorry, but if thats true, I find it VERY hard to believe.
wittenacious;4623222 said:
Of course Dez tried to kill her, roc. Why else would he have had a loaded ball cap in his hand. :rolleyes:
If he would wear his cap backwards like he should, he would have to reach around his head to grab the bill to swat her with:D
oh this is just a family squabble big deal I thought he beat up his girlfriend BIg deal guy is a celebrity and his Mom and or sibling are fighting with him no drugs no weapons, Nothing to see here move along..another football star's family trying to get something from him and using the media,,Disgraceful. What is said in the home stays in the home...... ( I guess he went home....) the mom says.... Come on work it out without all this crap yeah he hit you for no reason maybe because your a CRACK W****. Be a Mom stop already. Just bloody sad. Jeff Ireland knew something, Hey when we had T.O if it looks like a duck smells like a duck walks like a duck then it is a......
a_minimalist;4623176 said:
says his crackhead mother with no visible injuries when the police arrived.


I thought I was the only one thinking this.
I'll offer a ray of sunshine on this, after I've railed on the guy all day.

Maybe....just maybe....this will drive a wedge so far between Dez and his family it will remove him from the situation for a long, long time. Although, I don't know that his other circles are any better.

Sounds like Dez and his family should part ways forever.

Then again, the police don't need his mom to file charges, so his troubles could be just beginning. Goodell is watching, too.
juck;4623230 said:
She said she was NOT injured to the 911 guy.
She then started thinking about the "settlement" and suddenly became incapacitated.
Gemini Dolly;4623226 said:
His mama is only 37. She had Dez when she was 14. wow.

Is she really saying Dez tried to kill her? With his bare hands?

Im sorry, but if thats true, I find it VERY hard to believe.
Drama queen, as crack ho's are wont to be. "Poor, poor me. Nobody understands how hard my life is." PLEASE!
I think Jerry should sign his mom. If she can fend off a 6'2" 220 lbs. professional athlete from attempting to kill her without any visible signs of injuries, I think she's middle linebacker material.
InmanRoshi;4623238 said:
I think Jerry should sign his mom. If she can fend off a 6'2" 220 lbs. professional athlete from attempting to kill her without any visible signs of injuries, I think she's middle linebacker material.
From the transcript I guess sometime on the cops way over there it went from "I have scratches and my shirt is ripped" to "My son tried to kill me"?

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