Dez Bryant arrested (911 Call-Post 847) **closed**

RastaRocket;4623917 said:
Right now on NFL Live they are basically doubting Dez gets any suspension at all. They then move on to point out Lynch and Dumervil are in bigger trouble.

That should be fairly obvious. Dumervil waived a gun at people. Lynch hit two cars. I wonder if their ****** fans are claiming they should be waived?
ZBTHorton;4623962 said:
Yeah absolutely.

They both talked as if it was fairly common knowledge among sports media that Dez was still causing lots of drama off the field, he'd just been lucky and kept it under wraps for a while.

I find it difficult to believe that he was causing all of this drama off the field and no one knew about it. Not with the spotlight on this guy so much.
Hoofbite;4623942 said:
Audio sounded like he was there.

Sounded like he left mid-call but the audio is so crappy and the ability to understand what she is saying is minimal.

She said she went to a neighbors house or something. But then it seemed like people were there. Confusing.
the things that are standing out to me are...

1) during 911 call she says she wasnt hurt
2) then monday she IS hurt
3) her injuries (arm and hand bruises) seem to me the injuries a person gets while attacking someone else and being restrained
4)during 911 cal she seemed a little out of it ...drugs/alcohol?
5)Dez does seem a little dumb but not violent...especially towards a loved one...IMO
6)others were there....what is their take?
7)some are saying if he is innocent he should be all over TV and radio screaming foul.....i say the opposite...if he is innocent he needs to let his lawyers, police, and courts do the process.....(everything he says can and will be used against him in a court of law)...and not being the best speaker there isnt any telling what he may say without intent
8)its been a well known fact that crackheads can be a little unstable....and yes they do in fact lie

I dont pretend to know the facts...i hope to all thats holy that he didnt attack his own mother as being reported (by others who dont know what happened) and if he did he deserves every bit of punishment he will receive .....there are always 3 sides to every story....his side, her side and the truth....weve only heard her side
Dez's half brother who was there posted on twitter that the media reports are all false and that Dezdid not hit their mother. Apparently Dez replied with a thank you. Dez is supposedly keeping quiet because the truth could send his mom to prison because she is on probation. She either assaulted him or had drugs in the house which is what started the whole thing.
a_minimalist;4623971 said:
Sounds like he really tried to kill her.

It's the old try to kill her by pushing her wrist trick.

Cajuncowboy;4623947 said:
I got up that way occasionally but I just hated the whole thing. But I hated NYC even more. My one regret is that for all the times I went to NYC, I never went to Ellis Island. Going to make sure I do that though soon. Kids want to go to the Macy's Thanksgiving day parade so maybe we will do it then.

Eeek, parades! I guess if it's for kids I can put away my disdain for them. But, Ellis Island sounds like an interesting AND worthwhile visit. Have you been to Peter Luger?
Like another poster said, this is disappointing. I was hoping he wouldn't "find trouble" this year. I'm pulling for him. I hope one day we look back and say he isn't such a bad guy after all. But having a troubled mother and a disturbing past may have already done irreparable damage to Dez. All of that being said, hitting your mother is almost unforgiveable, but the more I hear, the more I wonder what really happened.
a_minimalist;4623978 said:
Eeek, parades! I guess if it's for kids I can put away my disdain for them. But, Ellis Island sounds like an interesting AND worthwhile visit. Have you been to Peter Luger?

Don't know what that is but I had a pretty funny joke but it was too blue to type here. LOL

If we go we are going to view it from one of the apartments that overlook the route.
@DeonHatton for who EVA listen to the media my brother didnt hit our mother

@DezBryant--- Thank you for speaking up man
Ferrumz;4623496 said:
Wow? Really? You do know there's been extensive studies that prove spanking has actually had a more positive impact on a child's development as a whole then not spanking right? Making a narrow-minded statement like that says a lot...

Don't bother, he will just spew the same thing over and over while criticizing and misreading whatever research you provide to support your argument without supplying anything to backup his own assertion.

Been down that road before.

gambit187;4623500 said:
Yup i was spanked as a child, by my mom, step pop and roughed up by my uncles when i did wrong. I'm 42 years old and made it out of Camden NJ. I have a great job with one of the top 5 Gov Contractors and have worked for all the major ones since 1995. Did 8 years in the Army, have no criminal record, 2 biological children and a (STEP)son that has been with me since he was 2 I adopted at 10 and is now 17 headed to college. I have voted Democrat and Republican in my life AND I LOVE MY COWBOYS


But you could have been so much more if you weren't spanked at all :cool::D
I'm sorry. Dez does not seem like the violent type. I think what happened was his mom wanted some more money for dope, maybe tried taking it out of his wallet while he wasn't looking or something, he found out, took the money back, and left.

Her, being in a rage from missing out on her next fix, flipped out in a crack stupor, then called the cops claiming assault.

His brother, who was there, said Dez didn't do it. I believe Dez and his brother before I believe a crackhead.

Call me crazy.
Cajuncowboy;4623982 said:
Don't know what that is but I had a pretty funny joke but it was too blue to type here. LOL

If we go we are going to view it from one of the apartments that overlook the route.

I don't know why but I always assume people love a good steak. If you like steak you might want to check it out. It's in Brooklyn and is a famous steak house. I haven't been but I do hear it's the best.

I have been to Frankie and Johnnie's as well as Del Frisco's and they are both amazing. I can personally vouch for them.
Cowboys22;4623984 said:
@DeonHatton for who EVA listen to the media my brother didnt hit our mother

@DezBryant--- Thank you for speaking up man

and the truth comes out. i feel bad for the kid for having to deal with this crap. i'm not sure i could be as patient as he is with a mother like that.
sureletsrace;4623986 said:
I'm sorry. Dez does not seem like the violent type. I think what happened was his mom wanted some more money for dope, maybe tried taking it out of his wallet while he wasn't looking or something, he found out, took the money back, and left.

Her, being in a rage from missing out on her next fix, flipped out in a crack stupor, then called the cops claiming assault.

His brother, who was there, said Dez didn't do it. I believe Dez and his brother before I believe a crackhead.

Call me crazy.

Truthfully, after hearing the 911 tape, I think he got there and found her high or with drugs in the house and went off on her. She told him to get out and started hitting him. He grabbed her wrists to make her stop. Thinking of nothing but herself, she makes that 911 call and two days later calls back to report injuries. Dez is keeping quiet because the truth will land his mom in jail on a parol violation.
Cowboys22;4623984 said:
@DeonHatton for who EVA listen to the media my brother didnt hit our mother

@DezBryant--- Thank you for speaking up man


Cue the Dez haters "what's he supposed to say? he's his brother" comments.
Cowboys22;4623989 said:
Truthfully, after hearing the 911 tape, I think he got there and found her high or with drugs in the house and went off on her. She told him to get out and started hitting him. He grabbed her wrists to make her stop. Thinking of nothing but herself, she makes that 911 call and two days later calls back to report injuries. Dez is keeping quiet because the truth will land his mom in jail on a parol violation.

Another very, very feasible scenario. Good call.

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