Dez, envy is not a good look

Not accurate. I'm not saying that the team didn't suck, but it wasn't a constant during his career. A simple search will illustrate that. Secondly, that's kind of a lame excuse. The team sucks, so why try?
There was a Seattle game that sold me on it. We were winning the game, but Dez whined and took plays off until they forced him the ball. He volley balled a pass off his hands for an INT, on another play he fumbled. The DBs were all over him and instead of going after the ball carrier on a turn over, he was in a shoving match and the play went right by him. A great player physically, but nothing between the ears.
Once again this is irrelevant to what I'm speaking on. He's a cancer because he dropped a pass? Because he whined? Because DBs were all over him? Maybe we have different defitnions of what a cancer is. Like I said there's Greg Hardy and TO....and there's Dez. Nothing alike.
Once again this is irrelevant to what I'm speaking on. He's a cancer because he dropped a pass? Because he whined? Because DBs were all over him? Maybe we have different defitnions of what a cancer is. Like I said there's Greg Hardy and TO....and there's Dez. Nothing alike.
You left out giving up.
It's not that hard a concept really. You are just choosing to not except Bryant wasn't a great teammate. How many examples are you willing to ignore? Say what you want about TO being a lose cannon, I'd agree with you all day long, but he never gave up. Bryant did. Not sure why we need to even compare other players. Bryant is what he is.
You left out giving up.
It's not that hard a concept really. You are just choosing to not except Bryant wasn't a great teammate. How many examples are you willing to ignore? Say what you want about TO being a lose cannon, I'd agree with you all day long, but he never gave up. Bryant did. Not sure why we need to even compare other players. Bryant is what he is.
Just because you tell me something doesn't mean I have to agree with it or that I'm "ignoring it". If anyone wants to come out and say Dez was a bad teammate....I haven't heard it. I can sit here and ASSUME like you have but I'm not. Like I said I just have a different definition of what a cancerous player is....

Dez is with all of these guys in the offseason...practicing with them.....such a cancer.....crazy how they want to be around him though....
Just because you tell me something doesn't mean I have to agree with it or that I'm "ignoring it". If anyone wants to come out and say Dez was a bad teammate....I haven't heard it. I can sit here and ASSUME like you have but I'm not. Like I said I just have a different definition of what a cancerous player is....

Dez is with all of these guys in the offseason...practicing with them.....such a cancer.....crazy how they want to be around him though....

I always loved Dez as a player. He left it all out on the field. Was nothing like a guy like TO. Got thrown under the rug here and Dak could not get him the ball. He just pressed too hard his last couple of years and it caused him issues. I was sad to see him go.

I think it is bad form for NFL players to complain about others getting tryouts. Tebow has always been an exceptional athlete and no reason to think he is not in great shape and could compete with some of those athletes on the field there in Jacksonville. Thats what the article says about his tryout ( he looked like he was 20). If we are going to complain about favoritism then the players should not be trying to get commentary jobs that they have had no training in. They should leave for those who have had the training to do such things. Emmitt should have NEVER been given the chance to comment on NFL shows anywhere - he was terrible but someone gave him a shot based on his name!
I largely agree about the good old boy network. The good old boy netword extends to the CZ where fans feel that have-beens such as Sean leach and Witten are immediately deemed as coaching material. Do we ever mention black players as immediate coaches? No, only the Chaw chewing old guys are.
That is wrong.

It got Tebow a ESPN job for accomplishing absolutely nothing on the field....
Actually Tebows accomplishments on the College football field and his following got him a job. People would tune in to watch him.

So exactly, what is your complaint here? That his name and his accomplishments, regardless of the level, give him recognition and opportunities. Is that a problem for you?
Actually Tebows accomplishments on the College football field and his following got him a job. People would tune in to watch him.

So exactly, what is your complaint here? That his name and his accomplishments, regardless of the level, give him recognition and opportunities. Is that a problem for you?

First of all I haven't complained about anything, I just made a statement. But according to your logic, shouldn't Charlie Ward have been given the same opportunities as Tebow??? Charlie Ward won a Heisman trophy and didn't even get drafted.... So what does your logic have to say about that??

I'll wait....
I largely agree about the good old boy network. The good old boy netword extends to the CZ where fans feel that have-beens such as Sean leach and Witten are immediately deemed as coaching material. Do we ever mention black players as immediate coaches? No, only the Chaw chewing old guys are.
That is wrong.
Sean Lee was known to be a student of the game. I don't really know why anyone would think Witten would be coaching material. He was never known to help out those behind him and never really known to be a student of the game. There are many black players who are students of the game and get opportunities after.
First of all I haven't complained about anything, I just made a statement. But according to your logic, shouldn't Charlie Ward have been given the same opportunities as Tebow??? Charlie Ward won a Heisman trophy and didn't even get drafted.... So what does your logic have to say about that??

I'll wait....
Is he a draw? It's just simple economics! You are saying Tebow's draw is because he is white?
Good players adjust their game as the opponents work on way to stop them.

Good players adjust their game as they get older.

Dez did neither...
Yes. Tebow has friends in high places. You don't. Life is not fair, so go back to your hole and shuddup.

The jags have signed old man Tim Tebow and Desperate Bryant (he recently asked Aaron Rogers for a receivers job) is feeling left out.
  • BB1gAxrH.img

    So when Tim Tebow reportedly agreed to a deal with his old friend and new Jacksonville Jaguars coach Urban Meyers, Bryant was kinda envious.

    And Bryant — still looking for work — finds it hard to believe. Well, believe it, Desperate.

Who ?
Sean Lee was known to be a student of the game. I don't really know why anyone would think Witten would be coaching material. He was never known to help out those behind him and never really known to be a student of the game. There are many black players who are students of the game and get opportunities after.

Sean Lee was known to be a student of the game...

Lovely to be so general and assured that 11 words, drawn from thin air, would be a statement of proficiency on the part of Leach.
But, dear lad, how was he a student of the game while those sweating and bleeding alongside of him all those years were not?
What school of linebacking did he found?
What defensive alignments are known to be his?
What midnight oil did he burn while others were night clubbing and fishing and fighting?
What exactly --- other than a statement without basis --- makes him a "student of the game" while others players who played essay more were just merely onlookers or interlopers?
What sustained effort by Leach, in the classroom, sidelines or off-season coaching schools made him a brilliant defensive schemer?
Lo, a dirty jersey, 8 games a year (others we'd label lazy) and a dejected look do not assure him the mantle of leadership or forte in linebacking.

Packman Jones (or sub in any name from any position) was a student of the game.

There, I wrote it. I wrote it without basis or academic reference or authoritative knowledge. But I don't know if he was or was not.
What do you and other breathless fan boys know about Leach's scholarly approach and knowledge of the game that I or other skeptics do not?

Good ruffian, we all have favorites and we all have fond ideas of their breadth of knowledge. But it doesn't make them experts, just passersbys who looked the part or knew their entitlement would take them far, i.e. unwarranted fame.

Better yet, it is he and his fans who feel entitled. And forget the other hundreds of LBers who don't look like coaching material. They, however students of the game or geniuses in their field do not get this an ointment of greatness.

Blimey, the things I say!
Tebow is there as a mentor to all the young players they have, nothing more. If he makes the team and makes a few plays, so what.
Urban is not a joke. I still wish we had him here in a way.
He trust Tebow to come in and basically mentor and help out as the off season goes along.

A mentor? This isn't high school. These pro athletes don't care about Tebow. How is some guy who hasn't played in almost a decade mentor these guys? You guys are over selling this. Signing Tebow is nothing more than a PR move. He has never played TE in his life but gets a shot after not being in the leaugue almost a decade? Yeah, sounds like a legit roster move.....
I always loved Dez as a player. He left it all out on the field. Was nothing like a guy like TO. Got thrown under the rug here and Dak could not get him the ball. He just pressed too hard his last couple of years and it caused him issues. I was sad to see him go.

I think it is bad form for NFL players to complain about others getting tryouts. Tebow has always been an exceptional athlete and no reason to think he is not in great shape and could compete with some of those athletes on the field there in Jacksonville. Thats what the article says about his tryout ( he looked like he was 20). If we are going to complain about favoritism then the players should not be trying to get commentary jobs that they have had no training in. They should leave for those who have had the training to do such things. Emmitt should have NEVER been given the chance to comment on NFL shows anywhere - he was terrible but someone gave him a shot based on his name!
Commentary jobs is one thing. Emmitt earned that job even if he was bad at it. What exactly has Tebow done to earn it? Absolutely nothing. Failed in one sport and failed in this sport already.
Heard an interesting take on the radio - a point apparently a former Patriot now on ESPN made about the Tebow situation. He said that Tebow only needs to be on the roster for three games to qualify for a for-life NFL pension. Could this be Urban's way of helping out his favorite son?


Good for both! Sort of like allowing some player to get a one-day contract and retire with his favorite team.

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