Did anybody else notice what Romo said on the sideline during the Lions game?

BrAinPaiNt;1286469 said:
I sent my pit bull to the Hong Kong Phooey school of martial arts as a pup.

He is a picture of him practicing a difficult block and strike combination as a pup.


Please do not make me send him after you.




Yeagermeister;1286645 said:
Hey don't try to get this thread back on track. It's a dog thread now. :D

StarAmongStars;1284994 said:
It wasn't lip reading...you could clearly hear what he was saying.

How about I post Romo's december numbers....you might not be laughing so hard. In fact it's really absurb that despite losing 3 of 4 home games, including one to the 2-13 lions that everybody still believes Romo is the better QB.

What did Bledsoe do to anybody here that he is so hated? Funny how we are all quick to forget he led us to a 9-7 record last year with a much less talented team. :confused:

Winning and losing has a lot more to do with the team as a whole more than it does the QB. We lost to the 2-13 Lions because our defense can't stop a powderpuff football team right now. Romo put 31 on the board for us.

It's the old carnal rule. If your team scores 25 or more and still loses, its the defense's fault more than likely. If your team scores less than 25 and loses, then it's safer to say the offense failed.

Theres no way Romo has cost us the games we've lost. Blame the secondary!
Yeagermeister;1286640 said:
I wish I could say that Angus would be that nice. He would have been in attack mode as soon as he saw the other dog. :(

Same here.

We have to have a fence around our yard. We have too many people in our area that let dogs run loose.

We had one dog that came up to the fence, a boxer, and Dobby was trying to get to him. Both dogs started fighting through the fence but could not get to each other so they started jumping. Dobby tore part of that boxers nose before I could get to him.

Then another time a beagle was loose and stuck his paw through the fence...wrong move, I guess the beagle learned as he has not been back since for that matter neither has the boxer.

The other two dogs that always run loose don't get near the fence.

One other thing, the wife's family lives just a couple of houses down from us and her grandfather lives next door.

Sometimes her Dad will bring his english bull dog over to the grandfathers yard and let him run around. He and dobby will run up and down the fence...the bull dog is playing, dobby does not want to play.

He has bent the chain link fence with his jaws trying to get at the dog.

So now if I see her dad out with his dog I put dobby in the house.

I wish I had a picture of their dog, that is a BIG english bull dog, they bought him but he was really overweight. He has lost a bunch but still is big. Biggest english bull dog I have ever seen but about as goofy as can be. Scared as can be too.

Her dad was walking it down the road one day and a little pipsqueak dog barked at him and he started running and was pooping at the same time lmao.

One time when they were gone, they left him outside and I heard him barking. Well we were on our way into town and when we came back around an hour later he was still barking.

So I went up there to look and see what he was barking at. He was on the porch, behind a chair, scared and barking....at a plastic bag that had blown into the yard:laugh2:
the DoNkEy PuNcH;1286648 said:
Sorry. I know its a dog eat dog world.:rolleyes:

And with my luck ...with it being a dog eat dog world, I am wearing milkbone underwear. :laugh1:
So I went up there to look and see what he was barking at. He was on the porch, behind a chair, scared and barking....at a plastic bag that had blown into the yard

:lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2:
Yeagermeister;1286670 said:

He is a good dog...I really like him, but he is so big when he is playing he about bowls you over sometimes.

I don't know if you remember the old schmoo cartoons, but that is what he reminds me of....just a big old blob of white with a face.:laugh2:

I told them they should have named him spanky, but they called him a cliche name of Spike.
BrAinPaiNt;1286675 said:
He is a good dog...I really like him, but he is so big when he is playing he about bowls you over sometimes.

I don't know if you remember the old schmoo cartoons, but that is what he reminds me of....just a big old blob of white with a face.:laugh2:

I told them they should have named him spanky, but they called him a cliche name of Spike.

Angus is like that when you start playing with him. He popped me on the bridge of the nose one time and I saw stars for about 5 mins. :D
BrAinPaiNt;1286666 said:
So I went up there to look and see what he was barking at. He was on the porch, behind a chair, scared and barking....at a plastic bag that had blown into the yard:laugh2:

Dude you need to remove your Romo avatar and put Bledsoe in.

You Romo bashers sure have a short memory, what makes you think Bledsoe will do anything that will help, do you not remember the turnover machine that Bledsoe was.:mad:
SuperCows5Xs;1286686 said:
Dude you need to remove your Romo avatar and put Bledsoe in.

You Romo bashers sure have a short memory, what makes you think Bledsoe will do anything that will help, do you not remember the turnover machine that Bledsoe was.:mad:

too late. this thread is in the off topic zone. lol

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