CFZ Did you find the draft a pain to watch?

I did and that was the cure for me. It was torture of the senses.

If you watched any of the earlier pre-draft stuff, you know that they knew those overly loud cover bands were going to be a problem and you could see it on the faces of the analysts trying to talk over it. Eisen even mentioned it several times. They could have moved the sets, they had time.

Then for some well-known reason, they began stretching the commercial breaks, even missing the Giants live pick, and it was nothing but a cacophony of bad music, commercials and the poor analysts trying to sell us this was an interesting draft. It was, without a doubt, the worst one I have ever sat through and I kept asking myself why am I doing this? Is watching adults dressed as trick or treaters yelling into the camera really that entertaining?

Then the answer came, masochism. Evidently, I needed this punishment. The only thing that would have really perfected the evening was for the Cowboys to have traded out of the 1st after I'd spent a miserable 4 hours watching instant millionaires, mostly dressed by blind people in dark closets, answer stupid questions.

There was one silver lining. I was glad Levis was getting passed on because looking at his sisters was the highlight of the draft. Hubba, hubba, they can call me Bubba.

OK, thanks for letting me rant it out, I feel much better knowing so many care.
I just turned on the TV around pick 24, caught Dallas' pick, and then promptly turned it off.

They really over productionalize the draft and it is pretty horrendous to watch. The NFL in general has way too many commercials during their games and the draft is literally one giant commercial with a sprinkling of the actual draft.

I can get all the info I need online to see who picked who and what people are saying about it.
The first day of the draft is basically just an awards show now.

Coverage is much better in later rounds - or at least has been in recent years - when they just start talking football.

I didn't think ESPN was terrible though. Riddick and Kiper are still great..
I did and that was the cure for me. It was torture of the senses.

If you watched any of the earlier pre-draft stuff, you know that they knew those overly loud cover bands were going to be a problem and you could see it on the faces of the analysts trying to talk over it. Eisen even mentioned it several times. They could have moved the sets, they had time.

Then for some well-known reason, they began stretching the commercial breaks, even missing the Giants live pick, and it was nothing but a cacophony of bad music, commercials and the poor analysts trying to sell us this was an interesting draft. It was, without a doubt, the worst one I have ever sat through and I kept asking myself why am I doing this? Is watching adults dressed as trick or treaters yelling into the camera really that entertaining?

Then the answer came, masochism. Evidently, I needed this punishment. The only thing that would have really perfected the evening was for the Cowboys to have traded out of the 1st after I'd spent a miserable 4 hours watching instant millionaires, mostly dressed by blind people in dark closets, answer stupid questions.

There was one silver lining. I was glad Levis was getting passed on because looking at his sisters was the highlight of the draft. Hubba, hubba, they can call me Bubba.

OK, thanks for letting me rant it out, I feel much better knowing so many care.
Hey you know they're both 17?? Someone alert the authorities lol jk
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Had hockey tryouts so recorded it. Came home to watch and it was painful, as I couldnt figure out how to fast forward through all the fluff. I cannot remember in years past how Pick Is In takes 10 miutes to actually announce
I didn’t watch any pregame. I thought the draft was one of the better ones in recent years. Much movement and many trades. I didn’t have to make coffee to stay awake for all the picks.

And not much fanfare . I watched ESPN most of the way. Not crazy about the College Game Day crew on ABC with exception of Herbstreet. Once the Jones boys came on, I flipped for good.
I usually just follow the picks on my phone as I really just can't stand the site of Goodell. This year though was the best. I totally forgot it about it and didn't remember until the wife and I got home from our Costco trip so I just looked up the pick summary and grades for each team on a few sites then came here to see the what everyone was thinking.
You bring home that big boy Costco pizza, though?
I thought it looked awesome and I wished I was there. Going to the draft is a bucket list thing for me. The TV coverage is always terrible after the top 10. They ramp up the ads and filler.
I used to watch it on the nfl network more than espn. Usually watched it with my father who passed away last week, so I’ve been dealing with family and really just kept up on Google this year. Cant remember the last time I didn’t watch the cowboys make a live pick until yesterday.
Sorry for your loss, had to be a messed up draft day for you.
Yes. Great thread. I stopped watching on tv a few years ago. I just follow the picks on twitter and skip the tv bs.
I tape something else...then zip through all the hyperbole to each pick. Takes about half an hour.

Go Cowboys!
I did and that was the cure for me. It was torture of the senses.

If you watched any of the earlier pre-draft stuff, you know that they knew those overly loud cover bands were going to be a problem and you could see it on the faces of the analysts trying to talk over it. Eisen even mentioned it several times. They could have moved the sets, they had time.

Then for some well-known reason, they began stretching the commercial breaks, even missing the Giants live pick, and it was nothing but a cacophony of bad music, commercials and the poor analysts trying to sell us this was an interesting draft. It was, without a doubt, the worst one I have ever sat through and I kept asking myself why am I doing this? Is watching adults dressed as trick or treaters yelling into the camera really that entertaining?

Then the answer came, masochism. Evidently, I needed this punishment. The only thing that would have really perfected the evening was for the Cowboys to have traded out of the 1st after I'd spent a miserable 4 hours watching instant millionaires, mostly dressed by blind people in dark closets, answer stupid questions.

There was one silver lining. I was glad Levis was getting passed on because looking at his sisters was the highlight of the draft. Hubba, hubba, they can call me Bubba.

OK, thanks for letting me rant it out, I feel much better knowing so many care.
I HATE what they have done to the draft. It is so cheesy now that its hard to watch. The ESPN telecast used to be so much more entertaining when it was just Chris Berman, Kiper, and Joe Theisman doing 12 rounds in one day.
I did and that was the cure for me. It was torture of the senses.

If you watched any of the earlier pre-draft stuff, you know that they knew those overly loud cover bands were going to be a problem and you could see it on the faces of the analysts trying to talk over it. Eisen even mentioned it several times. They could have moved the sets, they had time.

Then for some well-known reason, they began stretching the commercial breaks, even missing the Giants live pick, and it was nothing but a cacophony of bad music, commercials and the poor analysts trying to sell us this was an interesting draft. It was, without a doubt, the worst one I have ever sat through and I kept asking myself why am I doing this? Is watching adults dressed as trick or treaters yelling into the camera really that entertaining?

Then the answer came, masochism. Evidently, I needed this punishment. The only thing that would have really perfected the evening was for the Cowboys to have traded out of the 1st after I'd spent a miserable 4 hours watching instant millionaires, mostly dressed by blind people in dark closets, answer stupid questions.

There was one silver lining. I was glad Levis was getting passed on because looking at his sisters was the highlight of the draft. Hubba, hubba, they can call me Bubba.

OK, thanks for letting me rant it out, I feel much better knowing so many care.
Yes it seemed worse than ever before.
I do not like this new 3 day format. Never have.

I was going to stay home tonight to watch it as I do every year. But I think I will do my normal Friday afternoon / evening thing and meet some friends for a few beers.
Will set the DVR, miss the 1st hour, probably 2 hours, but have it on at the bar or on my phone to kind of keep an eye on it.
That is how bad it has became to watch.

At least when I get home I can speed through all the crap. Waited all that time last night, and when Dallas picked, we get 3 minutes of talk, the least of any team.
Saturday I will mute it and listen the The Ticket, maybe even tonight when I get home.
Never been a fan of watching it. Way too much hype, too polished, too - NFL.

Very interested in the results of course, but I can get that right here, along with opinions that I trust.
I HATE what they have done to the draft. It is so cheesy now that its hard to watch. The ESPN telecast used to be so much more entertaining when it was just Chris Berman, Kiper, and Joe Theisman doing 12 rounds in one day.
Yes, they spent several minutes last night talking about Mayer, I thought he was the pick at first. Like it was a forgone conclusion that was the pick.
Then when it was Smith, they talk 30 seconds and go to a commercial.
Yes it seemed worse than ever before.
I do not like this new 3 day format. Never have.

I was going to stay home tonight to watch it as I do every year. But I think I will do my normal Friday afternoon / evening thing and meet some friends for a few beers.
Will set the DVR, miss the 1st hour, probably 2 hours, but have it on at the bar or on my phone to kind of keep an eye on it.
That is how bad it has became to watch.

At least when I get home I can speed through all the crap. Waited all that time last night, and when Dallas picked, we get 3 minutes of talk, the least of any team.
Saturday I will mute it and listen the The Ticket, maybe even tonight when I get home.
It used to be every team got 15 minutes in round 1, and then the speed rounds began with only 5 minutes between picks for the rest of the draft. It forced teams to make on the spot decisions and Kiper and Theisman used to lay waste to them on live tv. It was epic. Kiper is so toned down now. Its like they cut his balls off and told him to be nice or else.
I did and that was the cure for me. It was torture of the senses.

If you watched any of the earlier pre-draft stuff, you know that they knew those overly loud cover bands were going to be a problem and you could see it on the faces of the analysts trying to talk over it. Eisen even mentioned it several times. They could have moved the sets, they had time.

Then for some well-known reason, they began stretching the commercial breaks, even missing the Giants live pick, and it was nothing but a cacophony of bad music, commercials and the poor analysts trying to sell us this was an interesting draft. It was, without a doubt, the worst one I have ever sat through and I kept asking myself why am I doing this? Is watching adults dressed as trick or treaters yelling into the camera really that entertaining?

Then the answer came, masochism. Evidently, I needed this punishment. The only thing that would have really perfected the evening was for the Cowboys to have traded out of the 1st after I'd spent a miserable 4 hours watching instant millionaires, mostly dressed by blind people in dark closets, answer stupid questions.

There was one silver lining. I was glad Levis was getting passed on because looking at his sisters was the highlight of the draft. Hubba, hubba, they can call me Bubba.

OK, thanks for letting me rant it out, I feel much better knowing so many care.
I absolutely despise what the draft has become. The draft was awful until maybe the early 90s and then it was a great thing to watch for 30 years or so but now it is so extremely overdone that I cant watch anymore. The gigantic sets, these fashion shows, the long walks the draftee has to take, the fake hugs with Goddell, the overzealous fans. the guest annoucners who get over excited, the lights, the music, the constant focus on family, the huge family parties with 50 people most of whom are dressed like they are going to a wedding, the freaked out fans who think getting a guard in round 2 means they are about to win the super bowl even though their team hasnt been to a playoff game in 20 years. It might be the single most excessive overdone event I have ever seen.
I haven't watched much of it in years. It is dragged out way too much.

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