Discipline Issues in Schools

CanadianCowboysFan;4079358 said:
We want our child to stand up for himself. You can't just say respect authority when that authority is not respectable.

As for you wanting discipline, I guarantee if your tot came home after being belted at school, you will be first on the phone to the school district demanding that butthead teacher be fired.

That is funny because my son would get a second beating when he got home. Then again I demand more out of my kids than the school or society does.

I am also old school and former military
Aikmaniac;4080961 said:
Thanks for the input everyone.

Apparently, this punk is high on weed half the time as well.


I thought weed made people mellow. His must be laced.

She should contact other teachers and get their input on this clown and get a little history to make a good case for recognizing that the new-fangled way of coddling brats isn't working.
There were kids like this in my Middle School as well 20 years ago.

I'm sorry to say this, but unless you are teaching at a public school in a fairly affluent area, this sort of behavior should be expected. Rural and inner-city schools are exponentially worse. My cousin is a teacher and she fled to a private school specifically to avoid crap like this.
DIAF;4081601 said:
There were kids like this in my Middle School as well 20 years ago.

I'm sorry to say this, but unless you are teaching at a public school in a fairly affluent area, this sort of behavior should be expected. Rural and inner-city schools are exponentially worse. My cousin is a teacher and she fled to a private school specifically to avoid crap like this.


That's what I told her, however she's one of those people that wants to make a difference.

I have been throwing the private school idea out there the past couple days but she wants to give it at least one school year before making drastic changes.

I've always wondered why the inner-city schools and such were in so much disarray. Obviously, they didn't start out that way when the school was built. Why build a school if the financial means aren't there to support it? I realize many of these schools were erected several generations before but I still can't wrap my mind around how all of this can be chalked up to "well, it's a poor neighborhood, there's no county/city support, etc."

It's the perfect recipe for teachers to fail and puts them at risk. Surely I don't want my girlfriend around this crap but if everyone keeps running away from it, how will it get better? I know I am sounding naive but the situation is just ridiculous.

Oh, by the way, she has a 7th grader in her class that is pregnant. Just found that out yesterday. Unbelievable.
My dad told me if I get a whipping at school expect twice that at home... Told my kids the same... I will not have them acting the fool. and If you will allow me a moment of self gratification I have had numerous teachers compliment me on how well my kids are behaved and how helpful they try to be in class and how respectful they act and talk.

Ask my kids (well one is already fixing to be in college) what it was like to live with me and they will tell you hard but they will smile with fondness while telling you that...I always challenge them to be better give me a B and I want a B+ next time...if they put in the effort and came home with a D we work on it got help with it if needed and got that grade back up to respectable levels..IF they brought me a D and gave me a half ***ed effort it would be paying the piper time and I only had to "have that talk" once with each of them so far before they seen I meant business.

Yes parents make all the difference in the world to a kids life...get involved
For many of these kids there is no discipline at home and none at school. What do people expect?
Zaxor;4081719 said:
My dad told me if I get a whipping at school expect twice that at home... Told my kids the same... I will not have them acting the fool. and If you will allow me a moment of self gratification I have had numerous teachers compliment me on how well my kids are behaved and how helpful they try to be in class and how respectful they act and talk.

Ask my kids (well one is already fixing to be in college) what it was like to live with me and they will tell you hard but they will smile with fondness while telling you that...I always challenge them to be better give me a B and I want a B+ next time...if they put in the effort and came home with a D we work on it got help with it if needed and got that grade back up to respectable levels..IF they brought me a D and gave me a half ***ed effort it would be paying the piper time and I only had to "have that talk" once with each of them so far before they seen I meant business.

Yes parents make all the difference in the world to a kids life...get involved

Too many are more interested in being the child’s friend instead of the parent. If I discipline them they will not like me.
Doomsday101;4081727 said:
For many of these kids there is no discipline at home and none at school. What do people expect?

I expect that they should have both...but I am old fashion that way Dooms:)
Zaxor;4081732 said:
I expect that they should have both...but I am old fashion that way Dooms:)

Same here. We have gotten to the point that strict disapline is now considered child abuse.
Here's how Ryan should have been handled early on.

Chicago School Sued For Handcuffing Talking Children, Threatening Them

6-year-old and 7-year-old Children at one Chicago school were handcuffed for hours while being threatened by a school security guard after they were removed from class for talking.

According to one Chicago mom’s account, school officials in March 2010 asked a security guard to discipline several children for talking in class, at which point they were escorted to an empty office and handcuffed. According to the Chicago Tribune the kids were then told:

“They were going to prison and would never see their parents again.”

ConcordCowboy;4081905 said:
Here's how Ryan should have been handled early on.

Chicago School Sued For Handcuffing Talking Children, Threatening Them

6-year-old and 7-year-old Children at one Chicago school were handcuffed for hours while being threatened by a school security guard after they were removed from class for talking.

According to one Chicago mom’s account, school officials in March 2010 asked a security guard to discipline several children for talking in class, at which point they were escorted to an empty office and handcuffed. According to the Chicago Tribune the kids were then told:

“They were going to prison and would never see their parents again.”


Under the lawsuit the family is asking for $100,000 in damages, claiming that their son, a victim of the discipline, has suffered “personal” and “permanent” injuries brought on by the trauma of the situation.

ConcordCowboy;4081905 said:
Here's how Ryan should have been handled early on.

Chicago School Sued For Handcuffing Talking Children, Threatening Them

6-year-old and 7-year-old Children at one Chicago school were handcuffed for hours while being threatened by a school security guard after they were removed from class for talking.

According to one Chicago mom’s account, school officials in March 2010 asked a security guard to discipline several children for talking in class, at which point they were escorted to an empty office and handcuffed. According to the Chicago Tribune the kids were then told:

“They were going to prison and would never see their parents again.”


I'm thinking electronic shock collars would be a better option. Every time their mouth opens, 20 volts at low amperage shocks the hell out of them for three seconds. :laugh2:
Doomsday101;4081909 said:
Under the lawsuit the family is asking for $100,000 in damages, claiming that their son, a victim of the discipline, has suffered “personal” and “permanent” injuries brought on by the trauma of the situation.


Um, they were 6 and 7. You just don't do that. I hope they win. I'd be tempted to ask for more just so I could get the 100K.
CowboyMcCoy;4081921 said:
Um, they were 6 and 7. You just don't do that. I hope they win. I'd be tempted to ask for more just so I could get the 100K.

In your opinion, they were not harmed just scared.
Doomsday101;4081932 said:
In your opinion, they were not harmed just scared.

They were intimidated and "detained" with handcuffs and told they were going to prison. That's fine if you're 13ish because you can't understand the whole picture. Not all 6 and 7 year olds understand. Many, way more than people want to know, have... I hate to use the word disabilities. But minor things for kids that they grow out of later, behavioral things, they're tough to handle and control when they're 6 and 7.

IMO, one way to try to get the attention seeker to calm down is relate the subject she's teaching to rap. Of course you have to be canny and subtle about what you're doing. But it could work. So if she's teaching geography, you could see if he likes east coast or west coast rap. Or south coast.

Then the teacher cleverly memorizes 7 or 8 bands from each category and a song to go with it and the year goes a lot easier. Learn about the student and they'll try to learn from you too.

That's an approach I'd try before I got out the handcuffs.
CowboyMcCoy;4081947 said:
They were intimidated and "detained" with handcuffs and told they were going to prison. That's fine if you're 13ish because you can't understand the whole picture. Not all 6 and 7 year olds understand. Many, way more than people want to know, have... I hate to use the word disabilities. But minor things for kids that they grow out of later, behavioral things, they're tough to handle and control when they're 6 and 7.

IMO, one way to try to get the attention seeker to calm down is relate the subject she's teaching to rap. Of course you have to be canny and subtle about what you're doing. But it could work. So if she's teaching geography, you could see if he likes east coast or west coast rap. Or south coast.

Then the teacher cleverly memorizes 7 or 8 bands from each category and a song to go with it and the year goes a lot easier. Learn about the student and they'll try to learn from you too.

That's an approach I'd try before I got out the handcuffs.

That is your opinion you’re entitled to it.
Doomsday101;4081977 said:
That is your opinion you’re entitled to it.

I don't think the OPs girlfriend has the option of handcuffing and intimidating her student. So I was offering a more practical approach other than a vigilante, disciplinarian approach.
They should have taken the drill holed paddle and beat their *** first...then stuck them in handcuffs.

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