Dixie Flag controversy

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I mentioned it in the post above what it by and large is about.

Now don't get me wrong I know we're going to have people all over this board come out and say well that in their life time it has been nothing but a symbol pride in the south etc and that's fine. I'm sorry but I simply won't buy into that because I live in the south too, have my whole life, and I've seen with my own eyes what it actually is about, by and large, and it ain't about pride in being from the south, pride in your part of the country, or anything else that people want to try and claim it is.

I'm not saying that to piss anyone off. To each their own on what they believe this flag represents for the people of the South. I'm not trying to change anyone's minds on it.

You are very good at saying it's not about south pride and mentioned you've seen that with your own eyes but you keep avoiding saying exactly what you've seen to convince you of this or what you actually think it is about. Why can't you just say it?
I mentioned it in the post above what it by and large is about.

Now don't get me wrong I know we're going to have people all over this board come out and say well that in their life time it has been nothing but a symbol pride in the south etc and that's fine. I'm sorry but I simply won't buy into that because I live in the south too, have my whole life, and I've seen with my own eyes what it actually is about, by and large, and it ain't about pride in being from the south, pride in your part of the country, or anything else that people want to try and claim it is.

I'm not saying that to piss anyone off. To each their own on what they believe this flag represents for the people of the South. I'm not trying to change anyone's minds on it.

Except for a few tours overseas I've also lived in the South my entire life and have come to the same conclusion as you.
There is no reason that this flag should be on Government buildings. It's not the flag for the United States of America and it's not, to my knowledge, the state flag for any state. So there is absolutely no reason it should be on a federal/government building.
I think your comment is central to this particular thread. I tried invoking some commentary about what America considers as its flag without success.

When I moved to South Carolina for college, I was very anti-confederate flag. I still am against it being represented by a state government. I think it's not crazy to associate the confederate flag with the South that fought the North in the Civil War, *in part of* (not 100%, but part of it) wanting to legalize slavery and considerate that...at the very least...racially insensitive.

I'm not an expert on southern history by any means, but I interpreted that the Confederate Flag was more of a symbol of rebellion against the North at one time. Even still, I don't think that has a place representing a state since we are the United States of America. But over time it seemed, *to me*, to become more about white paranoia and then by the attempts to take the flag down it just fed into that paranoia.

Either way, I'm still a believer that a person should be able to raise their flag, so I think the 'banning' of a flag is a poor representation of what the country is about. But I don't think it belongs as a state flag either. And while I'm all for the legalization of gay marriage, I don't believe that coloring the White House in the rainbow colors after the Supreme Court decision should have been done either. I think the representations of the government should be neutral and unbiased.

When I moved to South Carolina for college, I was very anti-confederate flag. I still am against it being represented by a state government. I think it's not crazy to associate the confederate flag with the South that fought the North in the Civil War, *in part of* (not 100%, but part of it) wanting to legalize slavery and considerate that...at the very least...racially insensitive.

I'm not an expert on southern history by any means, but I interpreted that the Confederate Flag was more of a symbol of rebellion against the North at one time. Even still, I don't think that has a place representing a state since we are the United States of America. But over time it seemed, *to me*, to become more about white paranoia and then by the attempts to take the flag down it just fed into that paranoia.

Either way, I'm still a believer that a person should be able to raise their flag, so I think the 'banning' of a flag is a poor representation of what the country is about. But I don't think it belongs as a state flag either. And while I'm all for the legalization of gay marriage, I don't believe that coloring the White House in the rainbow colors after the Supreme Court decision should have been done either. I think the representations of the government should be neutral and unbiased.


I think you have touched on something very important for folks to understand. Haters are going to hate no matter if they are legally allowed to outwardly express it or not. Wouldn't you rather want to know who these people are by allowing them to outwardly express their true feelings rather than forcing them to hide among us by stifling their freedom of expression?
No just ignorant people. It's worth noting that you don't see doctors, lawyers and others with higher education fly the flag.

Now THAT is an ignorant statement. Classic irony.

Can't say I've ever had any interest in that flag, but over the years I've seen enough to know what you just said is nonsense.
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