DMN Blog: Bradie "One loss is no big deal"


Unfriendly and Aloof!
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NextGenBoys;2296876 said:
This is actually the best way to approach this. You cant live in the past. They lost, so what, move on and prepare for your future opponents. Would it be better if he were to dwell on it and not let it go? No. He's right. It's one loss (although winning division games at home is HUGE) the team will recover and be fine. Like he said, it's winning the games that count that matter. That would be playoff games.

The Cowboys that believed that way have 5 Superbowls under their belt. Those that did not have zero...

Ask any of the 70s Cowboys how they felt after a loss to the Commanders. Ask Emmitt Smith, Troy Aikman, or Michael Irvin.

...go ask Bradie James.

Da Hammer

The Natural
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i agree with James that this loss doesnt make or break our season BUT if we dont use these types of performances to fix our weaknesses then this loss is a HUGE deal because we will only be doomed to repeat our failures like the saying sort of goes. So just learn from this loss is all im saying...

Don Corleone

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Da Hammer;2296902 said:
i agree with James that this loss doesnt make or break our season BUT if we dont use these types of performances to fix our weaknesses then this loss is a HUGE deal because we will only be doomed to repeat our failures like the saying sort of goes. So just learn from this loss is all im saying...

I would think that professional football players, who get paid well for what they do, have the pride to learn from a loss. So this should go without saying, and is probably the reason why he never said anything about learning from it.

The NFL players I've met in the past have said that there is a 24 hour rule after WINS and LOSSES. You get over them in a day and focus on the next opponent, while learning from what you did wrong the week before.


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nyc;2296893 said:
The Cowboys that believed that way have 5 Superbowls under their belt. Those that did not have zero...

Ask any of the 70s Cowboys how they felt after a loss to the Commanders. Ask Emmitt Smith, Troy Aikman, or Michael Irvin.

...go ask Bradie James.

Well considering it is one day after the loss and Bradie and the Cowboys still have alot of the season to play and everything can still work itself out, I dont think comparing it to a response that a player would give after not being in the league for several years and having time to look back at what unfolded during the season after each loss.

I see what you're getting at, I just dont agree with it. Lets move on, beat our next three teams that none should be close, go into the Meadowlands, and take down the Gmen.


America's Team
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he had the same reaction after the beating the Commanders put on us last year at their place/Oh wait! we were resting players and the game didn't mean anything

I have a hard time trusting this team right now,after last year but I still hold out hope

Look at it this way/they played there best and we played bad and they beat us by 2:D

Da Hammer

The Natural
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Don Corleone;2296910 said:
I would think that professional football players, who get paid well for what they do, have the pride to learn from a loss. So this should go without saying, and is probably the reason why he never said anything about learning from it.

The NFL players I've met in the past have said that there is a 24 hour rule after WINS and LOSSES. You get over them in a day and focus on the next opponent, while learning from what you did wrong the week before.
i hope so. its my opinion that not all players but some sometimes just take a loss as being nothing but a off-night and thats not always the case. Losses most of the time are because the opponent exposed a major weakness of the team and obviously the Cowboys in this case have to adjust to what the opponent did because you know every team that we will play the rest of the year will try and copy some of what the Commanders were able to do to us. the entire team needs including coaches and players need to realize that and im sure they do im not saying i know more than them its just i think like i said that sometimes teams take a loss as just havin a bad day...

Don Corleone

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Da Hammer;2296934 said:
i hope so. its my opinion that not all players but some sometimes just take a loss as being nothing but a off-night and thats not always the case. Losses most of the time are because the opponent exposed a major weakness of the team and obviously the Cowboys in this case have to adjust to what the opponent did because you know every team that we will play the rest of the year will try and copy some of what the Commanders were able to do to us. the entire team needs including coaches and players need to realize that and im sure they do im not saying i know more than them its just i think like i said that sometimes teams take a loss as just havin a bad day...

Oh I agree completely. This is a copycat league. This was a total team effort. I actually watched the game again and we were completely outschemed. As for the defense sucking it up, I don't think they got much help from the offense. The time of possession was so lopsided, and was atypical of the way we normally play.

What I saw was that Romo was enticed into checking out of run plays into pass plays based on the initial look given by the defense. He took the bait. He should have recognized it after they did it for the 5th time. Getting the running game going would have kept our defense fresh.

Da Hammer

The Natural
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Don Corleone;2296964 said:
Oh I agree completely. This is a copycat league. This was a total team effort. I actually watched the game again and we were completely outschemed. As for the defense sucking it up, I don't think they got much help from the offense. The time of possession was so lopsided, and was atypical of the way we normally play.

What I saw was that Romo was enticed into checking out of run plays into pass plays based on the initial look given by the defense. He took the bait. He should have recognized it after they did it for the 5th time. Getting the running game going would have kept our defense fresh.
yea obviously having a runnin game would have helped the defense a lot although idk im starting to think it was a good thing that we didnt run because it exposed our defense and it forces our coaches to change the way they play D. not completely sadly they wont change their philosophy of continuing to play soft coverage but maybe we have some tweaks in letting the players be more aggressive from time to time. i dont know im just glad this happen now than later because we hae plenty of time to make adjustments now. and back to the running game i still dont understand why we didnt use felix at all! the Commanders are big up front and slow at LB except for their rookie who is good. tosses to the outside would have killed them IMO...


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guess he is trying to convince himself......that D is sad Zoners......real sad


Mr. Buckeye
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I'll take T.O. getting pissed and venting over...James saying one loss is no big deal...any day.


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I feel the same way Bradie James feels. This loss in the grand scheme of things should not affect the Cowboys at the end of the season. My God, it is the 4th game of the season!!!! If this team looks back at this loss in December as the deciding factor in its season, they are no where near the maturity level I believe they should currently be.

Losing to a division rival that always plays you tough and was a playoff team a year ago is "no big deal" especially when it is so early in the season. Hey, if Dallas can go 3-1 thru each quarter of the season that would mean a 12-4 record and possibly homefield advantage. I think we'd all be ok with that. Right?

Don Corleone

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Da Hammer;2297077 said:
and back to the running game i still dont understand why we didnt use felix at all! the Commanders are big up front and slow at LB except for their rookie who is good. tosses to the outside would have killed them IMO...

The fact that we checked out of running plays was on Romo. Felix was in the backfield at times, but Romo checked off to another play. There was a play or two where both Felix and Barber were in the backfield, but Romo checked to a passing play.

The running game issue is mainly on Romo, but the coaching staff should have recognized what the Commanders were doing to make him want to check out of a run to a pass. The gambler in Romo took the bait almost ever single time...the Commanders clearly took advantage of his tendencies. Romo is supremely confident, but also very impatient. He wants to score quick and often, which we all like, but sometimes you have to dink and dunk and run your way to a TD.

I almost broke my TV when I watched this game again last night. I know I'm sick for watching it again.

I agree that tosses to the outside would have destroyed the Commanders D.

With all that happened, and as poorly as we played, do you believe that we only lost by 2 points...and it took the ball slipping through Hurd's hands on an onside kick to seal the deal for the Commanders?


Lightning Rod
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Asklesko;2296096 said:
Oh wow. So it's not a big deal? Someone should really tell the fans that there is no reason to root for the Cowboys anymore, since it makes no difference whether they win or lose.

strawman argument, that is not what he meant.

he stated one loss is no big deal as they have bigger goals this year and want to win when it counts, aka playoffs


Rising Star
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"I don't want to go undefeated," James said. "I want to win the games that count."

For the most part I agree with him but HOME games vs division rivals are games that count.


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superpunk;2296788 said:
it's not that he's wrong, it just needs to stay in his head. It's hard to hear him say stuff like that after the game, while in the game he's dancing around after dropping Santana for a 2-3 yard gain. It was just as awful watching Miles celebrate after he scored to, not take the lead, but be down by three.

It was like watching AB all over again - not that I think they're at all the same, it was just a stupid celebration.

Yeah same here about Miles. After he scored, I was saying, you're still losing Miles, you're still losing. It was pathetic.


Lightning Rod
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nyc;2296893 said:
The Cowboys that believed that way have 5 Superbowls under their belt. Those that did not have zero...

Ask any of the 70s Cowboys how they felt after a loss to the Commanders. Ask Emmitt Smith, Troy Aikman, or Michael Irvin.

...go ask Bradie James.

except we lost to the Commanders in each of our last SB years, so obviously those losses were meaningless overall


Messenger to the football Gods
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"For us, it's no big deal," James said.

Translation.....We got our butts handed to us and I will not admit that.


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WoodysGirl;2296035 said:
One loss is no big deal

12:23 PM Mon, Sep 29, 2008 | Permalink | Yahoo! Buzz
Tim MacMahon http://www.***BANNED-URL***/blogs/images/email-icon.jpg E-mail http://www.***BANNED-URL***/blogs/images/email-icon.jpg News tips

LB/captain Bradie James wanted to make sure that the Valley Ranch media horde understood that.

For some reason, James got the sense that folks around these parts were ready to push the blue-and-silver panic button. He made it clear that the sky-is-falling scenario isn't unfolding in the locker room.

"For us, it's no big deal," James said. "What I mean by that is we have more games to play. This is not the end."

James got a little miffed when a reporter mentioned that the Cowboys were considered the NFL's best team until Sunday's loss. He informed us that such rankings were meaningless (breaking news, huh?) and made the point that the Cowboys can still accomplish all their goals.

"I don't want to go undefeated," James said. "I want to win the games that count."

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Sadly, to get to be able to play "the games that count" you need to be able to win in the regular season, or try and go undefeated.

What happens if we lose next week? Then the week after? And we are 2-3 games behind the Giants and Skins?


New Member
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LOL - TO gets so much flack on this board b/c he was very upset, now all of sudden everyone is all over Bradie for showing a lack of heart??:bang2:


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Maybe Wade's first impression was right. Maybe we don't have a middle linebacker.

Maybe even that idiot Kitna was right and knew who to attack.

Maybe the quicker we replace Bradie James, the better.