I personally do not think Romo's head was in the game this past season.
He seemed distracted not just with the inner team circle issues but in general to the extent that his post game blow out speech was a diatribe on how winning or losing ultimately does not define him in life.
The reasoning as such is troublesome for a QB with still much to prove on the field and with no valid reason to resort to overacrching life philosophy given the context and situation.
I do think Romo has the celeb mentality now, there is probably too much latitude given to him behind the scenes as well in terms of accountability and benefit of the doubt.
I like Romo as QB but I am no longer under the chimera that all is fine with him as a player. Romo needs a solid coach in his grill and under such supervision needs to mature to the next level.
These reports are not faulty, I believe his practice habits dropped off and that it has influenced his on the field performance.
Further, when he was not playing well during games, he overly relied on his crutch (Witten) to bail him out so to speak.
Yeah, there were times Garrett and Romo forced the ball to Owen's because of his big mouth. However, the overall offense went down the stinker incuding Romo's play which became atrocious with turnovers and poor decisions.
Just as with TO, there is no need to defend his actions, just simply accept where he is at and HOPE for intervention and improvement.
It is easy to link TO's poor behaviour in general as some kind of reprieve for Romo's but I for one do not buy it. Romo needs to be held accountable for his new philosophy, attitude, practice habits and on the field play just like all the others.
To is another issue, the team can cut him but I do not think this situation is simply a TO deal, the translation on the field is proof enough in addition to the comments from Romo off the field, something is not right!!!