DMN Blog: Roy takes blame for leaky run D


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Mr. Pro Bowler seems a tad touchy and sarcasm isn't going to change the pressure on him or the reality that he's a weak link back there....How long until his contract runs out?? :rolleyes:


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EMMITTnROY;1831531 said:
ah, another negative turd from you..

I got another one in the pipeline. Open wide.

P.S. Anyone would look negative next to you, shill boy. The rest of us aren't obligated to love your pet players as much as you do. Got it?


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bbgun;1831544 said:
I got another one in the pipeline. Open wide.

P.S. Anyone would look negative next to you, shill boy. The rest of us aren't obligated to love your pet players as much as you do. Got it?
see, a turd like this just doesn't do anyone any good.. just one Cowboys fan putting down another Cowboys fan.. but hey, you have the freedom to say whatever you want in your turds.. so turd away..


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EMMITTnROY;1831548 said:
see, a turd like this just doesn't do anyone any good.. just one Cowboys fan putting down another Cowboys fan.. but hey, you have the freedom to say whatever you want in your turds.. so turd away..

Hmm. Pretty sure you came after me first, which makes your point illogical .. as usual. And naturally I get no credit for applauding Roy's public contrition. Same old, same old.



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bbgun;1831560 said:
Hmm. Pretty sure you came after me first, which makes your point illogical .. as usual. And naturally I get no credit for applauding Roy's public contrition. Same old, same old.
No, you've attacked me in some of your turds in the past.. So my whole "illogical" point that you mention in this latest turd is that all your negative turds and all your turds where you put other posters down don't do any good.. look, we're on the same team here.. our Cowboys are 12-1 and playing their best ball since Emmitt, Troy and Michael were winning Super Bowls.. and yet, instead of everyone high fiving each other and soaking it all up, there are still some people who are attacking other posters and attacking one of our best players..

oh, and as far as getting credit for applauding Roy's public contrition, it was really more of a backhanded compliment.. wow.. well done.. i'm gonna throw a parade in your honor.. would that be credit enough? shall i write a song about it? oh, maybe i'll take out an ad in the newspaper of your choice? see if i can get Jerry to put a banner up in the new stadium? just let me know..


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hairic;1831248 said:
First run of the game:


That's so Roy's fault. Someone needs to teach that bum how to break out of a lineman's hold.

Interesting how not one comment was made on this pic... oh, that's right, it actually is visual proof that possibly at least two, maybe three, other players were to blame...

Bob Sacamano

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odog422;1831615 said:
Interesting how not one comment was made on this pic... oh, that's right, it actually is visual proof that possibly at least two, maybe three, other players were to blame...

nothing short of amnesia will steer these guys from their blame everything on Roy agenda


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Bob Sacamano;1831618 said:
nothing short of amnesia will steer these guys from their blame everything on Roy agenda

Um, did you even read the article? No one went after Roy; Roy went after himself. He wasn't referencing just one play (i.e. Duckett) but rather the totality of his play, and the rest of us complimented his (rare) display of humility. Not that complicated.

Bob Sacamano

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bbgun;1831647 said:
Um, did you even read the article? No one went after Roy; Roy went after himself. He wasn't referencing just one play (i.e. Duckett) but rather the totality of his play, and the rest of us complimented his (rare) display of humility. Not that complicated.

did you read the post I responded to?


Mr. Wright
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bbgun;1831647 said:
Um, did you even read the article? No one went after Roy; Roy went after himself. He wasn't referencing just one play (i.e. Duckett) but rather the totality of his play, and the rest of us complimented his (rare) display of humility. Not that complicated.

He was being a team player and stepping up as a veteran does.

Was he 100% honest? Maybe, more like 50% probably.

Many times a QB or coach or whoever will take FULL responsibility when its unfair to put all 100% blame on any 1 individual.

BTW, This is a team sport if no one has noticed.

Bob Sacamano

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smarta5150;1831654 said:
He was being a team player and stepping up as a veteran does.

Was he 100% honest? Maybe, more like 50% probably.

Many times a QB or coach or whoever will take FULL responsibility when its unfair to put all 100% blame on any 1 individual.

BTW, This is a team sport if no one has noticed.

it reads like it was done tongue-and-cheek


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hairic;1831248 said:
First run of the game:


That's so Roy's fault. Someone needs to teach that bum how to break out of a lineman's hold.

I assume that was a bad angle Roy was referring to taking in the game :starspin


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Danny White;1831214 said:
Mine is bigger.


Kane Ala
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EMMITTnROY;1831254 said:
agreed.. yet, nobody ever, ever talks about the other guys.. the media and the fans always immediately look at Roy..

I think it comes down to this: Roy was pretty much Superman for us for so long that every single fan started watching Roy on every single play, expecting him to light someone up.. So whenever a big play happens, because our fans' eyes are still focused on Roy, they immediately blame him.. it's pretty ridiculous.. he's still a great player..

by the way, the over/under for how many pages this thread will go: 10. Who wants to place their bets?

On another thread

On the first long run Roy seemed to not recognize what was happening. That wasn't the only play. Then he took a bad angle. Hamlin wasn't much better just had farther to go and his angle of pursuit wasn't much better. Roy could have stopped him 5 to 8 yds not 20 +. Hamlin could have caught from behind with less gain. James was held and Akin was merely chipped off it. The tackle should have been made by Akin and esp James. They trapped and held a lot but overall I would grade Det out better than I thought they'd do. They beat our dl and lbs way too much. RW fair in coverage this game, took too many bad angles and looked confused on two big plays. Hamlin was a little better. Newman played well but even he took a bad angle on that second big running play. We played better than I thought on d. Gutless was too harsh. Inept at tackling and disengaging blockers is more like it.

Thank God for Romo. Then Witten. And the OL.

Ware was absent except four plays which ain't bad.

STs are mucho better.

Great comeback and way to hang in there guys.

So everyone doesn't always blame just Roy. Someone says something about Roy including Roy and the apologists rush out to defend and spew the hyperbole. Even when the guy says he played a play or two badly.

And BTW I was wrong about James. His play wasn't as bad as I thought. I was wrong about that.

Bob Sacamano;1831618 said:
nothing short of amnesia will steer these guys from their blame everything on Roy agenda

See above. Same thing same day everyday. Yeah I know the response is you're doing the same. Stop defending him to the point of absurdity and those who are reasonable and think he has some weaknesses despite being an above average player won't spew facts.

ThreeSportStar80;1832098 said:
Everyone knows the defense has to tighten up...


Here's what I see when I watch it forty-eleven times:

The Lions lined up on our 32.5 yd line on 1st and 10 at 7:43 in the 1st quarter. TE was left, split end right wide, WR right off line outside first WR, Kitna under center, and FB right backfield inside Duckett deep I.

FB goes into motion left then one stutter step in deep I formation.

Cowboys three down linemen Spears weak side wide down, Ratliff over center small slant to the weak side, Canty over LT down heads up, Ellis on line standing over TE, James MLB four yards off LOS, Akin 4.5 yds off LOS over RT, Ware weak side OLB, Henry over split end, Newman left CB, RW 7.5 yds deep SS, and Hamlin deep FS on about 18 yd line. Call the formation what you like.

LT goes after Akin knocking him to the weak side out of the hole. The TE blocks Canty who sheds and goes inside. He takes one step into the hole after shedding blocker quickly but after reacting quickly he stalls then is chipped by pulling RG and does whiff.

LG shields against the NT then immediately blocks Ware who is moving inside. Ware got good recognition but was effectively blocked from the play being sealed off by the LG.

C hand checks NT who is moving to the weak side then seals him off.

The RG pulls then chips Canty who dives at feet of Duckett and misses.

The RT shields Spears off who has containment but is out of the play.

Akin leans right reacting to the FB in motion moving into the soon to be made huge hole. Akin tries to fill but is knocked out of the play by the LT. The LT checks James who is also moving toward the motion then blocks Akin.

The TE holds Ellis up who is then blocked by the FB. Duckett moves into a huge hole with Ware, Ratliff, and Spears on the weak side bunched up and Akin is in the backfield passed by Duckett two yards out of the play. James, Canty and Ellis are bunched up on the strong side with Canty missing then James possibly is briefly held by the RG and watches Duckett run right by him.

RW is standing six yds behind Ellis at the 25. Duckett gets the ball at the 37. RW has moved to the 27 behind Ellis basically moving forward when he gets the ball. He contains the play only moving a little left until Duckett cuts back towards the hole. RW has moved 3.5 yds forward by then still behind Ellis when Duckett cuts back just inside the 35. Duckett is at the 34 and Roy is still at the 27 behind Ellis. Duckett is 1.5 yds left of the leftside hash mark. Roy is 4-5 yds outside it when he then takes two lateral steps inside. By the time Roy makes it to three to four yds left of the hash mark Duckett has moved to the 31 with RW starting to take it more inside. By the time Roy takes two lateral steps inside Duckett is just inside the 30 one yd left of the hash mark. Roy is three yds inside it. When Roy starts to change directions downfield and towards Duckett he is nearly lateral to him. Duckett is by him at the 32 and slants toward the left goalline flag. Roy is now in hot pursuit. I tried to be as exact as possible looking at a TV tivo. So consider that before hammering me with 'no Roy was at the X yd line when Lions player alpha to omega was at the Y yd line. The point is Roy took a bad angle and was questionably slow reacting. Yeah, well 5 other players were screwing it up, too.

Hamlin backpedals from the 17 to about the 13 yds line before moving forward toward the play. Duckett is already at the 30 by then. Hamlin moves primarily lateral until Duckett is at the 25. When Hamlin is at the 14 Duckett is just outside the 20. Hamlin is chasing him at an angle where he pushes Duckett ineffectively at the two. Duckett scores a 32 yd TD and Hamlin is the only one who touched him. In other words Hamlin backed up for some unexplicable reason then took a bad angle before looking little league trying to push Duckett out of bounds.

Retrospectively and looking at the play way too many times I believe Ratliff is the first and possibly biggest loser on this play. His initial movement away from the play is the first reason there is a gigantic hole. Canty could have made a better play but he did shed the first blocker before being blocked out of the play and ineffectively diving at the runner. Ellis and Ware were caught inside and sealed off. Either could have played it better but really weren't that bad. Akin is Akin. He really runs right by the play and is the next big loser and in a virtual tie with Ratliff. Yeah, Ratliff may have been told to slant and Akin may have come on a delayed run blitz behind the slant. Doubt it. James has the next bad although he was probably briefly held. He still was trying to disengage when Duckett ran right by him. RW is the next loser getting caught too far inside before realizing Duckett was going to run by him. Hamlin gets a F for taking a bad angle and gets expelled for the rest of the day for the feeble push near the goalline. He probably wasn't going to stop the guy but he at least could have tried. His bad tackle and angle puts him in contention for the worse performance that play.

The Detroit line was superb on the play and really should get the credit instead of blaming the guys above. The guys were responsible for allowing the play but a couple of them just got blocked very well. The safeties took bad angles and the ILBs got blocked although I wouldn't flunk James. I can't say what I think of Akin on that play although it wasn't an unusual play by him.

So after a ridiculously long, detailed and practically worthless breakdown the responsibility is on the Dallas Cowboys and the praise goes to the usually poorly blocking Detroit line who somehow briefly redeem themselves at the expense of the Cowboys.

Do remember we once beat them 5-0 in a playoff game. Or something like that don't hold be to that though. And we beat them this game as well; by miraculous intervention by the soon to be legendary Tony Romo.

Good nite Irene.


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SaMaD_KhARoME;1831216 said:
what a baby, i hope hes gone

I hope you never get your way. The alternatives at Strong Safety are way, way worse.


Kane Ala
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Sometimes Roy doesn't serve himself well with his responses but then that's true of us all. And you're right Daudr, there is not a suitable replacement safety to start besides Hamlin. Assuming Roy or anyone else needs replacing which I'm not saying.

It would be incredibly unfair to say RW is the problem with our defense or anything singling him out. It's not unfair to be critical of some of his plays. But again we could do that of any player.