DMN Blog:Roy/Tony throwing after practice/'Boys core too strong to be divided... more

bbgun;3057961 said:
Mac's story was not a mere transcript of the video. Believe it or not, conversations continue when the cameras stop rolling. Is it plausible that a long-time whiner like Roy would say something that? Yes. Is it plausible that Mac would jeopardize his job by cooking quotes? Not really.

How could you not believe someone in the media would jeopardize his job. There a a few recent instances that persons in the media are willing to contort and go as far as make up stuff. Cw did it and probably one of the most credible reporters of all time Dan Rather did as well. THAT possibility is as liklely.
YoMick;3057970 said:
hijacker <- :shoot2:


They brought in great players before and lost 2 world series. So yeah, I believe it because its true.
Enjoy the Haterade.

Ignore them. These same people would have used the Yankees' payroll against them in the event the Phillies won the Series.

"$200 million and they STILL can't win a title!!!"

This is the crap we've heard for the last nine years, and no matter what happens, you will hear it again in 2010.
Dough Boy;3057978 said:
Is it possible that Mac's bias slipped into the story? Yes. Is it possible that his interpretation is slighted skewed from what Roy intended to deliver? Yes. Is it possible that you are biased that you will believe what you want? Yes. Is it possible that writers like to create controversy? Absolutely. We all have biases, you, me, Mack and everyone else. Can we put those aside to form a clear opinion? Some can and some can’t. I can. I’m no Roy homer. I think he is frustrated. I don’t think he’s a whiner. I think he is embarrassed by his lack of production. I think he wants to win. How many times has that fact been stated? Yet, most Roy bashers fail to bring that very important point. This is such a none story that bashers have championed. The media created this. Romo is killing it. Good for him.

Is it possible that he made up a long, very specific quote out of sheer, inexplicable malice? Sure, in the same way that Jerry relinquishing his GM duties is theoretically possible. Both are highly unlikely, however.
Plumfool;3057980 said:
How could you not believe someone in the media would jeopardize his job. There a a few recent instances that persons in the media are willing to contort and go as far as make up stuff. Cw did it and probably one of the most credible reporters of all time Dan Rather did as well. THAT possibility is as liklely.

Rather didn't "make things up," per se. He ignored a bunch of warning signals from handwriting analysts and overly trusted an unreliable source. There's no evidence that Mac put words in Roy's mouth. All that's left is the interpretation of those words.
YoMick;3057970 said:
hijacker <- :shoot2:


They brought in great players before and lost 2 world series. So yeah, I believe it because its true.
Enjoy the Haterade.

No, they brought in players that were over the hill and/or sucked. Instead of spending gobs of cash on Kei Igawa, Randy Johnson, Carl Pavano, and Bobby Abreu, they went out and 3 elite players.
BSPN fed you guys BS and made you guys look like Mike Vanderjack-offs. Romo and Roy are going to be fine. This team is going to be fine. Leave the overreactions to BSPN and fair weather fans.
bbgun;3057986 said:
Is it possible that he made up a long, very specific quote out of sheer, inexplicable malice? Sure, in the same way that Jerry relinquishing his GM duties is theoretically possible. Both are highly unlikely, however.

Is it possible that he accentuated certain points for 'shock value'? About as likely as you are to bury RW. You don't know what was said. More importantly, you don't know what was left out. Neither do I. What I do know, is the interview that I saw, Roy did not throw Romo under the bus. What I saw was a very frustrated player, which wants to contribute. A player that spent all off-season to avoid what is going on right now. I think he has a right to frustrated as long as he channels that frustration into energy that will make the team better. It&#8217;s in every Cowboys fan best interest, that RW plays better. I'm not saying this about you, but I get the feeling that some on this board are actually rooting against him.
Romo does not sound like a man thrown under a bus. Both guys know there is an issue in terms of being out of sync and both are trying to resolve it. In the meantime the peanut gallery needs drama to fill their empty void of a life so have fun.
bbgun;3057982 said:
Ignore them. These same people would have used the Yankees' payroll against them in the event the Phillies won the Series.

"$200 million and they STILL can't win a title!!!"

This is the crap we've heard for the last nine years, and no matter what happens, you will hear it again in 2010.

HEHE - nothing to ignore. Jerry has taken the same approach. IF we were to win it all they would not complain.

I understand, not everyone is a Yankee fan.

Its cool. VERY cool.

"Weeeee are the Champions............. again............"
CATCH17;3057920 said:
Someone got sucked.

For the benefit of some of the younger members of the forum I'd like to clarify Parcells' use of the term "sucked" in a PC. He clearly had a senior moment and forgot the second half of the phrase in question, the word "under". The full phrase is "sucked under", meaning being pulled underwater and drowning by virtue of having lost embarassingly, usually in verbal tit for tat but could be applied to any endevor involving competition.
Also called being scored upon either in sports or just verbal sparring.

It was 1940s and 1950s slang widely used across the northern parts of the country. In friendly but competitive banter whenever a person would score big on his opponent, his supports would shout "Suction! Boy, have you ever been sucked under." The implication was that the loser in the exchange had been sucked under by the brilliance of the winner's verbal jab.

I first encountered the expression when I moved from Okla to Nebr in 1950 and the first time I heard it I wondered what the heck? I hadn't heard that expression since I moved to Dallas in 1959 until I heard Parcells mess it up in his PC and again I said what the heck?

Are you taking notes? There will be a surprise quiz later on. Don't get sucked under.
Dough Boy;3057995 said:
Is it possible that he accentuated certain points for 'shock value'?

Obviously not, because that eye-opening quote of his was buried ten paragraphs deep. If they wanted to be "sensationalistic" about it, they would have led with it. Roy is not a "poor, misunderstood angel" or the unwitting victim of an eeeevil media conspiracy. He just isn't.
the difference is if we win a championship, we have won't have two admitted steroid users representing our franchise on the championship stage
YoMick;3057944 said:
You being a Yankee fan and all and us winning the WS. I would just like to say and I believe you can verify this.

The difference in this Yankees team and winning this year wasnt really about the players they brought in.

It was about the way this TEAM gelled and fought for each other. A tightly woven group.

If the Cowboys get there and I believe Romo is possibly headed in that direction then we can do ALOT... maybe even win it all.

Dude, A Rod and Jeter can't stand each other but say all the right things to the media so not to cause a rift. Other players don't like each other too
dallascowboyfanboy;3058011 said:
Dude, A Rod and Jeter can't stand each other but say all the right things to the media so not to cause a rift. Other players don't like each other too

Dude. You know this how?

Oh wait, I see what you mean. :lmao2:


Dude, Yankees are World Champs - AGAIN!

IF Romo and Roy ever get will be too sexy
bbgun;3057990 said:
Rather didn't "make things up," per se. He ignored a bunch of warning signals from handwriting analysts and overly trusted an unreliable source. There's no evidence that Mac put words in Roy's mouth. All that's left is the interpretation of those words.

As a reporter you can't make those mistakes because people believe what persons in the news report. Especially if it fits those persons thought process on a subject, fits their agenda, or is something They want to believe.

Now it dosent matter what Roy said or in what vein he said it people believe it to be the way the reporter put out there. Even though it's been said it wasn't meant it the way the report came out. That just bad reporting. Your now into journalistic sensationalism.
mldardy;3057972 said:
I love this teams attitude this season. They really don't care about anything except winning from what I can see. This team could have very easily just gave after that Denver game but they have fought back and shown some resolve.
Couldn't agree more.

Love to hear this stuff.
bbgun;3058005 said:
Obviously not, because that eye-opening quote of his was buried ten paragraphs deep. If they wanted to be "sensationalistic" about it, they would have led with it. Roy is not a "poor, misunderstood angel" or the unwitting victim of an eeeevil media conspiracy. He just isn't.

I will agree to disagree.

If you don't think that beat writers are angling for 'shock value' then we are from different schools. I never mentioned media conspiracy. I did allude to one writer attempting to get his words read over an over crowed peanut gallery. Shock Value. Check out this thread. It’s ever present
bbgun;3058005 said:
Obviously not, because that eye-opening quote of his was buried ten paragraphs deep. If they wanted to be "sensationalistic" about it, they would have led with it. Roy is not a "poor, misunderstood angel" or the unwitting victim of an eeeevil media conspiracy. He just isn't.

I'm curious. Do you have any comment about Romo's quote? Any thoughts on those two staying after practice?
Dough Boy;3058020 said:
I will agree to disagree.

If you don't think that beat writers are angling for 'shock value' then we are from different schools. I never mentioned media conspiracy. I did allude to one writer attempting to get his words read over an over crowed peanut gallery. Shock Value. Check out this thread. It’s ever present

That quote of his, if real, is shocking all on its own (well, more "careless and stupid" than shocking). It needs no extra "embellishment" from the media, who are only doing their job.

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