DMN Blog:Roy/Tony throwing after practice/'Boys core too strong to be divided... more

Why are we fighting? We should be elated by this report. It suggests both recognition and attempted remediation of a problem.
So we have people who are going to dismiss the quote but applaud the extra time being put in by Tony and Roy?

Guess I don't get it.

They've been off all season but didn't put in extra work until this quote came out. Sure, its great they are doing it but you can't say the quote is BS if it is the reason they started putting in more work.

I am as glad as anyone else that they are trying to get over the hump but its blind to say the quote is insignificant. It obviously meant something. You don't just decide on a whim that extra work is needed.

Whatever though. It is what it is. There are no take backs so its up to Roy to get out there and start making it work.

This is pointed at no one in particular so it should only insult someone if they know they are being stupid. I can't help that. Just thought it was funny.
Doomsday101;3058070 said:
If you want to make more out of this than there is that is your choice,

"No big deal," right? That seems to be the common refrain. It sure as hell was when TO was blowing up on the sideline week to week. "Oh, he just wants to win."

Others around RW have said it was not like you are portraying it.

Who? His teammates? They have an obvious conflict of interest. Unlike you, I don't abandon all credulity when it comes to this team.

I was not there nor were you but you say well it not being on film does not mean it did not happen true it also means it very well may not have been exactly what has been reported.

I agree that people should be agnostics about this. Tell that to the fans who rushed to declare Mac a liar.

Do reporters exaggerate you bet they do, do they approach stories from certain angles to get the story they want? all the time.

And sometimes players open their big mouths in an unguarded moment.

RW and Tony are doing what they need to do that to me is what is important more than anything else.

Obviously not if you've watched the games.
Hoofbite;3058092 said:
So we have people who are going to dismiss the quote but applaud the extra time being put in by Tony and Roy?
Most already said it was dumb for him to vent to the media, what do you want me to do? Cut him? Dock him 3 games pay? Have him wacked?

Let it go. Apparently Romo has so why can't you?
bbgun;3058098 said:
"No big deal," right? That seems to be the common refrain. It sure as hell was when TO was blowing up on the sideline week to week. "Oh, he just wants to win."

Who? His teammates? They have an obvious conflict of interest. Unlike you, I don't abandon all credulity when it comes to this team.

I agree that people should be agnostics about this. Tell that to the fans who rushed to declare Mac a liar.

And sometimes players open their big mouths in an unguarded moment.

Obviously not if you've watched the games.

So this is about TO?

As for RW what he has said is not just true but very visable to anyone watching the game (you may want to try that once in a while) These 2 are just not in sync but are willing to do what they need to do to get into sync with each other. I'm not blaming Romo or RW this is something they both need to address and work on.

RW is not demanding more plays to him, he is not accusing Romo and Witten of drawing up plays behind his back, he is frustrated that they are not in sync and is willing to do what has to be done to correct it.

If you want to make more out of this than need be that is your right to be a drama queen you seem to be pretty good at it.
Romo & Roy Throwing After Practice
Posted by jellis at 11/5/2009 12:33 PM CST on

While Roy Williams' comments from Wednesday aren't as divisive as they've been made out to be, they are an acknowledgment that things haven't worked out so far.

Williams and the Cowboys both want more production, whether he's the No. 1 or not. To breed some cohesiveness with Tony Romo, the two are now spending extra time throwing after practice.

It wouldn't be so bad if the Cowboys could pinpoint what the problem has been between Romo and Williams, but it's just not clear right now, quarterbacks coach Wade Wilson said Thursday.

"When he's open and they don't hook up, there's no really firm explanation for why that's happening," Wilson said. "He hasn't really forced balls to Roy, it's just when the read takes him there and everything's a good look they just haven't hooked up.

"So we continue to work, and like I said we're throwing after practice extra now, and trying to get it figured out."
bbgun;3057961 said:
Mac's story was not a mere transcript of the video. Believe it or not, conversations continue when the cameras stop rolling. Is it plausible that a long-time whiner like Roy would say something that? Yes. Is it plausible that Mac would jeopardize his job by cooking quotes? Not really.

Are you serious?

The guy got kicked out of the Mavericks' locker room for a reason.

I remember another reporter out there talking about last season Wade Phillips, unprovoked, 'bragged about getting his ring finger ready.' Of course, what really happened was completely different from the way this reporter reported it. And apparently this reporter went completely deaf and blind leading up to Wade saying 'yes, get your ring finger ready.'

How about Matt Mosely a few years ago going up to Matt McBriar AND reporting it that McBriar was going to be cut because he 'read Parcells' lips' during a game after McBriar shanked a punt?

Or how about last season after the Bengals game when Owens was crying after the game since he was emotional about a family member of his dying earlier in the week and it was reported he was crying because he didn't get the ball enough in the game?

Nah, these reporters don't 'cook quotes' because they would be in fear or losing their job. :rolleyes:

Give me a break.

Hoofbite;3058092 said:
So we have people who are going to dismiss the quote but applaud the extra time being put in by Tony and Roy?

Guess I don't get it.

They've been off all season but didn't put in extra work until this quote came out. Sure, its great they are doing it but you can't say the quote is BS if it is the reason they started putting in more work.

I am as glad as anyone else that they are trying to get over the hump but its blind to say the quote is insignificant. It obviously meant something. You don't just decide on a whim that extra work is needed.

Whatever though. It is what it is. There are no take backs so its up to Roy to get out there and start making it work.

I don't know what the hell led you to jump to that conclusion or what linkage you found but Wade already said earlier this week that it's something they've noticed in practice and are going to work on more.

The spent extra time on it yesterday too and I don't think the comments had generated the storm by the time they got on the practice field.
forgot to mention to Lucy and Ethel that they should be fighting, throwing each other under the bus.

All this lovy dovy touchy feely crap has accomplished is drive people back to being misserable.

Shame on both of them.

WoodysGirl;3057917 said:
Romo: Cowboys core too strong to be divided
12:36 PM Thu, Nov 05, 2009 | Permalink | Yahoo! Buzz
David Moore/Reporter Bio | E-mail | News tips

Quarterback Tony Romo fielded several questions about his inability to click with Roy Williams. After answering two of them, he was asked why he believes Williams' numbers are so low.


And how is Romo's relationship with Williams?

"It's good,'' he said. "We have a good relationship. He cares about the game and is out here practicing hard.

"He's getting better every time he steps out there, and that's all you can ask.''

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Absolutely love the comments by both Romo and Williams.

Especially the ones from Romo about the media trying to divide the team and him saying as nicely and diplomatically as he could: "Don't even try, *****. It ain't happenin' this year". Well, maybe not exactly THAT, but I'll interpret my way and you interpret yours.:D
bbgun;3057982 said:
Ignore them. These same people would have used the Yankees' payroll against them in the event the Phillies won the Series.

"$200 million and they STILL can't win a title!!!"

This is the crap we've heard for the last nine years, and no matter what happens, you will hear it again in 2010.

How's A-Roid doin?
"He's getting better every time he steps out there, and that's all you can ask.''
I'm surprised nobody is making a deal out of this quote. This quote could be interpreted as Tony saying that its all Roy's fault. You can really twist almost anything to fit your angle.
newnationcb;3058192 said:
I don't know what the hell led you to jump to that conclusion or what linkage you found but Wade already said earlier this week that it's something they've noticed in practice and are going to work on more.

The spent extra time on it yesterday too and I don't think the comments had generated the storm by the time they got on the practice field.

I didn't see anything posted yesterday about them staying after practice.

So the comment alone didn't prompt them to stay late and work on things, I still don't think you can just disregard that it was said.
Yakuza Rich;3058190 said:
Are you serious?

Absolutely. Nothing I wrote would raise an eyebrow at a neutral NFL forum. It's only here that people go absolutely ape**** when confronted with uncomfortable truths.

The guy got kicked out of the Mavericks' locker room for a reason.

Hearsay. And who's to say the Mavericks were in the right?

I remember another reporter out there talking about last season Wade Phillips, unprovoked, 'bragged about getting his ring finger ready.' Of course, what really happened was completely different from the way this reporter reported it. And apparently this reporter went completely deaf and blind leading up to Wade saying 'yes, get your ring finger ready.'

That guy was in the back of the room and was corrected by someone in the front row who heard Wade better. "Mishearing" is not the same thing as cooking quotes.

How about Matt Mosely a few years ago going up to Matt McBriar AND reporting it that McBriar was going to be cut because he 'read Parcells' lips' during a game after McBriar shanked a punt?

What's your point? Guilt by association? By that logic, Roy is the new TO.

Or how about last season after the Bengals game when Owens was crying after the game since he was emotional about a family member of his dying earlier in the week and it was reported he was crying because he didn't get the ball enough in the game?

He said - He said. Interpreting TO's emotions is not the same as putting words in his mouth.

Nah, these reporters don't 'cook quotes' because they would be in fear or losing their job. :rolleyes:

Give me a break.

Right back at ya. I'm sorry to break this to you, but some of our players are flawed human beings. It happens.
ScipioCowboy;3058091 said:
Why are we fighting? We should be elated by this report. It suggests both recognition and attempted remediation of a problem.

My thoughts exactly. I'm on dinner break- I log into the Zone- and it's like walking into the Salem witch trials....

Burn them all!!:rolleyes:
Wouldn't it be more productive for Romo to do this extra practicing with Austin? I'm thinking it would.

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