DMN BLOG...roy williams S telling it like it is

This is Our Year;2627381 said:
I have no issue on anyone's opinion, but if people can't see this guy is a problem, well than I don't know what to say..........................

Maybe say something like, other people can disagree because they don't see things exactly the way you do.

That would probably work.
theogt;2626946 said:
Ironic much?

I got the impression he was referring to "in house" talking.

But the 4-3/3-4 thing is dumb. Doesn't make a dang bit of difference to a safety what front you run.
tyke1doe;2627369 said:
Apparently not, which is why there's a :huh: smilie.

So the big question mark didn't clue you to the fact I was asking a question?

So one can't ask a question and be sarcastic?

(Notice I've used question marks. You do know what those indicate don't you?) :D

Well, I'm asking you. Can Roy Williams be right here and still suck as a football player?

Answer the question?

Apparently, I'm not the only one trying to salvage one's ego since you're still engaged in a conversation with me. But I understand the need to feel you're right. Bruised ego and all. ;)

Yeah, those question marks sure are tricky grammatical devises aren't they? ;)

But that's a separate issue from whether he thinks T.O. is a distraction, hence my question. Can he be right about T.O. and suck? Please try to keep up.

It's You're lame. ...

Of ... course ... you ... knew ... this. :D

Pwned! Pwned times 6000! Pwned til the dogs come home!

khiladi;2627375 said:
Oh, let me add, the grammar correction with the apostrophe, it looks quite pathetic now doesn't it...

Was that a ... rhetorical question ... since you didn't employ a question mark? :D ;)

Ah, those pesky question marks. We shant be concerned with those things shall we? :D
tyke1doe;2627385 said:
Ah, nothing like the pronouncement of "Game Over" to signal finality to a debate. Kind of like the fingers in the ears "lalalalalalalala I'm not hearing what you're saying" reply.

I guess the art of sarcasm is a dying skill. ;)

At any rate, I think you've answered my question, in a round about way.

Roy Williams can be right about T.O. and still suck. Hence, it's ridiculous to raise that as a way to criticize him. The two aren't mutually exclusive.

You're so transparent, my friend. You're so transparent. :)

Trying to get the last word in I see...

Again, how again were you expecting me to answer a question, when you said I already knew the answer to the question?

Must be embarassing for you, considering your profession as a journalist, in that I just gave you a big lesson in rhetoric..

It's quite obvious who lost. Keep trying to save face though, because it's funny watching how you try and back-track, by trying to re-define what you claim you meant. I'm sure you'll fit right in with Watkins and Werder as you move up in your career.
Chris in SoCal;2626990 said:
I'm no scheme expert but I've coached a little football. I can't figure out how a 4-3 or 3-4 has any different effect on the strong safety position. ????

It has to do with the angle of Roy's dangle. Its different.

This guy should just retire. He stopped hitting people about a 10 years ago.

You are the weakest link. Goodbye!
khiladi;2627394 said:
Trying to get the last word in I see...

Again, how again were you expecting me to answer a question, when you said I already knew the answer to the question?

Must be embarassing for you, considering your profession as a journalist, in that I just gave you a big lesson in rhetoric..

It's quite obvious who lost. Keep trying to save face though, because it's funny watching how you try and back-track, by trying to re-define what you claim you meant. I'm sure you'll fit right in with Watkins and Werder as you move up in your career.

Do you need a hug?

Call T.O., maybe he will give you a nice big hug.

Maybe Jerry will call you over the mansion and you could give him your opinion on #81.

Would that make you feel better?
This is Our Year;2627374 said:
Anyone who doesn't think TO is a major issue is lost at this point. At his age he isn't worth the headache, no questions asked.

We'll all succumb to the TO hate idiocy because you said so.

:thumbup: :shades:
tyke1doe;2627391 said:
Was that a ... rhetorical question ... since you didn't employ a question mark? :D ;)

Ah, those pesky question marks. We shant be concerned with those things shall we? :D

It's called typing fast.... But it's a nice attempt at trying to save face though on your part. You just got abused by me, in your own field, so I can understand you'll try and grab onto anything, no matter how little it is...
I'd like to see this interview. If I wasn't going to be at church when it's supposed to air I'd try and catch it tomorrow.
tyke i have no idea what your arguing about but the fact you keep on throwing up strawmen and red herring like the whole question thing just tells me you have no leg to stand on.
khiladi;2627394 said:
Trying to get the last word in I see...

Says the man who responds trying to get the last word. You understand bruised ego when you see it. I guess you also recognize stubbornness. :D

Again, how again were you expecting me to answer a question, when you said I already knew the answer to the question?

Possibly because I was seeking a response? You do understand that people can arrive at erroneous conclusions, similar to the one that 5countem5 drew when he asked me about my signature.

You could have responded by providing an explanation. And maybe I would have said, "Oh, I didn't think of it that way."

That happens quite frequently in the course of conversations.

Must be embarassing for you, considering your profession as a journalist, in that I just gave you a big lesson in rhetoric..

Oh, an anonymous Internet poster bragging about spanking me is a blow to my ego. Oh, how shall I ever recover. :lmao2:

It's quite obvious who lost. Keep trying to save face though, because it's funny watching how you try and back-track, by trying to re-define what you claim you meant. I'm sure you'll fit right in with Watkins and Werder as you move up in your career.

As it's funny to see you declare that you're done and still return, especially after I've dissected the irrelevant relationship between what other posters think about Roy Williams and Roy Williams' comments about T.O. and those having nothing to do with his abilities as a player.

Be that as it may, if you're comparing me to Watkins and Werder believe me, I take that as a very high compliment. I'd rather be compared to real people than take solace in winning anonymous Internet battles. I'll leave that to you.

Now, run along with your declared Internet victory. :)
5Countem5;2627397 said:
Hey ...How about that bet?

How about the 10 posts where you wrote something about the Cowboys and not about the fellow posters?

That's much more important.

And I would never bet anything that doesn't involve what I say directly or that would have WG as the determining factor. :)

So drop the bet talk.


Why don't you put your account here on the line tough guy.

You are so sure Terrell Owens will be a Dallas Cowboy in 2009 right?

Well then state it right here that if he is cut then you are gone and that you will never return to CZ.

Most of us admit that we are not sure what will happen. That's where I am at.

But not you. You state time and time again that you are positive he's going to be here.

Put it in writing 5countem5. Put in writing that if Terrell Owens gets cut then you will leave CZ forever.

We are all waiting.
dcfanatic;2627412 said:
Why don't you put your account here on the line tough guy.

You are so sure Terrell Owens will be a Dallas Cowboy in 2009 right?

Well then state it right here that if he is cut then you are gone and that you will never return to CZ.

Most of us admit that we are not sure what will happen. That's where I am at.

But not you. You state time and time again that you are positive he's going to be here.

Put it in writing 5countem5. Put in writing that if Terrell Owens gets cut then you will leave CZ forever.

We are all waiting.

That ultimatum is so lame. Why don't you state that if TO is a member of the Boys in 09 you will no longer post here? The audio and video posts laced with your own special TO hate sauce will be a thing of the past. step it up big guy. We're waiting. :rolleyes:
FuzzyLumpkins;2627409 said:
tyke i have no idea what your arguing about but the fact you keep on throwing up strawmen and red herring like the whole question thing just tells me you have no leg to stand on.

Do you even understand what a red herring and a straw man is? :confused:

I can't be offering a straw man because a straw man is assigning to another an argument the other didn't make.

I'm using my question as the basis for this discussion. Clearly, that's not a straw man.

A red herring is diverting attention from a particular issue. The original issue was my question about whether Roy Williams can suck and yet be right about T.O.?

It's really not that hard to follow. But if you merely grab terms and have no understanding what they mean, I'm sure it's hard for you to follow the topic.

Hence, your bewilderment.
tyke1doe;2627411 said:
Possibly because I was seeking a response? You do understand that people can arrive at erroneous conclusions, similar to the one that 5countem5 drew when he asked me about my signature.

face it... You were trying to make me look like an idiot, but you ended up looking like one yourself. You made a comment in thr form of a 'rhetorical question' to heighten the effect of what you thought would make me look foolish, but you ended up making yourself look foolish.

Hell, let me just re-post the awesomeness of what I wrote, so I may pat myself on the back some more...

You answered your OWN QUESTION, and you then told me that I already knew the ANSWER, which clearly evidencing my point that:

1. You were using 'question' rhetorically
2. You were not really asking me a question, because you affirmed that I already knew the answer, which destroys, and I mean destroys, your claim that you were actually asking a question and being sarcastic at the same time... One may be able to, but in this case, you definitely were not, even though I'm quite sure that you drew up this new argument as a way to defend yourself even though you knew you were clearly in the wrong originally..

Game over... I know it bother you that I beat you in a game that is the basis of your profession, which is being a writer. Just deal with it... It happens..

But keep trying to come up with more excuses. I especially like how your pulling out the victim card in this one:

You could have responded by providing an explanation. And maybe I would have said, "Oh, I didn't think of it that way."

That happens quite frequently in the course of conversations.

Maybe it does happen frequently, but this surely wasn't one of those case...

Keep up with the little smiley faces as well, to try and project some sense of 'victory' that you know you lost. Ir provides me with some more humor..
khiladi;2627422 said:
face it... You were trying to make me look like an idiot, but you ended up looking like one yourself. You made a comment in thr form of a 'rhetorical question' to heighten the effect of what you thought would make me look foolish, but you ended up making yourself look foolish.

Foolish to whom? To you and those who agree with you on the T.O. issue?

I would look foolish to them anyway, just like you look foolish to people who want T.O. gone.

That's not much of a barometer is it?

If you want to crow I look foolish, be my guess. Who am I trying to impress? You? Woe is me, Khiladi made me look foolish. :laugh1:

LOL! Please with the self importance. That's why this forum is anonymous. People say all types of things foolish or wise. At the end of the day, we're all still anonymous, to some degree.

It appears you place more emphasis on some esteem that comes with posting on the Internet. Knock yourself out.

Like I said, how can you claim your intent was to ask me a question, when you told me I already knew the answer?

You do understand sarcasm don't you? In fact, I already addressed that way back when when I said that sarcasm and asking questions aren't mutally exclusive.

But keep trying to come up with more excuses. I especially like how your pulling out the victim card in this one:
Maybe it does happen frequently, but this surely wasn't one of those case...

Because you chose not to respond that way, that's why.

Keep up with the little smiley faces as well, to try and project some sense of 'victory' that you know you lost. Ir provides me with some more humor..

Well, that's why the smilie faces are there, to be used in their full glory.

Of course, you did say you were done with this. I wonder why you keep re-emerging. Maybe there's some validation you seek in proclaiming yourself the winner of Internet debates.

Long live Khiladi ... the winner of Internet debates.

Is that good enough for you? Good. Now run along and tell your family and friends how victorious you are arguing over the Internet.

That is, if you're done after proclaiming so for the umpteenth time.

Oh and ... ;) (That's a sarcasm smilie)

Of ... course ... you ... knew ... this. :)

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