DMN BLOG...roy williams S telling it like it is

5Countem5;2627442 said:

So how about if he goes- I go. If he stays, you go?

I'll agree to that right now...

Anyone seen DC? Was that him running away with his tail between his legs?
Bleu Star;2627419 said:
That ultimatum is so lame. Why don't you state that if TO is a member of the Boys in 09 you will no longer post here? The audio and video posts laced with your own special TO hate sauce will be a thing of the past. step it up big guy. We're waiting. :rolleyes:

Came to defend your girl huh, lol.

I am not saying I am positive one way or the other am I?

While he is.

Isn't he?

Can you read?
5Countem5;2627476 said:
Anyone seen DC? Was that him running away with his tail between his legs?

NO, I was adding something to my blog, lol.

Something the Cowboys fans of the world can enjoy.

You should try doing that some time.

tyke1doe;2627462 said:
Sigh. :(

il·lit·er·a·cy (ĭ-lĭt'ər-ə-sē) Pronunciation Key
n. pl. il·lit·er·a·cies

The condition of being unable to read and write.
An error, as in writing or speech, made by or thought to be characteristic of one who is illiterate. See Usage Note at literate.
The condition or quality of being ignorant or unknowledgeable in a particular subject or field: cultural illiteracy; scientific illiteracy.

il⋅lit⋅er⋅a⋅cy   /ɪˈlɪtərəsi/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [i-lit-er-uh-see] Show IPA Pronunciation

–noun, plural -cies for 3. 1. a lack of ability to read and write.
2. the state of being illiterate; lack of any or enough education.
3. a mistake in writing or speaking, felt to be characteristic of an illiterate or semiliterate person: a letter that was full of illiteracies.

Very good you can read a definition. Now explain how substituting your for youre implies that he cannot read or write. The whole assertion should be stupid prima facia but you two insist on trying to justify it.

Thats an ad hominem. its obvious that you guys want to focus on red herrings whatever this whole discourse is really boring me.
5Countem5;2627442 said:

So how about if he goes- I go. If he stays, you go?

I'll agree to that right now...

Sounds like a fair bet.
dcfanatic;2627480 said:
NO, I was adding something to my blog, lol.

Something the Cowboys fans of the world can enjoy.

You should try doing that some time.


So do we have an agreement?
mmillman;2627469 said:
can anyone explain the differnce for a SS in a 3-4 versus 4-3?

How would a 4-3 help him cover better?

Some one said something that made sense to me. IT was that the OLB in the 3-4 were more suited to rushing the passer than a 4-3 OLB who focuses more on coverage typically. Seeing Ellis out there underscores that. Also the ILB who typically would cover TE are more out of position.

its still a weak excuse.
FuzzyLumpkins;2627467 said:
im well aware of that. now explain how substituting your for youre implies the inability to read or write. you dont even grasp what i was saying.

Because "another glorious day for bad grammar" wasn't nearly as funny or insulting. In his defense, I'm quite sure that Khiladi can make an "X" when he goes to the polls. Happy?

again he did not put 'bbgun iz gut at speekin all uf dis stuffs.' these are the types of things you see when someone is learning to read. yours does not demonstrate that. if anything it shows that he does read a lot because your is much more common than youre and as such it becomes mentally substituted.

oh and youre now the grammar police? oh really based on whose standards? yours? spare me. wellspring of knowledge you are not. as if the fact that you hit the shift key makes your argument superior.

the bottomline is i do not care about grammar as you can probably tell and to be honest if youre too stupid to interpret without capitalization and apostrophes then youre too stupid for me to waste my time with.

really what you demonstrate is that you are old and unused to the new standard that has been introduced due to texting where delivering the message is more important than punctuation because quite frankly having to hit three keys to put in an apostrophe is tedious.

you want to be intractable to what is very obviously a trend and rail for the sanctity of grammar you go right ahead. you try and fight that fight and ill think youre a ****** because the english language is an evolving thing and is not set in stone by the freshman comp grammar guidebook of 1968.

My God, you're ridiculously earnest. Next time, try not to take things so literally. Not to mention personally.
dcfanatic;2627477 said:
Came to defend your girl huh, lol.

I am not saying I am positive one way or the other am I?

While he is.

Isn't he?

Can you read?


Welcome to the team.
5Countem5;2627442 said:

So how about if he goes- I go. If he stays, you go?

I'll agree to that right now...

I never said one way or the other that he stays or goes.

You are saying it's a definite that he stays.

Man up Deflecticon.

It's all about you here.

I don't need anymore attention. Isn't that what you say I am all about.

This is all about you knowing that he's definitely going to be here.

You have said over 150 times that you are positive.

So put your knowledge on the line tough guy!
FuzzyLumpkins;2627472 said:
Dude shut up i placed in the quarterfinals on the TFA debate tournament. I would have gone into law if not for the fact that i love math and subsequently engineering.

Good move. No one cares if you can express yourself well in the math department. Law on the other hand ...
Bleu Star;2627401 said:
How old are you? 12?

Its not his fault.

He has never been the same since he started that Jerry "the Angel" Rice vs Terrel "the Devil" Owens when HE got Pwned on the 2nd post. The very first response to the Agenda thread he started.

Its been a month and STILL just as funny now as it was then. :laugh2:
dcfanatic;2627480 said:
NO, I was adding something to my blog, lol.

Something the Cowboys fans of the world can enjoy.

You should try doing that some time.


You were blogging. :lmao2: That's neato. :pc:
dcfanatic;2627489 said:
I never said one way or the other that he stays or goes.

You are saying it's a definite that he stays.

Man up Deflecticon.

It's all about you here.

I don't need anymore attention. Isn't that what you say I am all about.

This is all about you knowing that he's definitely going to be here.

You have said over 150 times that you are positive.

So put your knowledge on the line tough guy!


You are truly the "man" I thought you were. :lmao2:

Sure thing- I'll take the bat. I've never been accused of not manning up - but sure you are used to be punked so I'll quit trying to goad you into having some cajones....

Bleu Star;2627488 said:
Welcome to the team.

You can spin spin spin all you want.

It's all there in print.

He 'KNOWS' #81 is going to be here.

He's positive.

Are you positive as well?

Maybe we can get rid of two knucklheads for the price of one.
dcfanatic;2627492 said:
There is no bet. Nothing he said in his post even implied a bet.

You really can't read.

A bet is usually between two men. Guess there's a chance one will come along.
bbgun;2627487 said:
Because "another glorious day for bad grammar" wasn't nearly as funny or insulting. In his defense, I'm quite sure that Khiladi can make an "X" when he goes to the polls. Happy?

My God, you're ridiculously earnest. Next time, try not to take things so literally. Not to mention personally.

Oh so now you try and duck out..... :rolleyes:

thats nice. at least if youre going to make a characterization of someone like that when its wrong and you wont back it up have the decency to apologize for it.

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