DMN.COM (Archer) Commanders spending freely again, but how?


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riggo said:
c'mon, super. you know what i'm saying. i couldnt be more clear.

What you're saying has nothing to do with reality. He's a reporter. It doesn't matter what team he reports for. His statement was perfectly accurate, and the team he reports for should have nothing to do with his choice of words, there. It's irrelevant.

gibbs has never been high on draft picks to build a team. we'll see if his method works in the salary cap era.

Gibbs hasn't won **** with a salary cap. So far, his way - doesn't work, not for any team.

as for continuity- the skins are starting almost the same group of players both on O and D that they had last year. same O line, same RB, same QB, same #1 WR- they just added a #2 and #3. (that was badly needed) same D line except for carter. same DB's except safety.
The continuity is there, pretty decent, but there's no opportunity to provide any depth. I'd guess that considering the money, the Skins are gonna go 3 wide pretty often. So, that's two new starters on offense, and two on defense (does Rogers count? - who'd gonna play WILL? So at least 5, maybe 6 new starters, if you count Rogers). There's no huge upgrade anywhere except at the #3 WR position, but all decent pickups. All successful teams draft for depth. That's impossible for the Skins.

I've said it before, if anyone can start a new trend with free agency, it's Gibbs. But, thus far, it's never been done. Until it is, myself, and every non-Commanders fan who knows anything about the way football has worked for the last 15 years are gonna be very skeptical of this method.


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Gfunk said:
you're suppost to make the playoffs at 10-6, especially in the NFC

Kickers are supposed to make the majority of their kicks inside 40-45 yards.

**** happens.


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hooskins said:
riggo is making some good points, and I do not say this just bc I am a Skins fan. It is true we have only had two playoff showings, and one win, since 1999; but Dallas has had zero wins. I think alot of hate that Danny Boy gets is ok, but I honestly think since the first couple years he was at DC, he is really understanding what to do. Of course the contracts look ridiculous, but we all know how it looks when you break them down year to year, not all of that money will go to our signings. And again, coaching and QB issues where more of the problem, and now it looks like we have good roots for the future, atleast with coaching(GW). Last year cannot be put as a fluke, it was a serious run, and many of those games in the season where very close (just like your games), but the point being we have room for improvement, and the needed players for that have been signed.

Actually Hoos the prob is that money now does have to go to the guys. The continual push of bonus money counting later and later int he contratc period means you can't cut a guy for having huge numbers later in his deal as most teams do.

Dallas signed LA to a deal like that with lots of up front money and will take a huge cap hit for a guy playing in San Fran. The thing is Wash is doing it with many guys and thats a recipe for disaster.

Most Skin fans felt that uncapped year was gonna be the saviour of the franchise but that uncapped year isn't coming.

Skin fans should be concerned because it means you will likely end up keeping some older less productive players on the roster as well as limiting the ability to add talent.

You have a very small core of young guys. VERY small.

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Great stuff.............beginning to sound like the old rivalry is heating up again! Back in the 70's and 80's the trash talk between these two teams really made headlines! There were spies galore, secret practices, threats from both teams, Allen vs. Landry, even the Texans on the Commander's squad hated the Cowboys! Bring on the new season! Let's get it on!


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riggo said:
he's a writer for the DMN. if he was writing for the NY daily news, it wouldnt be a dumb comment.
He was a writer in Tampa for the Bucs two years ago.

The story was still the same.


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Gfunk said:
I wouldn't say we stayed healthy, considering we had injuries early on in the season (Cornelius Griffn, for example) that severly hurt us.

We also lost Patten (starting WR) and Thomas (best offensive lineman), not to mention other injuries players played through.

We were all beat up, yet, we still found ways to win.

Yep and we could not overcome our OL problems but the point I was making is you guys got healthy at the end of the year. It evens out in the end.


Commanders Forever
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ut oh, more cap hell predictions... haha.
This article is lame.

After this year when cap hell was staring the Commanders in the eye, you would think that this type of crap wouldnt come up anymore.

Hmmm... Guaranteed money or a potential bonus ? I will take the guarantee everytime. Wouldnt most people ?

Yes the Commanders shuffle money seemingly every off season, yes the Commanders contracts seem absurd at times, yes Snyder signed Bruce Smith, Jeff George, Mark Carrier, and Deion Sanders, when they were well past their primes. But that was a while ago. Get over it. You rarely hear about the Cowboys past cap hell. Why keep bringing it up ? Seems pretty stupid to me.

The biggest difference in what takes place in Washington now is that the players are either entering their prime or about to (potentially).


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superpunk said:
What you're saying has nothing to do with reality. He's a reporter. It doesn't matter what team he reports for. His statement was perfectly accurate, and the team he reports for should have nothing to do with his choice of words, there. It's irrelevant.

super, if a writer for the arizona newspaper rips the cowboys for spending $, wouldnt that be dumb- considering the cards havent won squat?

of course it would be. the team he reports on has everything to do with it. like i said, if he reported for the giants- or even the eagles- it would be valid, since those teams have had success over the same period of time.

this is not rocket science.

Gibbs hasn't won **** with a salary cap. So far, his way - doesn't work, not for any team.

hes been here 2 years.


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jterrell said:
He was a writer in Tampa for the Bucs two years ago.

The story was still the same.

if he was a tampa writer, his comment wouldnt be dumb. but, hes not, so its dumb.


Commanders Forever
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Come on JT, The Commanders have one of the youngest teams in football. Take a look at the roster.

And most Commanders fans were as anxious about a potential uncapped year as most of you guys were. The final 8 rule, and the 30% rule were serious issues. After having to bite the bullet for one year then it would have been a different scenario. But with the momentum the Commanders were building it wasnt worth the risk.


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riggo said:
he's a writer for the DMN. if he was writing for the NY daily news, it wouldnt be a dumb comment.

Riggo is correct. The Dallas media has gotten very lazy concerning the Cowboys because they are low hanging fruit. Everybody reads it and you don't have to do any real work. JFE, before her lobotomy upon becoming a columnist, did do background on the players and got real stories in the process. It is why a place like Cowboyszone is an essential resource for fans. I am a big basher of the DMN here because they charge fans for the privelege of logging into their Dallas Cowboys site and then don't provide good content for the price.

The point that it is hard to criticize the opposition's strategy when you have no wins yourself is valid but arguable. My problem with the whole thing is that the criticism has not shown itself to be valid. Someone's comment that Gibbs has never been one to rely on the draft exclusicely is a good one. In that, he fits in well with the Snyder scheme of purchasing a winning team (in part).

I have seen no real downside yet for the Commanders in spite of gloom and doom predictions year after year. Until something actually happens, I challenge anyone to come up with any moves the Commanders made that were forced by the salary cap. Our cutting LA could be broadly described as a 'salary cap' move but I'm not convinced that is true. LA was not worth his contract and so he was cut. It was NOT a salary cap move. I would place the Arrington cut by the skins in the same category.


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riggo said:
super, if a writer for the arizona newspaper rips the cowboys for spending $, wouldnt that be dumb- considering the cards havent won squat?

of course it would be. the team he reports on has everything to do with it. like i said, if he reported for the giants- or even the eagles- it would be valid, since those teams have had success over the same period of time.

this is not rocket science.

He's a reporter. I could give a **** where he's from or who he roots for. If the owner of the Cardinals criticized the Cowboys, now that would be something. Otherwise, you're barking up the WAY wrong tree here, and you know it.

hes been here 2 years.

And won nothing. My point is no less valid because of his tenure.


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SkinsandTerps said:
Come on JT, The Commanders have one of the youngest teams in football. Take a look at the roster.

agreed. besides brunell and springs, these guys are in their prime.

not sure why youth automatically means youre good, anyhow.


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superpunk said:
He's a reporter. I could give a **** where he's from or who he roots for. If the owner of the Cardinals criticized the Cowboys, now that would be something. Otherwise, you're barking up the WAY wrong tree here, and you know it.

And won nothing. My point is no less valid because of his tenure.

i give up. :bang2:


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riggo said:
i give up. :bang2:

Because you see that who a reporter works for has absolutely no bearing on what he reasonably can - and can not - write? Because you see that Dallas' success is irrelevant when writing an article about the Commanders? You should have given up much sooner.


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everybody talks about building through the draft- most of dallas' O as well a a bunch of defensive starters are from FA signings.


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superpunk said:
Because you see that who a reporter works for has absolutely no bearing on what he reasonably can - and can not - write? Because you see that Dallas' success is irrelevant when writing an article about the Commanders? You should have given up much sooner.

not saying he 'can' or 'cannot' write whatever he wants. he could write that there are martians landing in south dakota if he wants. doesnt make it an intelligent comment.

where he reports from has everything to do with whether his criticism of another team is credible. does it make his comment inaccurate? no. smart? not at all.


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riggo said:
everybody talks about building through the draft- most of dallas' O as well a a bunch of defensive starters are from FA signings.

Years of pathetic drafting is being rectified. I'll list our FA starters for you, assuming Kosier takes over LG....


That's 5 on offense....even if Pettiti loses his RT job, that's BARELY "most"

Singleton (probably not with team next year)

3, maybe 4 on defense, and a bunch of draftees backing them up. Hardly "a bunch."


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Why do we care how the Commanders are doing it? Did we target any of the guys they signed? No. Snyder has his way of getting his guys, immediately bringing them in, and paying out as much money as needed to get the guy, but works the contract so he doesn't handcuff the team too much (I say too much b/c I'm curious where you guys would be if Coles and Arrington had not given back bonus money). And Jerry has his way, target a guy, let the market settle, and paying reasonable amounts.


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The Commanders did, indeed, knock Dallas out of the playoffs. That last loss to them (in December) cost us the playoff spot. We won the following week, but we're out of the playoffs BEFORE kickoff the last game.
It was obvious that whoever won that last game between us was IN...and who ever lost was OUT.
I just hope that Parcells will "wake up" and remember that game and who the Commanders are, and take some steps to make sure we have a decent game plan against them next time around.
I have my doubts that he will.
They darn sure don't take us lightly, but we (team, coaches, and posters) seem to take them lightly.

When we do, we deserve what we get.......