DMN.COM (Archer) Commanders spending freely again, but how?


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riggo said:
not saying he 'can' or 'cannot' write whatever he wants. he could write that there are martians landing in south dakota if he wants. doesnt make it an intelligent comment.

where he reports from has everything to do with whether his criticism of another team is credible. does it make his comment inaccurate? no. smart? not at all.

So a writer from Cincinnati would be "not smart" if he criticized any team in the league? Never mind that he's a REPORTER, and should be REPORTING the biggest stories. Alot of people wonder how the Skins did it. It bears stating that they haven't won anything doing it that way. You're WAY off. Geography has nothing to do with this. I know Skins fans get their panties in a bunc over any alleged media bias they percieve against their dear Skins, but where a reporter is from, or who he works for has no bearing on what statements he can, and cannot, intelligently make.


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SouthernStar said:
The Commanders did, indeed, knock Dallas out of the playoffs. That last loss to them (in December) cost us the playoff spot. We won the following week, but we're out of the playoffs BEFORE kickoff the last game.
It was obvious that whoever won that last game between us was IN...and who ever lost was OUT.
I just hope that Parcells will "wake up" and remember that game and who the Commanders are, and take some steps to make sure we have a decent game plan against them next time around.
I have my doubts that he will.
They darn sure don't take us lightly, but we (team, coaches, and posters) seem to take them lightly.

When we do, we deserve what we get.......

That is a little narrow for my taste. You don't lose 7 games and then say this one knocked us out.


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SouthernStar said:
The Commanders did, indeed, knock Dallas out of the playoffs. That last loss to them (in December) cost us the playoff spot. We won the following week, but we're out of the playoffs BEFORE kickoff the last game.
It was obvious that whoever won that last game between us was IN...and who ever lost was OUT.
I just hope that Parcells will "wake up" and remember that game and who the Commanders are, and take some steps to make sure we have a decent game plan against them next time around.
I have my doubts that he will.
They darn sure don't take us lightly, but we (team, coaches, and posters) seem to take them lightly.

When we do, we deserve what we get.......

I do not think that was only Parcells that took the Skins for granted. A majority of our opponents did last year, and I think a good amount of teams do this year as well. I understand why we get no respect, and that is because of how we have performed the last 10 years. I do not think we will get respect, even if we get into the playoffs next year. A lot of people, outside the Commanders legitimate fan base and DC area bandwagon(I hate those people), still feel the Skins are a fluke, included the majority of the sports media. They cite our track record, and free agency spending. I feel the track record argument is valid, because we lost in the previous years, and that was our fault. In regards to the spending issue, we just have to wait and see. I personally would be happy if Wash gets no credit, its only more fuel for the fire.


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hooskins said:
I do not think that was only Parcells that took the Skins for granted. A majority of our opponents did last year, and I think a good amount of teams do this year as well. I understand why we get no respect, and that is because of how we have performed the last 10 years. I do not think we will get respect, even if we get into the playoffs next year. A lot of people, outside the Commanders legitimate fan base and DC area bandwagon(I hate those people), still feel the Skins are a fluke, included the majority of the sports media. They cite our track record, and free agency spending. I feel the track record argument is valid, because we lost in the previous years, and that was our fault. In regards to the spending issue, we just have to wait and see. I personally would be happy if Wash gets no credit, its only more fuel for the fire.

I give you guys credit against the odds and opinions you guys played some good football and kicked some butt. Nobody can take that away.


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superpunk said:
So a writer from Cincinnati would be "not smart" if he criticized any team in the league? Never mind that he's a REPORTER, and should be REPORTING the biggest stories. Alot of people wonder how the Skins did it. It bears stating that they haven't won anything doing it that way. You're WAY off. Geography has nothing to do with this. I know Skins fans get their panties in a bunc over any alleged media bias they percieve against their dear Skins, but where a reporter is from, or who he works for has no bearing on what statements he can, and cannot, intelligently make.

ok. so i'll ask you again. a reporter for the arizona cards coments that dallas methods 'havent won them anything' the past 6- no, lets say- 10 years?

first, is it accurate?

secondly- is it smart?

or would you say 'and arizona has won.......?'


Commanders Forever
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Reporter this, reporter that.

This debate you two are having is senseless.

In a few more months we will start seeing the results of all of this.


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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riggo said:
ok. so i'll ask you again. a reporter for the arizona cards coments that dallas methods 'havent won them anything' the past 6- no, lets say- 10 years?

first, is it accurate?

secondly- is it smart?

or would you say 'and arizona has won.......?'

Or would you, as a skins fan, think this is just another Pastabelly or someone else who just has it out for the skins?

Sorry, when a team is spending MEGA bucks, to the point that everyone in the NFL notices it and talks about, yet they have one playoff win to show for it...well it is fair game for ANY reporter to cover it and talk about it.

I think skins fans are just a little sensitive.


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DBoys said:
That is a little narrow for my taste. You don't lose 7 games and then say this one knocked us out.

sure you do. dallas was in it til the final weeks of the season. it was a playoff. whatever game knocked them out knocked them out whether it was the skins or whoever.


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riggo said:
it is certainly true, but when that win just happened last year means that the Commanders are onto something.

It means nothing since one year doesn't make a pattern, whereas the past 10+ years have shown that's not how you do it.

If it translates into success eventually, then you have a point. Right now, you're just dealing with a possibility.


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All this debate is absurd.

The point of the article, which seems to have elluded Riggo is simple.

The machinations which caused the Commanders to be over the cap by 20 million until the new collective bargaining agreement has netted one play-off victory.

In other words, all the dancing to get these players for ridiculous contracts has gained One extra play-off win than Dallas ,who has not played the cap the same way.

The idea this is anything but pointing out Washington walks next to danger with this game, only to be bailed out by the new agreement, then plunges back into a game that has produced one play-off win, is spin and thin skin by Riggo.

You were saved by the union this time.

The clock is still ticking on your cap demise. You have a few moves left.

But in the final analysis, you will end up hoisting yourself on your own petard.

That was the friggin point, Commander!


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riggo said:
ok. so i'll ask you again. a reporter for the arizona cards coments that dallas methods 'havent won them anything' the past 6- no, lets say- 10 years?

first, is it accurate?

secondly- is it smart?

or would you say 'and arizona has won.......?'

I wouldn't say anything. He's a reporter. He can say whatever he wants. He has NO TIES to the team, so your dismay at his accurate description of what these methods have won, is misplaced.


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riggo said:
ok. so i'll ask you again. a reporter for the arizona cards coments that dallas methods 'havent won them anything' the past 6- no, lets say- 10 years?

first, is it accurate?

secondly- is it smart?

or would you say 'and arizona has won.......?'

We won the SB in 95 and since then we have 1 playoff appearance where we got beat.

It is the truth

Arizona has nothing to do with the comment and just because you find fault in the messenger or where they are from it does not dismiss the truth.

The Cowboys have not been spending the money you guys have and were not in cap trouble.


Commanders Forever
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BrAinPaiNt said:
Or would you, as a skins fan, think this is just another Pastabelly or someone else who just has it out for the skins?

Sorry, when a team is spending MEGA bucks, to the point that everyone in the NFL notices it and talks about, yet they have one playoff win to show for it...well it is fair game for ANY reporter to cover it and talk about it.

I think skins fans are just a little sensitive.

How many Superbowls have the Browns and Vikings had combined ? Or how much recent success ?

After all they have been the most active FA players this year. Hell the Vikings signed a freakin' Center to a 49M contract.

Look at the Commanders signings, and appreciate the needs they had going into the offseason. There is one hole, left. That hole will be addressed before all is said and done.


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DBoys said:
We won the SB in 95 and since then we have 1 playoff appearance where we got beat.

It is the truth

Arizona has nothing to do with the comment and just because you find fault in the messenger or where they are from it does not dismiss the truth.

The Cowboys have not been spending the money you guys have and were not in cap trouble.

Actually we have had 3 playoff games since then, winning once against the Vikings.


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BrAinPaiNt said:
Or would you, as a skins fan, think this is just another Pastabelly or someone else who just has it out for the skins?

Sorry, when a team is spending MEGA bucks, to the point that everyone in the NFL notices it and talks about, yet they have one playoff win to show for it...well it is fair game for ANY reporter to cover it and talk about it.

I think skins fans are just a little sensitive.

all fans are sensitive. i've read plenty of thread about dallas fans thinking there is a media bias against them

but the reporters comment doesnt make me mad or even annoyed. he's right- we do only have one playoff win in 6 years.

i was only pointing out the irony.


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riggo said:
it is certainly true, but when that win just happened last year means that the Commanders are onto something.

the dumbest part of the comment is that, since snyder has bought the team, dallas has zero playoff wins. ripping another team when your own cupboard is bare is pretty silly.

he has to know that.

On the other hand, since Jerry Jones bought the team, Dallas has won 3 Super Bowls.

If we are going to compare oranges to oranges, let's do exactly that.


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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SkinsandTerps said:
How many Superbowls have the Browns and Vikings had combined ? Or how much recent success ?

After all they have been the most active FA players this year. Hell the Vikings signed a freakin' Center to a 49M contract.

Look at the Commanders signings, and appreciate the needs they had going into the offseason. There is one hole, left. That hole will be addressed before all is said and done.

This is not just about THIS year.

It is about the time period that Danny has owned the skins.

What part are you guys not getting here.

Point in fact, Danny has paid rediculous contracts to multiple players since he has owned the team and he has ONE playoff victory under his belt where he was in charge as owner for the skins offseasons.

He is basically playing George Steinbrenner but without the titles to show for it.


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SkinsandTerps said:
How many Superbowls have the Browns and Vikings had combined ? Or how much recent success ?

After all they have been the most active FA players this year. Hell the Vikings signed a freakin' Center to a 49M contract.

Look at the Commanders signings, and appreciate the needs they had going into the offseason. There is one hole, left. That hole will be addressed before all is said and done.

And yet even some Commander fans are starting to make humorous comments about winning the March Super Bowl every year.

Wonder where that notion came from?

Because you guys always seem to make a big splash in this area.

Not just this year.

But every year since Danny boy has bought your team.

How you can ignore that as a fact and yet point out just this year solely, when the article was suggesting the theory behind your moves has a price to pay for sustained behavior as your team exhibits, is puzzling.

Then you factor in that Commander fans in general have a chip on their shoulder and think the world is after them.

Then you understand the resistance to this article in this thread by...



Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
riggo said:
all fans are sensitive. i've read plenty of thread about dallas fans thinking there is a media bias against them

but the reporters comment doesnt make me mad or even annoyed. he's right- we do only have one playoff win in 6 years.

i was only pointing out the irony.

So if a Patriots beat writer would say the same thing you would not whine about it?